My experience with people from Australia


Gold Member
Oct 26, 2020
Spce coast Florida
they did not impress me at all just the reverse.
I worked at a ski resort I was basically under the general manager .
we hired young adults from over seas to work due to the remote location of the resort and the difficulty in finding labor. this was a program we were involved in .

I had young people from Peru south Africa , Columbia , New Zealand Australia and ocassional from other nations from time to time but the fore mentioned were the mainstay.

I found the Aussies crude unperceptive of any thing I did to go out of my way to help them on my own time and dime, they were all ignorant of America and felt we were in Iraq for the oil which is the farthest thing from the truth but they insisted it was true the entire lot of them.
they were self centered and mostly didnt like America and felt Australia was the best thing sense water. They were very supportive of china .

the ones from New Zealand were great just the reverse of the Australians, the ones from Peru were great as were the south African women , mixed feelings one the Columbans .
I became really good freinds with one girl from Peru and one from New Zealand.

I am still in contact with the 2 and have been invited to come visit them which would be inappropriate they are young females , this was 18 years ago.

I mentioned the others from different nations to show I got along with most people regardless of their race or culture or mine .

On another web forum I left it because Of A Ausssie who was a real waste of skin .
he was seriously anti American blamed the worlds problems on America and supported china Russia Irn and the PLO .

he believed that Abe Lincoln was jewish that Australia had ranches bigger then the state of Texas , that his nation was a major oil producer and produced more then they used , be said all of Australias refiners had shut down , Marijuana was a cure for cancer , and that the covid 19 virus was a American media hoax that china had it under complete control and that it would never become a pandemic.
he felt bitcoin would take over the world as its maine currency and the world need to go back on the gold standard.
he praised the Russian missile systems as the best in the world you know the one that Iran shot down a airliner with because it thought it was a incoming missile and the the one in syria that failed to fire untill all the American missles had already hit their targets.
he felt that Aircraft carriers were a think of the past along with navys . And so much he was perhaps the biggest moron I have ever seen on line.

Australia is a piss ant nation in my opinion .
its weak and becoming more and more a socialist nation year by year . who knows with so many chinese commies in it , maybe one day china will annex them , with out the United States THERES NOTHING TO STOP THEM FROM DOING IT .

If the entire nation was to vanish tomorrow other then china crying not tom many would miss it and it would have little impact on the world.
You do know Australia sent troops to Iraq in solidarity with the USA?

Big mistake, as you had no occupation plan what so ever and set off an inter sectarian Islamic war between the Sunni and Shia, but we did it.

Now I will grant you this, there are a minority of Aussies who distrust America and are appalled by a lot of the social chaos, poverty and lack of rational social support systems, like your extortionately expensive health care system.

And most Aussies cannot understand the manic American obsession with guns.

But over all most Aussies like America and Americans.

Maybe they do not like you, but they like America and Americans in general.
You do know Australia sent troops to Iraq in solidarity with the USA?

Big mistake, as you had no occupation plan what so ever and set off an inter sectarian Islamic war between the Sunni and Shia, but we did it.

Now I will grant you this, there are a minority of Aussies who distrust America and are appalled by a lot of the social chaos, poverty and lack of rational social support systems, like your extortionately expensive health care system.

And most Aussies cannot understand the manic American obsession with guns.

But over all most Aussies like America and Americans.

Maybe they do not like you, but they like America and Americans in general.
troops went there because they are part of nato daaaaaaa and because it was in your nations best intrest.
we like guns because it assures freedom ,
our war for independence from England could of not happened with the people having guns ,Australia was build on convicts backs big difference.
My experience with Aussies is they think they were gods gift to the human race and they are better then the rest of the world .
troops went there because they are part of nato daaaaaaa and because it was in your nations best intrest.
we like guns because it assures freedom ,
our war for independence from England could of not happened with the people having guns ,Australia was build on convicts backs big difference.
My experience with Aussies is they think they were gods gift to the human race and they are better then the rest of the world .

Australia is not part of NATO.

The little hint was North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

We had no treaty obligation what so ever to go off on that idiot Iraqi misadventure.

Jesus what happened to the US education system since I left?
The OP's comments were very interesting.

