So, if I'm understanding this correctly:
In 2001, when Clinton was feverishly handing out his "get out of jail free" cards, Kerry recieved a final determination on his APPEAL; he had, then, appealed to have his discharge status changed. This begs the question, "why?"
Although Kerry signed up for a six-year hitch in 1966, his records do not show a formal discharge until 1978. This would coincide with the time frame of Carter's general pardon.
Since John Kerry refuses to take the simple step of signing Form 180 and making his complete military record available to the public ( a step George Bush took without hesitation), he's going to have to take the heat. Not that any of this heat is going to come from the mainstream media. That they abdicated their position of public responsibility long ago is becoming obvious even to the sleepiest and most willfully blind American.
In the face of this stony refusal, speculation is not only permissible - it is our duty as Americans. The stakes are just too high.