Mystery Surrounds Kerry's Discharge From The Navy

Freedom Lover said:
Why won't Kerry approve the relaese of all his records from the Navy? There are about 100 pages the Department of the Navy now has that he won't release.

Read this:
Because he is a phonyÂ… plain and simple. Two words: Dishonorable Discharge!

I know that almost any discharge other than Honorable can be appealed. That is pretty much what this article says happened right?

I am wiling to bet some of those documents confirm a lot of what the SwiftVets are “claiming” too
Personally i could give 2 shits about Kerry's service record. Had he let it be and not made it his platform, then i would have allowed him to be a former navy officer with no questions asked. But its fair game now. He doesnt want his record revealed shows me hes hiding something.

Too bad the brainwashed masses cant see past the LMM to get to this point. some people still think its Bush hiding his records and Kerry showing everything. Funny how that machine works.
insein said:
Personally i could give 2 shits about Kerry's service record. Had he let it be and not made it his platform, then i would have allowed him to be a former navy officer with no questions asked. But its fair game now. He doesnt want his record revealed shows me hes hiding something.

Too bad the brainwashed masses cant see past the LMM to get to this point. some people still think its Bush hiding his records and Kerry showing everything. Funny how that machine works.

Oh well--the AP is now saying that new records about Bushs' Guard services have been found so we can all through all this BS again. It's a game of who can beat the other in the game of "LAST SPIN".
So, if I'm understanding this correctly:

In 2001, when Clinton was feverishly handing out his "get out of jail free" cards, Kerry recieved a final determination on his APPEAL; he had, then, appealed to have his discharge status changed. This begs the question, "why?"

Although Kerry signed up for a six-year hitch in 1966, his records do not show a formal discharge until 1978. This would coincide with the time frame of Carter's general pardon.

Since John Kerry refuses to take the simple step of signing Form 180 and making his complete military record available to the public ( a step George Bush took without hesitation), he's going to have to take the heat. Not that any of this heat is going to come from the mainstream media. That they abdicated their position of public responsibility long ago is becoming obvious even to the sleepiest and most willfully blind American.

In the face of this stony refusal, speculation is not only permissible - it is our duty as Americans. The stakes are just too high.
And - for my fellow conspiracy buffs - isn't it interesting that John Kerry unwisely decided to make his military service the central theme of his campaign? Which higher-up in the party would have given him such lousy advice? Perhaps, someone intimately familiar with the gamier aspects of that record. And, perhaps, someone with a vested interest in John Kerry losing in '04.
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