My presidency

This is what I would do as president... this is just the first year.

1. I would work with the Department of Labor, and the Small Business Administration and the Better Business Bureau, to take away the licenses of all the fortune 500 companies, Banks, Insurance Companies, Real Estate companies, and Manufacturing companies.

And they will ALL be nationalized for a period of NOT MORE than 1 year... so that I can PERSONALLY find a CEO, a Board of Directors, top executives, middle management and first level managers and supervisors to staff them.
And use "Imminent Domain" to find across the country... adequate manufacturing facilities, office space, warehouses and distribution facilities for them.

And those staff, would all be liberal, and eager to take care of their employees, and the insurance companies, eager to help their clients.

And the right wing teabaggers that run these companies, who would likely do everything in their power to punish America... would be OUT the door anyway, and wouldn't be able to punish America anymore.

2. I would end corporate personhood, repeal the "Monsanto Protection Act", ban political donations, ban false advertising and both broaden the definition, and tighten the language on what is false advertising.
I would also implement a living wage... that living wage is 5 times the poverty line FOR each state, and ban companies from going to court.

And under this, I would mandate that the companies pay their workers (at least) the living wage... and provide insurance, and show me PROOF... that disabled workers, are working there, and not just those with a minor heart defect, but seriously disabled people.

3. All imports would be off the shelves, and there would be a STRICT buy-American policy, after we finally got stuff being made here again.

all of it under executive order.

That's how you create jobs.

When all of that would get to the Supreme Court even the libs would rule with 9-0 vote as all of it Unconstitutional.

Getting government out of the way that is hindering job creation is how to create jobs.

Its not unconstitutional for a business to have zero constitutional rights... because they have none.
Nothing in the constitution guarantees you any right at all whatsoever to go into business, or to run a business, and nothing declares the USA a "free market".

Everyone in this Nation is under the Constitution including businesses.
That is exactly what stops the ones like you who want complete government control and ownership of businesses and gives us free market.
It's been tried and it never works. But thank you for knowing what's best for us all.

Just for the sake if discussion BlueJay, let's say I'm a business owner and I don't go along with your plan to steal my private property.

What are you going to try to do to me?
This is what I would do as president... this is just the first year.

1. I would work with the Department of Labor, and the Small Business Administration and the Better Business Bureau, to take away the licenses of all the fortune 500 companies, Banks, Insurance Companies, Real Estate companies, and Manufacturing companies.

And they will ALL be nationalized for a period of NOT MORE than 1 year... so that I can PERSONALLY find a CEO, a Board of Directors, top executives, middle management and first level managers and supervisors to staff them.
And use "Imminent Domain" to find across the country... adequate manufacturing facilities, office space, warehouses and distribution facilities for them.

And those staff, would all be liberal, and eager to take care of their employees, and the insurance companies, eager to help their clients.

And the right wing teabaggers that run these companies, who would likely do everything in their power to punish America... would be OUT the door anyway, and wouldn't be able to punish America anymore.

2. I would end corporate personhood, repeal the "Monsanto Protection Act", ban political donations, ban false advertising and both broaden the definition, and tighten the language on what is false advertising.
I would also implement a living wage... that living wage is 5 times the poverty line FOR each state, and ban companies from going to court.

And under this, I would mandate that the companies pay their workers (at least) the living wage... and provide insurance, and show me PROOF... that disabled workers, are working there, and not just those with a minor heart defect, but seriously disabled people.

3. All imports would be off the shelves, and there would be a STRICT buy-American policy, after we finally got stuff being made here again.

all of it under executive order.

That's how you create jobs.

When all of that would get to the Supreme Court even the libs would rule with 9-0 vote as all of it Unconstitutional.

Getting government out of the way that is hindering job creation is how to create jobs.

Its not unconstitutional for a business to have zero constitutional rights... because they have none.
Nothing in the constitution guarantees you any right at all whatsoever to go into business, or to run a business, and nothing declares the USA a "free market".

Everyone in this Nation is under the Constitution including businesses.
That is exactly what stops the ones like you who want complete government control and ownership of businesses and gives us free market.

Unless it says that you have the right to be in business, you're full of shit.
This is what I would do as president... this is just the first year.

1. I would work with the Department of Labor, and the Small Business Administration and the Better Business Bureau, to take away the licenses of all the fortune 500 companies, Banks, Insurance Companies, Real Estate companies, and Manufacturing companies.

And they will ALL be nationalized for a period of NOT MORE than 1 year... so that I can PERSONALLY find a CEO, a Board of Directors, top executives, middle management and first level managers and supervisors to staff them.
And use "Imminent Domain" to find across the country... adequate manufacturing facilities, office space, warehouses and distribution facilities for them.

