Myth Debunked: Obama Stimulus Failed

Stimulus prevented a depression and saved the auto and financial sectors

Not too shabby


Only a moron lefty would make the claim that it prevented a depression. That is something you'll never be able to prove....not by a long shot.

You can wipe your ass with all those assesments written by the Ivory Tower types who don't know how to think about the economy in more than one dimension.
Myth Debunked: Obama Stimulus Failed

4. Obama’s stimulus failed.

This has become a GOP talking point, repeated by everyone from John Boehner to Karl Rove to Romney. It isn’t true.

Objecting to various provisions of the stimulus or believing that it worsened the deficit isn’t the same as deeming it a failure. When the Obama administration was little more than a year old, three of the best-known economic research firms — IHS Global Insight, Macroeconomic Advisers and Moody’s Economy — all said the stimulus, which almost every Republican in Congress opposed, would create more than 2.5 million jobs. Last August, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimated that the stimulus package created between 1.4 and 4 million jobs. Even Mark Zandi, one of McCain’s economic advisers in 2008, has called the stimulus “a significant benefit to the economy’s performance.”

Five myths about Barack Obama - The Washington Post

It has been a failure of epic proportions. Here, chew on some facts:

( – The Obama administration distributed $9 billion in economic “stimulus” funds to solar and wind projects in 2009-11 that created, as the end result, 910 “direct” jobs -- annual operation and maintenance positions -- meaning that it cost about $9.8 million to establish each of those long-term jobs.

If you believe spending $9.9 million for each job you create to be a "success", well, you really need to seek professional mental health experts.

$9 Billion in
Stimulus prevented a depression and saved the auto and financial sectors

Not too shabby


Only a moron lefty would make the claim that it prevented a depression. That is something you'll never be able to prove....not by a long shot.

You can wipe your ass with all those assesments written by the Ivory Tower types who don't know how to think about the economy in more than one dimension.

God...Can you imagine what kind of shape this country would be in if we had listened to the Conservatives? Conservatives wanted to save the country with a tax cut

At least Bush got his mind right before he left office

Did the Obama Stimulus save the banking system, as you claimed, or not?

Banks were falling like Dominos.

If Obama had listened to Conservatives and let them work it out ....they all would have failed. TARP prevented that collapse and helped stave off depression

They started grabbing them to fast.

Six months into it, they were letting banks operate that were a disaster compared to the ones they took over at the start. On top of that, the regulators had no idea what they were doing with the assets.

I've restated several cases where banks being taken over essentially allowed some peoplet get bloody rich(er) at the expense of the ordinary taxpayer.

Shove your stimulus and your TARP up your ass sideways and then pretend Chris is behind singing you your favorite love song.
Stimulus prevented a depression and saved the auto and financial sectors

Not too shabby


Only a moron lefty would make the claim that it prevented a depression. That is something you'll never be able to prove....not by a long shot.

You can wipe your ass with all those assesments written by the Ivory Tower types who don't know how to think about the economy in more than one dimension.


Brilliant comeback.

Myth Debunked: Obama Stimulus Failed

4. Obama’s stimulus failed.

This has become a GOP talking point, repeated by everyone from John Boehner to Karl Rove to Romney. It isn’t true.

Objecting to various provisions of the stimulus or believing that it worsened the deficit isn’t the same as deeming it a failure. When the Obama administration was little more than a year old, three of the best-known economic research firms — IHS Global Insight, Macroeconomic Advisers and Moody’s Economy — all said the stimulus, which almost every Republican in Congress opposed, would create more than 2.5 million jobs. Last August, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimated that the stimulus package created between 1.4 and 4 million jobs. Even Mark Zandi, one of McCain’s economic advisers in 2008, has called the stimulus “a significant benefit to the economy’s performance.”

Five myths about Barack Obama - The Washington Post

It has been a failure of epic proportions. Here, chew on some facts:

( – The Obama administration distributed $9 billion in economic “stimulus” funds to solar and wind projects in 2009-11 that created, as the end result, 910 “direct” jobs -- annual operation and maintenance positions -- meaning that it cost about $9.8 million to establish each of those long-term jobs.

If you believe spending $9.9 million for each job you create to be a "success", well, you really need to seek professional mental health experts.

$9 Billion in

Give me $9.8 million and I'll establish a retirement fund.
Myth Debunked: Obama Stimulus Failed

4. Obama’s stimulus failed.

This has become a GOP talking point, repeated by everyone from John Boehner to Karl Rove to Romney. It isn’t true.