Here in the United States of America, we are constantly reminded that it is wrong to assign stereotypes to any ethnicity, If we do so, then we are labeled with the dreaded R-word.

So I am guessing that many Americans would also feel that it is wrong to assign stereotypes to any nationality, such as Australians.

(To me, the word "stereotype" just means a generalization. Not a few well-traveled people swear that groups of people DO have characteristics that they, in general, share. But we are taught in our schools and media that such a point of view is an example of the R-word.)
troops went there because they are part of nato daaaaaaa and because it was in your nations best intrest.
we like guns because it assures freedom ,
our war for independence from England could of not happened with the people having guns ,Australia was build on convicts backs big difference.
My experience with Aussies is they think they were gods gift to the human race and they are better then the rest of the world .

Australia is not part of NATO.

The little hint was North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

We had no treaty obligation what so ever to go off on that idiot Iraqi misadventure.

Jesus what happened to the US education system since I left?

sorry my mistake . still it has no affectr on my opnion of Australia it sucks all the same. again look at your opnion of our education system just proves my point even more just another aussie who thinks his nation is gods gift to the wold and that he is superior
they did not impress me at all just the reverse.

All of the Australian folks I've met in the real world have been very nice people (including a few very lovely young ladies). For some reason, most of the Australian folks I've met online have been douche bags of one sort or another.
well the ones I have met in person and online were douche bags .maybe when they move to America they stop becoming gifts from god and act like normal people.
well the ones I have met in person and online were douche bags .maybe when they move to America they stop becoming gifts from god and act like normal people.

I am talking about Australian people I have met outside of America.
well the ones I have met in person and online were douche bags .maybe when they move to America they stop becoming gifts from god and act like normal people.

Or maybe you are just not a likeable man in real life, just like online?

You said you like Kiwis.

You know Kiwis are every polite, if they think you are a loud mouth blow hard they will stay silent and smile.

Did you get a lot of silent smiles Bob?
well the ones I have met in person and online were douche bags .maybe when they move to America they stop becoming gifts from god and act like normal people.

Or maybe you are just not a likeable man in real life, just like online?

You said you like Kiwis.

You know Kiwis are every polite, if they think you are a loud mouth blow hard they will stay silent and smile.

Did you get a lot of silent smiles Bob?
No I got offers to come and visit them and some offered let me stay in her home and was showing me around.
I got lots of thank you from them for helping them with shopping in America the stores are different here and providing transportation for them when needed on my own time.
I even got big hugs and kisses from a couple of the ladies and one gave me a gift she had sent from New Zealand she had made . It said from Your little new Zealand girl thank you for taking such good care of me .she spent 4 seasons there.Still on cont with her by the way after 17 years.
I didnt even get a thank you from the Auusies.
The girls from peru came back for 4 seasons also would bring me gifts and offered to host me in their nation still in contact with one of them for the last 17 years.
The south Africans were great and thank me for helping then and took me out to a 4 star restaurant the second year .
The aussies were always drunk creating issues in employee housing couple of them got sent back because of drugs and starting fights real butt holes.
So maybe they didnt like me you might be right but its odd that the rest did from other nations.
well the ones I have met in person and online were douche bags .maybe when they move to America they stop becoming gifts from god and act like normal people.

Or maybe you are just not a likeable man in real life, just like online?

You said you like Kiwis.

You know Kiwis are every polite, if they think you are a loud mouth blow hard they will stay silent and smile.

Did you get a lot of silent smiles Bob?
No I got offers to come and visit them and some offered let me stay in her home and was showing me around.
I got lots of thank you from them for helping them with shopping in America the stores are different here and providing transportation for them when needed on my own time.
I even got big hugs and kisses from a couple of the ladies and one gave me a gift she had sent from New Zealand she had made . It said from Your little new Zealand girl thank you for taking such good care of me .she spent 4 seasons there.Still on cont with her by the way after 17 years.
I didnt even get a thank you from the Auusies.
The girls from peru came back for 4 seasons also would bring me gifts and offered to host me in their nation still in contact with one of them for the last 17 years.
The south Africans were great and thank me for helping then and took me out to a 4 star restaurant the second year .
The aussies were always drunk creating issues in employee housing couple of them got sent back because of drugs and starting fights real butt holes.
So maybe they didnt like me you might be right but its odd that the rest did from other nations.