And those staff, would all be liberal, and eager to take care of their employees, and the insurance companies, eager to help their clients.

And the right wing teabaggers that run these companies, who would likely do everything in their power to punish America... would be OUT the door anyway, and wouldn't be able to punish America anymore.

2. I would end corporate personhood, repeal the "Monsanto Protection Act", ban political donations, ban false advertising and both broaden the definition, and tighten the language on what is false advertising.
I would also implement a living wage... that living wage is 5 times the poverty line FOR each state, and ban companies from going to court.

And under this, I would mandate that the companies pay their workers (at least) the living wage... and provide insurance, and show me PROOF... that disabled workers, are working there, and not just those with a minor heart defect, but seriously disabled people.

3. All imports would be off the shelves, and there would be a STRICT buy-American policy, after we finally got stuff being made here again.

all of it under executive order.

That's how you create jobs.

Lay off those Brandy Alexanders will you. One teeny tiny little problem I can see is the many millions of people you'd unemploy. Oh those gosh-darned details, huh? Furthermore, who do you think runs this country? The President? You're not that stupid are you?

I got news for ya... the president does run the country.
And yes things would get worse before they get better, but when they do get better.. they'll get much much, much better, way faster than ever previously heard of..

Because the new staff of the companies are liberals, that is... they are for the people and the workers, and much more willing to abide by regulations.

Now thats some funny shit right there!! yes it is!!
Because the new staff of the companies are liberals, that is... they are for the people and the workers, and much more willing to abide by regulations.
My Presidency - things I would do...

1). Have Barry Soetoro arrested for Fraud, High Crimes and Misdemeanors and Treason.

2). Sign an E.O. making islam/sharia law illegal in the United States.

3). Begin the process of identifying and deporting every single illegal alien in America, no exceptions.

4). Cut off all aid to countries that openly disrespect, defy and denounce America.

5). Audit the FED.

6). Abolish the IRS for a flat tax.

7). Put a Tariff on all imports from China and other slave labor countries, give tax breaks to companies to move their manufacturing plants back to America.

8). Open up all regions that have been closed off by Soetoro to oil exploration, build the Keystone pipeline.

9). Lift ALL restrictions by local governments to the second amendment.

10). Kick the U.N. out of America.

11). Make English the official language of America. If you can't read and write English, then you will not be given citizenship, drivers licenses, be taught in a school or anything else.

12). Demilitarize the BLM and any other agency that has needlessly and illegally created an army.
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My Presidency - things I would do...

1). Have Barry Soetoro arrested for Fraud, High Crimes and Misdemeanors and Treason.

2). Sign an E.O. making islam/sharia law illegal in the United States.

3). Begin the process of identifying and deporting every single illegal alien in America, no exceptions.

4). Cut off all aid to countries that openly disrespect, defy and denounce America.

5). Audit the FED.

6). Abolish the IRS for a flat tax.

7). Put a Tariff on all imports from China and other slave labor countries, give tax breaks to companies to move their manufacturing plants back to America.

8). Open up all regions that have been closed off by Soetoro to oil exploration, build the Keystone pipeline.

9). Lift ALL restrictions by local governments to the second amendment.

10). Kick the U.N. out of America.

11). Make English the official language of America. If you can't read and write English, then you will not be given citizenship, drivers licenses or anything else.

12). Demilitarize the BLM and any other agency that has needlessly and illegally created an army.

and that's exactly what got your brother John McCain's ass whooped.
My Presidency - things I would do...

1). Have Barry Soetoro arrested for Fraud, High Crimes and Misdemeanors and Treason.

2). Sign an E.O. making islam/sharia law illegal in the United States.

3). Begin the process of identifying and deporting every single illegal alien in America, no exceptions.

4). Cut off all aid to countries that openly disrespect, defy and denounce America.

5). Audit the FED.

6). Abolish the IRS for a flat tax.

7). Put a Tariff on all imports from China and other slave labor countries, give tax breaks to companies to move their manufacturing plants back to America.

8). Open up all regions that have been closed off by Soetoro to oil exploration, build the Keystone pipeline.

9). Lift ALL restrictions by local governments to the second amendment.

10). Kick the U.N. out of America.

11). Make English the official language of America. If you can't read and write English, then you will not be given citizenship, drivers licenses or anything else.