Objecting to various provisions of the stimulus or believing that it worsened the deficit isn’t the same as deeming it a failure. When the Obama administration was little more than a year old, three of the best-known economic research firms — IHS Global Insight, Macroeconomic Advisers and Moody’s Economy — all said the stimulus, which almost every Republican in Congress opposed, would create more than 2.5 million jobs. Last August, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimated that the stimulus package created between 1.4 and 4 million jobs. Even Mark Zandi, one of McCain’s economic advisers in 2008, has called the stimulus “a significant benefit to the economy’s performance.”

Five myths about Barack Obama - The Washington Post

Hilarious. As the white house themselves admitted it was.:eek:

Failed to meet it's goal is NOT a refutation of the myth debunked. The stimulus created jobs

Well duh! If you spend $1 trillion, of course it's going to create SOME jobs. The issue is, whether unconstitutionally spending $1 trillion that we don't have gave us the proper ROI (for you idiot liberals, that's Return On Investment). And the answer was a resounding NO! Unemployment exceeded 10% after he enacted the stimulus and promised it would prevent unemployment from ever hitting 8% (can you say epic failure?).

No to mention, for every job it "created" (most of which were temporary, so did it really "create" the job?), it probably lost 3 or 4 by creating panic in the private market that the US was approaching ungodly, unsustainable debt to the tune of $15 trillion. That debt threatens are national security as we have to cut defense and it causes businesses to stop expanding and growing as they try to save for the collapse that is a very legitimate concern (see Greece, Spain, England, etc.).

History has proven that if government cuts taxes and loosens restrictions, the economy booms. Barack Obama has done the exact opposite, and we've gotten nothing but a long, painful, continued failure in the economy. When people see a government out to punish success, they stop trying to be successful and they 'batten down the hatches' to whether the storm. Sadly, liberals have no common sense, no rational thought (everything is based on feelings), and zero understanding of economics - so they continue to sink the American economy.
$800,000,000,000 would have been better spent just giving people $1million each, That would be 800,000 people. The stimuls failed and didnt even come close to what democrats were saying, now it prevented a depression?

Do you guys ever think for yourselves? The reason liberals are so bad at argueing is that are never intellectually honest. NEVER
They had some quote for Norquist, I said it was stupid, liberals would have defended it, because they're dumb.
The stimulus was passed on the claim that it will prevent the nation from going above 8% unemployment. Guess what. It's been above 8% for years and is still above 8%.

The stimulus didnt work.

Contrast that with tax cuts which have lead to 4-5% unemployment every time they are done.

Imagine if we actually put the tax cuts together with spending cuts like Harding/Coolidge did. We would be on the verge of another economic explosion. Especially if we got ourselves right with the American Covenant.
Myth Debunked: Obama Stimulus Failed

4. Obama’s stimulus failed.

This has become a GOP talking point, repeated by everyone from John Boehner to Karl Rove to Romney. It isn’t true.

Objecting to various provisions of the stimulus or believing that it worsened the deficit isn’t the same as deeming it a failure. When the Obama administration was little more than a year old, three of the best-known economic research firms — IHS Global Insight, Macroeconomic Advisers and Moody’s Economy — all said the stimulus, which almost every Republican in Congress opposed, would create more than 2.5 million jobs. Last August, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimated that the stimulus package created between 1.4 and 4 million jobs. Even Mark Zandi, one of McCain’s economic advisers in 2008, has called the stimulus “a significant benefit to the economy’s performance.”

Five myths about Barack Obama - The Washington Post

It has been a failure of epic proportions. Here, chew on some facts:

( – The Obama administration distributed $9 billion in economic “stimulus” funds to solar and wind projects in 2009-11 that created, as the end result, 910 “direct” jobs -- annual operation and maintenance positions -- meaning that it cost about $9.8 million to establish each of those long-term jobs.

If you believe spending $9.9 million for each job you create to be a "success", well, you really need to seek professional mental health experts.

$9 Billion in

Give me $9.8 million and I'll establish a retirement fund.

Give me $9 billion and I'll create 10,000 jobs immediately and 100,000 jobs within 5 years. But then, I'm not an ideologic community organizer who believes that everyone wins with Communism/Marxism/Socialism.
Hilarious. As the white house themselves admitted it was.:eek:

Failed to meet it's goal is NOT a refutation of the myth debunked. The stimulus created jobs

Well duh! If you spend $1 trillion, of course it's going to create SOME jobs. The issue is, whether unconstitutionally spending $1 trillion that we don't have gave us the proper ROI (for you idiot liberals, that's Return On Investment). And the answer was a resounding NO! Unemployment exceeded 10% after he enacted the stimulus and promised it would prevent unemployment from ever hitting 8% (can you say epic failure?).

