My own personal conspiracy theory...5 minutes old.

Is the man made global warming scare a cover for preparations for the collapse of the Petrodollar System?


Primer on the petrodollar.

What the hell. Why not?

And I say "Let 'er rip". I've gotten a good amount of my money transferred into metal and buried in a coffee can out on the edge of the pineapple plantation. I might lose some but certainly not all. Home and property paid for. Spending like a drunken sailor on durable goods.
I think the global warming hysteria is nothing more than a redistribution ploy/scam by liars, thieves, and crooks to get their hands on US taxpayer dollars. Hell, the planet has been gradually warming ever since the last ice age was over, with the occasional dip due to natural causes (the sun, big ass volcanoes, etc). I wouldn't be surprised if we found out there actually is some effect on global temperatures due to anthropogenic activity that could be accelerating the rise in GW, but that significance of that effect is as yet undetermined. And it very well could be that before the end of this century mankind will have developed power sources that renders fossil fuels almost obsolete. Or we could all die from the next Coronavirus variant or who knows what.

What I do think is this: the huge amounts of our money that the democrats want to spend to avert ecological disaster from GW is ridiculous. They have no idea how much any such costly expenditures would affect GW, if at all. What they do know is that it's a way of getting rich and/or getting elected. Or both.

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