12). Demilitarize the BLM and any other agency that has needlessly and illegally created an army.

and that's exactly what got your brother John McCain's ass whooped.
Pfft... guess again, bubble head. McLame is a RINO... you know... DEM LITE. He wouldn't have done SHIT compared to my list.
This is what I would do as president... this is just the first year.

1. I would work with the Department of Labor, and the Small Business Administration and the Better Business Bureau, to take away the licenses of all the fortune 500 companies, Banks, Insurance Companies, Real Estate companies, and Manufacturing companies.
You would need to learn some basics first, otherwise everyone will laugh and lampoon you where ever you go. The BBB has no authority in business. They are a for profit business that makes money off of businesses that want to be in their good graces. The top 500 got there for a reason, it wasn't by luck. Many people are very invested in the stock market they play a huge role in. So you would be running on fucking a LOT of people out of money and retirement.

You'll get the political retard/anarchist/18yo vote, not much else.
And they will ALL be nationalized for a period of NOT MORE than 1 year... so that I can PERSONALLY find a CEO, a Board of Directors, top executives, middle management and first level managers and supervisors to staff them.
And use "Imminent Domain" to find across the country... adequate manufacturing facilities, office space, warehouses and distribution facilities for them.
By now the audience will be howling with laughter. You might get a spot on a HBO comedy show. But you'll pick up a few fascists votes. By now you'll have at least 1,000 voters in your pocket.
And those staff, would all be liberal, and eager to take care of their employees, and the insurance companies, eager to help their clients.
But they will be faced with the challenge of producing positive results. That flies in the face of government work, benefits, good pay, protection and security has long been the purpose but now you want them to act like they know what they're doing and make private sector type performance decisions? You just lost half your voter base.
And the right wing teabaggers that run these companies, who would likely do everything in their power to punish America... would be OUT the door anyway, and wouldn't be able to punish America anymore.
Now you lost all those that fantasize about some conservative Republican dunking a set of very nasty nads into their gaping yaws. You are down another half.
2. I would end corporate personhood, repeal the "Monsanto Protection Act", ban political donations, ban false advertising and both broaden the definition, and tighten the language on what is false advertising.
But how far can you get on food stamps? You will need to branch out farther than the underpass/tent community.
I would also implement a living wage... that living wage is 5 times the poverty line FOR each state, and ban companies from going to court.

And under this, I would mandate that the companies pay their workers (at least) the living wage... and provide insurance, and show me PROOF... that disabled workers, are working there, and not just those with a minor heart defect, but seriously disabled people.
AND especially the mentally disabled. That way some McDs will need to eventually hire you after the elections.
3. All imports would be off the shelves, and there would be a STRICT buy-American policy, after we finally got stuff being made here again.

all of it under executive order.

That's how you create jobs.
Mmmmmmm, nothin like dat American grown hemp bro. Oops the bong was made in Mexico, gonna have to switch to the ole Charmin roll core standby.
This is what I would do as president... this is just the first year.

1. I would work with the Department of Labor, and the Small Business Administration and the Better Business Bureau, to take away the licenses of all the fortune 500 companies, Banks, Insurance Companies, Real Estate companies, and Manufacturing companies.

And they will ALL be nationalized for a period of NOT MORE than 1 year... so that I can PERSONALLY find a CEO, a Board of Directors, top executives, middle management and first level managers and supervisors to staff them.
And use "Imminent Domain" to find across the country... adequate manufacturing facilities, office space, warehouses and distribution facilities for them.

And those staff, would all be liberal, and eager to take care of their employees, and the insurance companies, eager to help their clients.

And the right wing teabaggers that run these companies, who would likely do everything in their power to punish America... would be OUT the door anyway, and wouldn't be able to punish America anymore.

2. I would end corporate personhood, repeal the "Monsanto Protection Act", ban political donations, ban false advertising and both broaden the definition, and tighten the language on what is false advertising.
I would also implement a living wage... that living wage is 5 times the poverty line FOR each state, and ban companies from going to court.

And under this, I would mandate that the companies pay their workers (at least) the living wage... and provide insurance, and show me PROOF... that disabled workers, are working there, and not just those with a minor heart defect, but seriously disabled people.

3. All imports would be off the shelves, and there would be a STRICT buy-American policy, after we finally got stuff being made here again.

all of it under executive order.

That's how you create jobs.

When all of that would get to the Supreme Court even the libs would rule with 9-0 vote as all of it Unconstitutional.

Getting government out of the way that is hindering job creation is how to create jobs.

Its not unconstitutional for a business to have zero constitutional rights... because they have none.
Nothing in the constitution guarantees you any right at all whatsoever to go into business, or to run a business, and nothing declares the USA a "free market".

