My favorite bumper sticker...

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Visualize...........................................................Whirled Peas

that cracks me up!:clap:
yep, that's a great one

sometimes I forget about one of the original, great, sarcastic stickers:

If you don't like my driving dial 1-800-EAT-SHIT
how about this one.....

Quit tailgating me or I'll flip a booger on your windshield

My personal favorite and proudly displayed on my old car I used to own :

My other vehicle is a broom ! :clap1:
Don't have a bumper, so my stickers go on my helmet.

My Favorite:

"I still miss my ex; but my aim is improving"

Everytime I go to put my helmet on and I see it I get a good chuckle.

Mine say:

1. Dino Rossi for Governor - GOP

2. George Nethercutt for Senate - R

3. Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery - none but ourselves can free our minds. - Bob Marley

4. USMA - West Point

Not particularly funny... oh well.
I thought about making one:

"My Texas Trance Channeler can kick YOUR trance channeler’s ass!"

Currently, on my truck I have 4 stickers:

"Eatin' Fords, Shittin' Chevy's" (I own a Dodge BTW. Nice pics in the picture section :D )

"Stewed, Screwed and Tattooed" (Bless Sailor Jerry)

"If you can't Dodge it, Ram it!"

and last but not least...

"Bush '04, 4 More Wars!"
Originally posted by KLSuddeth
Visualize...........................................................Whirled Peas

That's pretty funny.

I saw one today "8 out of 10 voices in my head say don't shoot"
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