No to mention, for every job it "created" (most of which were temporary, so did it really "create" the job?), it probably lost 3 or 4 by creating panic in the private market that the US was approaching ungodly, unsustainable debt to the tune of $15 trillion. That debt threatens are national security as we have to cut defense and it causes businesses to stop expanding and growing as they try to save for the collapse that is a very legitimate concern (see Greece, Spain, England, etc.).

History has proven that if government cuts taxes and loosens restrictions, the economy booms. Barack Obama has done the exact opposite, and we've gotten nothing but a long, painful, continued failure in the economy. When people see a government out to punish success, they stop trying to be successful and they 'batten down the hatches' to whether the storm. Sadly, liberals have no common sense, no rational thought (everything is based on feelings), and zero understanding of economics - so they continue to sink the American economy.

He's a moron, some jobs, What does that mean. Liberals hate math and facts, and logic and reason. I mean you have a group of people that say only one behavior is because of genetics (homos) and nothing else is? Captain that does not compute.
Last August, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimated that the stimulus package created between 1.4 and 4 million jobs.

I have had this conversation before about this.
Can we narrow the gap a bit more here.

Did it create
1 million or
4 million...

Until someone does that these numbers are meaningless...
How can you guys post this.
You stick out your chest like you have this smoking gun evidence to shut the right up
and you have a spread like that...

Well it could be 1 million
or let me see.....maybe it was 4 million...

Yeh that's it that's the ticket...

Pretty weak.

at it's lowest level 1.4 million is good. What are you talking about? If your company made between 1.4 million and 4 million dollars would you be in bad shape? The argument is between good and better.
What failed is capitalism.

Wait, perhaps I am being unkind.

What failed was the sham BIG CAPITAL (with the help of government) made of our version of capitalism.

So what is really failing is our respresentational form of government.

And what is making our government fail?

Man the desperation..

The stimulus was a huge success folks, What's 8.2 % unemployment happy, Obama is GREAT
Last August, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimated that the stimulus package created between 1.4 and 4 million jobs.

I have had this conversation before about this.
Can we narrow the gap a bit more here.

Did it create
1 million or
4 million...

Until someone does that these numbers are meaningless...
How can you guys post this.
You stick out your chest like you have this smoking gun evidence to shut the right up
and you have a spread like that...

Well it could be 1 million
or let me see.....maybe it was 4 million...

Yeh that's it that's the ticket...

Pretty weak.

at it's lowest level 1.4 million is good. What are you talking about? If your company made between 1.4 million and 4 million dollars would you be in bad shape? The argument is between good and better.

Why lowball the imaginary jobs created?
You can do it!
10.7 million jobs! He's as good as Reagan.
What failed is capitalism.

Wait, perhaps I am being unkind.

What failed was the sham BIG CAPITAL (with the help of government) made of our version of capitalism.

So what is really failing is our respresentational form of government.

And what is making our government fail?


That's where you're wrong. Capitalism didn't fail. Capitalism did exactly as it should. When people are corrupt or try to cheat the system, the market corrects itself. In capitalist theories there are supposed to be downturns when the people act immorally in their business transactions.

No. The problem isn't capitalism. Capitalism is just the natural law of economics. The problem is the people. They people were corrupt, careless, and refuse to take personal responsibility for their actions and the economy had a downturn as it should. Until the people repent of their sins and take responsibility for themselves, stop being careless with their money, stop living beyond their means, and are honest in their business dealings, we will continue to have a poor economy.
Last August, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimated that the stimulus package created between 1.4 and 4 million jobs.

I have had this conversation before about this.
Can we narrow the gap a bit more here.

Did it create
1 million or
4 million...

Until someone does that these numbers are meaningless...
How can you guys post this.
You stick out your chest like you have this smoking gun evidence to shut the right up
and you have a spread like that...

Well it could be 1 million
or let me see.....maybe it was 4 million...

Yeh that's it that's the ticket...

Pretty weak.

estimates. btw, creating jobs is what the stimulus has done. myth debunked

In a normal economy, that is, a pre-Obama economy, the economy of the US created (past tense) about 100,000 more jobs in a month than the Obama economy does monthly.

If Obama was a doctor treating your ailing baby, you'd be suing him for malpractice.

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