Everyone in this Nation is under the Constitution including businesses.
That is exactly what stops the ones like you who want complete government control and ownership of businesses and gives us free market.

Unless it says that you have the right to be in business, you're full of shit.

Your problem is with our rights in the Constitution not me. Businesses are private property not public property.
The Supreme Court says otherwise and no U.S. President can take over private property businesses even for a month let alone for 1 year.
The 14th Amendment prohibits the federal government from depriving any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.
Your problem is with our rights in the Constitution not me. Businesses are private property not public property.
The Supreme Court says otherwise and no U.S. President can take over private property businesses even for a month let alone for 1 year.
The 14th Amendment prohibits the federal government from depriving any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.
His first act as el Presidente would be to roll up some herb in the Constitution and smoke it.
Your problem is with our rights in the Constitution not me. Businesses are private property not public property.
The Supreme Court says otherwise and no U.S. President can take over private property businesses even for a month let alone for 1 year.
The 14th Amendment prohibits the federal government from depriving any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.
His first act as el Presidente would be to roll up some herb in the Constitution and smoke it.

Not sure how that would taste using animal skin. :biggrin:
This is what I would do as president... this is just the first year.

1. I would work with the Department of Labor, and the Small Business Administration and the Better Business Bureau, to take away the licenses of all the fortune 500 companies, Banks, Insurance Companies, Real Estate companies, and Manufacturing companies.

And they will ALL be nationalized for a period of NOT MORE than 1 year... so that I can PERSONALLY find a CEO, a Board of Directors, top executives, middle management and first level managers and supervisors to staff them.
And use "Imminent Domain" to find across the country... adequate manufacturing facilities, office space, warehouses and distribution facilities for them.

And those staff, would all be liberal, and eager to take care of their employees, and the insurance companies, eager to help their clients.

And the right wing teabaggers that run these companies, who would likely do everything in their power to punish America... would be OUT the door anyway, and wouldn't be able to punish America anymore.

2. I would end corporate personhood, repeal the "Monsanto Protection Act", ban political donations, ban false advertising and both broaden the definition, and tighten the language on what is false advertising.
I would also implement a living wage... that living wage is 5 times the poverty line FOR each state, and ban companies from going to court.

And under this, I would mandate that the companies pay their workers (at least) the living wage... and provide insurance, and show me PROOF... that disabled workers, are working there, and not just those with a minor heart defect, but seriously disabled people.

3. All imports would be off the shelves, and there would be a STRICT buy-American policy, after we finally got stuff being made here again.

all of it under executive order.

That's how you create jobs.
This is what I would do as president... this is just the first year.

1. I would work with the Department of Labor, and the Small Business Administration and the Better Business Bureau, to take away the licenses of all the fortune 500 companies, Banks, Insurance Companies, Real Estate companies, and Manufacturing companies.

And they will ALL be nationalized for a period of NOT MORE than 1 year... so that I can PERSONALLY find a CEO, a Board of Directors, top executives, middle management and first level managers and supervisors to staff them.
And use "Imminent Domain" to find across the country... adequate manufacturing facilities, office space, warehouses and distribution facilities for them.

And those staff, would all be liberal, and eager to take care of their employees, and the insurance companies, eager to help their clients.

And the right wing teabaggers that run these companies, who would likely do everything in their power to punish America... would be OUT the door anyway, and wouldn't be able to punish America anymore.

2. I would end corporate personhood, repeal the "Monsanto Protection Act", ban political donations, ban false advertising and both broaden the definition, and tighten the language on what is false advertising.
I would also implement a living wage... that living wage is 5 times the poverty line FOR each state, and ban companies from going to court.

And under this, I would mandate that the companies pay their workers (at least) the living wage... and provide insurance, and show me PROOF... that disabled workers, are working there, and not just those with a minor heart defect, but seriously disabled people.

3. All imports would be off the shelves, and there would be a STRICT buy-American policy, after we finally got stuff being made here again.

all of it under executive order.

That's how you create jobs.

^^^This^^^ is your brain on drugs.

I'm not sure which is worse, that you think these things are a good idea, or that you think these things are possible by Executive Order.
My Presidency - things I would do...

1). Have Barry Soetoro arrested for Fraud, High Crimes and Misdemeanors and Treason.

2). Sign an E.O. making islam/sharia law illegal in the United States....

You might want to read the Constitution before becoming pretend President.
11). Make English the official language of America. If you can't read and write English, then you will not be given citizenship, drivers licenses, be taught in a school or anything else....

Wow, you would make preschool a real bitch.

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