my friends, here's the case for The Green New Deal & other ways to solve our climate crisis

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despair is not an option, my friends.

this struggle to create a green new deal is not just for us. it is for our kids and grandkids, and most importantly, the future of the planet
"We don’t have time to sit on our hands as our planet burns. For young people, climate change is bigger than election or re-election. It’s life or death. Loading a climate committee w/ fossil fuel
is akin to letting foxes in the henhouse. We shouldn’t be afraid to lead." - AOC
Friends, its time to get serious: climate change is real and must be addressed with the full weight of american power, resources, and attention
Friends, its time to get serious: climate change is real and must be addressed with the full weight of american power, resources, and attention

Nope. Climate has changed before, it is changing now, and it will change in the future and there is not a damn thing that we can do about it.

Shouldn't you be at some gay rights rally or something?
Friends, its time to get serious: climate change is real and must be addressed with the full weight of american power, resources, and attention

Nope. Climate has changed before, it is changing now, and it will change in the future and there is not a damn thing that we can do about it.

Shouldn't you be at some gay rights rally or something?
i'm going with Milo later
Friends, its time to get serious: climate change is real and must be addressed with the full weight of american power, resources, and attention

Nope. Climate has changed before, it is changing now, and it will change in the future and there is not a damn thing that we can do about it.

Shouldn't you be at some gay rights rally or something?
i'm going with Milo later

Who is going to pitch?
pollution ought not be free, my friends. we need to put a price on pollution!
There is a generation of people who have been brainwashed to believe man made climate change their whole lives.
It's going to be hard to get through to them.

For anyone who thinks progressive ideas and progressive visions are too bold, too idealistic, too impractical, I say back to you: Who in the world has ever done big things by thinking small?
This is going to be the New Deal, the Great Society, the Moonshot, the Civil Rights Movement of our generation
"It might even be possible to reallocate defense spending for the new project, as McGovern attempted half a century ago."
my friends, in Colorado, the fossil fuel industry outspend activists 40-1 in a successful effort to not ban fracking in people's schoolyards and frontyards and all of these things.

You dumb ass ,no one is fracking in schoolyards or peoples yards.
On December 18, 2018, The Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission voted unanimously to adopt a rule to measure the current 1,000-foot drilling setback from property lines rather than buildings, effectively increasing the setback requirements from schools.
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