Well Kiwis are a compassionate lot too.

They take pity on the pathetic.

Aussies not so much.
well the ones I have met in person and online were douche bags .maybe when they move to America they stop becoming gifts from god and act like normal people.

Or maybe you are just not a likeable man in real life, just like online?

You said you like Kiwis.

You know Kiwis are every polite, if they think you are a loud mouth blow hard they will stay silent and smile.

Did you get a lot of silent smiles Bob?
No I got offers to come and visit them and some offered let me stay in her home and was showing me around.
I got lots of thank you from them for helping them with shopping in America the stores are different here and providing transportation for them when needed on my own time.
I even got big hugs and kisses from a couple of the ladies and one gave me a gift she had sent from New Zealand she had made . It said from Your little new Zealand girl thank you for taking such good care of me .she spent 4 seasons there.Still on cont with her by the way after 17 years.
I didnt even get a thank you from the Auusies.
The girls from peru came back for 4 seasons also would bring me gifts and offered to host me in their nation still in contact with one of them for the last 17 years.
The south Africans were great and thank me for helping then and took me out to a 4 star restaurant the second year .
The aussies were always drunk creating issues in employee housing couple of them got sent back because of drugs and starting fights real butt holes.
So maybe they didnt like me you might be right but its odd that the rest did from other nations.

Well Kiwis are a compassionate lot too.

They take pity on the pathetic.

Aussies not so much.
ood wouldn't you say that the people from New Zealand , Peru , south Africa and Columbia all got along with me, and that after I moved to Florida that a group Of employees went to the board and try to get them hire me back , of course I moved to be closer to my folks so that wasn't going to happen.

whats more likely that no one liked me or the Aussies were assholes and trouble makers, guess thats why they only made it one season and were not invited back .
remind me of you pathic bone headed stubborn and think their poop dont stink
well the ones I have met in person and online were douche bags .maybe when they move to America they stop becoming gifts from god and act like normal people.

Or maybe you are just not a likeable man in real life, just like online?

You said you like Kiwis.

You know Kiwis are every polite, if they think you are a loud mouth blow hard they will stay silent and smile.

Did you get a lot of silent smiles Bob?
No I got offers to come and visit them and some offered let me stay in her home and was showing me around.
I got lots of thank you from them for helping them with shopping in America the stores are different here and providing transportation for them when needed on my own time.
I even got big hugs and kisses from a couple of the ladies and one gave me a gift she had sent from New Zealand she had made . It said from Your little new Zealand girl thank you for taking such good care of me .she spent 4 seasons there.Still on cont with her by the way after 17 years.
I didnt even get a thank you from the Auusies.
The girls from peru came back for 4 seasons also would bring me gifts and offered to host me in their nation still in contact with one of them for the last 17 years.
The south Africans were great and thank me for helping then and took me out to a 4 star restaurant the second year .
The aussies were always drunk creating issues in employee housing couple of them got sent back because of drugs and starting fights real butt holes.
So maybe they didnt like me you might be right but its odd that the rest did from other nations.

Well Kiwis are a compassionate lot too.

They take pity on the pathetic.

Aussies not so much.
ood wouldn't you say that the people from New Zealand , Peru , south Africa and Columbia all got along with me, and that after I moved to Florida that a group Of employees went to the board and try to get them hire me back , of course I moved to be closer to my folks so that wasn't going to happen.

whats more likely that no one liked me or the Aussies were assholes and trouble makers, guess thats why they only made it one season and were not invited back .
remind me of you pathic bone headed stubborn and think their poop dont stink

You really are obsessed with this, arn't you Bob?

Did the big bad Aussies hawrt your feeeewlings?

Momma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Aussies stubbed my toe waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
well the ones I have met in person and online were douche bags .maybe when they move to America they stop becoming gifts from god and act like normal people.

Or maybe you are just not a likeable man in real life, just like online?

You said you like Kiwis.

You know Kiwis are every polite, if they think you are a loud mouth blow hard they will stay silent and smile.

Did you get a lot of silent smiles Bob?
No I got offers to come and visit them and some offered let me stay in her home and was showing me around.
I got lots of thank you from them for helping them with shopping in America the stores are different here and providing transportation for them when needed on my own time.
I even got big hugs and kisses from a couple of the ladies and one gave me a gift she had sent from New Zealand she had made . It said from Your little new Zealand girl thank you for taking such good care of me .she spent 4 seasons there.Still on cont with her by the way after 17 years.
I didnt even get a thank you from the Auusies.
The girls from peru came back for 4 seasons also would bring me gifts and offered to host me in their nation still in contact with one of them for the last 17 years.
The south Africans were great and thank me for helping then and took me out to a 4 star restaurant the second year .
The aussies were always drunk creating issues in employee housing couple of them got sent back because of drugs and starting fights real butt holes.
So maybe they didnt like me you might be right but its odd that the rest did from other nations.

Well Kiwis are a compassionate lot too.

They take pity on the pathetic.

Aussies not so much.
ood wouldn't you say that the people from New Zealand , Peru , south Africa and Columbia all got along with me, and that after I moved to Florida that a group Of employees went to the board and try to get them hire me back , of course I moved to be closer to my folks so that wasn't going to happen.

whats more likely that no one liked me or the Aussies were assholes and trouble makers, guess thats why they only made it one season and were not invited back .
remind me of you pathic bone headed stubborn and think their poop dont stink

You really are obsessed with this, arn't you Bob?

Did the big bad Aussies hawrt your feeeewlings?

Momma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Aussies stubbed my toe waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
No they didnt hurt my feelings none of them were man enough to hurt anything except themselves when drunk or high.
I would say im obsessed , its more like I enjoy letting others know what kind of waste of skin some Aussies are in general. I sure there are some who are not butt wipes with huge egos But i have yet to meet one
well the ones I have met in person and online were douche bags .maybe when they move to America they stop becoming gifts from god and act like normal people.

Or maybe you are just not a likeable man in real life, just like online?

You said you like Kiwis.

You know Kiwis are every polite, if they think you are a loud mouth blow hard they will stay silent and smile.

Did you get a lot of silent smiles Bob?
No I got offers to come and visit them and some offered let me stay in her home and was showing me around.
I got lots of thank you from them for helping them with shopping in America the stores are different here and providing transportation for them when needed on my own time.
I even got big hugs and kisses from a couple of the ladies and one gave me a gift she had sent from New Zealand she had made . It said from Your little new Zealand girl thank you for taking such good care of me .she spent 4 seasons there.Still on cont with her by the way after 17 years.
I didnt even get a thank you from the Auusies.
The girls from peru came back for 4 seasons also would bring me gifts and offered to host me in their nation still in contact with one of them for the last 17 years.
The south Africans were great and thank me for helping then and took me out to a 4 star restaurant the second year .
The aussies were always drunk creating issues in employee housing couple of them got sent back because of drugs and starting fights real butt holes.
So maybe they didnt like me you might be right but its odd that the rest did from other nations.

Well Kiwis are a compassionate lot too.

They take pity on the pathetic.

Aussies not so much.
ood wouldn't you say that the people from New Zealand , Peru , south Africa and Columbia all got along with me, and that after I moved to Florida that a group Of employees went to the board and try to get them hire me back , of course I moved to be closer to my folks so that wasn't going to happen.

whats more likely that no one liked me or the Aussies were assholes and trouble makers, guess thats why they only made it one season and were not invited back .
remind me of you pathic bone headed stubborn and think their poop dont stink

You really are obsessed with this, arn't you Bob?

Did the big bad Aussies hawrt your feeeewlings?

Momma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Aussies stubbed my toe waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
No they didnt hurt my feelings none of them were man enough to hurt anything except themselves when drunk or high.
I would say im obsessed , its more like I enjoy letting others know what kind of waste of skin some Aussies are in general. I sure there are some who are not butt wipes with huge egos But i have yet to meet one

Bob you need to learn when to let go.

They were just not into you.
well the ones I have met in person and online were douche bags .maybe when they move to America they stop becoming gifts from god and act like normal people.

Or maybe you are just not a likeable man in real life, just like online?

You said you like Kiwis.

You know Kiwis are every polite, if they think you are a loud mouth blow hard they will stay silent and smile.

Did you get a lot of silent smiles Bob?
No I got offers to come and visit them and some offered let me stay in her home and was showing me around.
I got lots of thank you from them for helping them with shopping in America the stores are different here and providing transportation for them when needed on my own time.
I even got big hugs and kisses from a couple of the ladies and one gave me a gift she had sent from New Zealand she had made . It said from Your little new Zealand girl thank you for taking such good care of me .she spent 4 seasons there.Still on cont with her by the way after 17 years.
I didnt even get a thank you from the Auusies.
The girls from peru came back for 4 seasons also would bring me gifts and offered to host me in their nation still in contact with one of them for the last 17 years.
The south Africans were great and thank me for helping then and took me out to a 4 star restaurant the second year .
The aussies were always drunk creating issues in employee housing couple of them got sent back because of drugs and starting fights real butt holes.
So maybe they didnt like me you might be right but its odd that the rest did from other nations.

Well Kiwis are a compassionate lot too.

They take pity on the pathetic.

Aussies not so much.
ood wouldn't you say that the people from New Zealand , Peru , south Africa and Columbia all got along with me, and that after I moved to Florida that a group Of employees went to the board and try to get them hire me back , of course I moved to be closer to my folks so that wasn't going to happen.

whats more likely that no one liked me or the Aussies were assholes and trouble makers, guess thats why they only made it one season and were not invited back .
remind me of you pathic bone headed stubborn and think their poop dont stink

You really are obsessed with this, arn't you Bob?

Did the big bad Aussies hawrt your feeeewlings?

Momma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Aussies stubbed my toe waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
No they didnt hurt my feelings none of them were man enough to hurt anything except themselves when drunk or high.
I would say im obsessed , its more like I enjoy letting others know what kind of waste of skin some Aussies are in general. I sure there are some who are not butt wipes with huge egos But i have yet to meet one

Bob you need to learn when to let go.

They were just not into you.
Let go of what the fact that all the Australians i have met in person and on line were butt wipes.
well the ones I have met in person and online were douche bags .maybe when they move to America they stop becoming gifts from god and act like normal people.

Or maybe you are just not a likeable man in real life, just like online?

You said you like Kiwis.

You know Kiwis are every polite, if they think you are a loud mouth blow hard they will stay silent and smile.

Did you get a lot of silent smiles Bob?
No I got offers to come and visit them and some offered let me stay in her home and was showing me around.
I got lots of thank you from them for helping them with shopping in America the stores are different here and providing transportation for them when needed on my own time.
I even got big hugs and kisses from a couple of the ladies and one gave me a gift she had sent from New Zealand she had made . It said from Your little new Zealand girl thank you for taking such good care of me .she spent 4 seasons there.Still on cont with her by the way after 17 years.
I didnt even get a thank you from the Auusies.
The girls from peru came back for 4 seasons also would bring me gifts and offered to host me in their nation still in contact with one of them for the last 17 years.
The south Africans were great and thank me for helping then and took me out to a 4 star restaurant the second year .
The aussies were always drunk creating issues in employee housing couple of them got sent back because of drugs and starting fights real butt holes.
So maybe they didnt like me you might be right but its odd that the rest did from other nations.

Well Kiwis are a compassionate lot too.

They take pity on the pathetic.

Aussies not so much.
ood wouldn't you say that the people from New Zealand , Peru , south Africa and Columbia all got along with me, and that after I moved to Florida that a group Of employees went to the board and try to get them hire me back , of course I moved to be closer to my folks so that wasn't going to happen.

whats more likely that no one liked me or the Aussies were assholes and trouble makers, guess thats why they only made it one season and were not invited back .
remind me of you pathic bone headed stubborn and think their poop dont stink

You really are obsessed with this, arn't you Bob?

Did the big bad Aussies hawrt your feeeewlings?

Momma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Aussies stubbed my toe waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
No they didnt hurt my feelings none of them were man enough to hurt anything except themselves when drunk or high.
I would say im obsessed , its more like I enjoy letting others know what kind of waste of skin some Aussies are in general. I sure there are some who are not butt wipes with huge egos But i have yet to meet one

Bob you need to learn when to let go.

They were just not into you.
Let go of what the fact that all the Australians i have met in person and on line were butt wipes.

Don't take it personally Bob.

All of Australia just finds you boring.

But it is not personal.

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