Muslims who refuse to Integrate

Which groups do you imagine those to be?
Imagine? There is no Imagine about it, It is reality.
Have you ever been to South Florida?
The are Cubans and Haitians that have been here 20 years and refuse to speak English.

People who are not speaking English to YOU (or for you just in case you happen to be in ear shot) are not "refusing " to learn, dimwit.
Again when immigrants refuse to assimilate ...When Immigrants refuse to learn the language ...

That is not happening to any significant degree.
Been to South Florida lately?

Well, 3500 is a big number for such a small country as Denmark. Plus it is probably a large % of Denmark's Muslim community too. Apart from this, why do liberals always think that you first have to sleep with every murderer before you can say that murder is bad for you?
This example of Muslims in jail in Denmark is being used to support the idea they, as a group and a religion, are not able to integrate into other cultures. Just because it is a problem in Denmark, does not mean it is the same issue as far as Muslim immigration around the world. It is, in fact, an example that is limited to Denmark.
It is by no means limited to Denmark. Take your own advice and quit talking about European countries, unless you live in them. Lol.

I don't live in the US. I live and work in foreign countries, including European countries.

In fact from all appearances --- you and I are the only two people here who seem to have any real-life experiences interacting with Muslims in Europe. And probably with interacting with Muslims at all. :eek:


I've been to approximately forty nations and territories mostly in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, during my career in the military. Out of those countries at least seven or eight of those nations were dominated by Muslims.

In addition, considering the number of US vets that interact on this forum I find your statement highly doubtful.

Do you want to report me, like you said you did to Unkotare, for saying that you're wrong again.



I reported that asswipe for editing my posts to say shit they never said -- which he does incessantly because he's an asswipe troll. I've reported him before for the same thing and I'll do it as many times as it takes. It's a blatant violation of the board rules here.

That's got exactly jackshit-point-zero to do with you, so this just in --- the world doesn't revolve around you.

As for the content above, you weren't even IN the conversation at the time. It's not very honest to walk in later and start claiming exceptions.

Btw are you even capable of making a post to the point without some inane pointless music video that nobody watches? All you're doing is slowing the board down. Put that shit in the Music forum where it belongs.

Thank you. Signed, the Whole World.
Last edited:
This example of Muslims in jail in Denmark is being used to support the idea they, as a group and a religion, are not able to integrate into other cultures. Just because it is a problem in Denmark, does not mean it is the same issue as far as Muslim immigration around the world. It is, in fact, an example that is limited to Denmark.
It is by no means limited to Denmark. Take your own advice and quit talking about European countries, unless you live in them. Lol.

I don't live in the US. I live and work in foreign countries, including European countries.

In fact from all appearances --- you and I are the only two people here who seem to have any real-life experiences interacting with Muslims in Europe. And probably with interacting with Muslims at all. :eek:


I've been to approximately forty nations and territories mostly in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, during my career in the military. Out of those countries at least seven or eight of those nations were dominated by Muslims.

In addition, considering the number of US vets that interact on this forum I find your statement highly doubtful.

Do you want to report me, like you said you did to Unkotare, for saying that you're wrong again.



From my experience of US military people living in foreign countries, their experience of the actual culture is very limited. I lived in one ME Arabic Muslim country for over 4 years, a county with a large US military base. The US military people, for the very most part, do not get involved with any intimacy in the local culture or with the local people. They live a separate life, even if they live off base. They simply do not closely associte with the people of the culture where the base is located. This is something I also observed with the US military people in Germany when I lived in Germany.

On the other hand, both Pogo and I lived with and associated closely with the culture. I worked in an international environment; when I worked in the ME; the people I worked with and dealt with daily were Arab Muslims from many different Middle Eastern and North African cultures. They were clients, colleagues, friends and neighbors. It is a very, very different experience from that of US military people in foreign countries whose dealings on a daily basis are with other Americans or other Westerners.

Some of these people became close friends, even coming to visit me after I left the country and my going to visit them after I left the country. I've been to Muslim wedddings and other family events. I've stayed in their homes, spent time with their relatives and friends, etc. It is very different than just spending time in those countries. In one country, I carpooled every day to work for for over 4 years with coworkers who were Muslim. I have had bosses, landlords and building superintendents who were Muslim.

You are the one who is wrong. You think visiting a foreign country or even living in one as a US military person causes you to be familiar with it. You are wrong, wrong! If you really knew Muslim people intimately, you could not possibly believe Islam is inherently evil or that Muslim people are to be feared.

I agree with this observation. A military or other institutional presence functions independently of the local culture and requires no intermingling. In my case on the other hand, when a local Everyman was sipping coffee in the café discoursing on events of the day, or looking around for work, or stopping in to the boulangerie for a bite -- I was one of them. I actually lived with the locals, literally. That's hardly the same as being an isolated visitor in one's own bubble where all your needs are taken care of by the institution and you don't even need to learn or converse in the local language.

I mean --- I happened to change planes at Keflavik Airport on the way to Europe, less than an hour layover ---- but I'd never claim from that that "I know all about Iceland". Same thing.
Last edited:
...I reported...(Unkotare)...for editing my posts to say shit they never said -- ....

Despite the fact that I did not do that and do not do that. I know you consider your every word a precious treasure the world must preserve for posterity, but when I only need to address one part of your nonsense I use proper format to cite the nonsense in question. I do not change the meaning or context. Maybe you're not familiar with proper formatting and citation, but I'm sure you'll agree that the ten-mile long multi-posts and "who/what are you talking about?" confusion is unnecessary and unproductive.

Glad to help.
This example of Muslims in jail in Denmark is being used to support the idea they, as a group and a religion, are not able to integrate into other cultures. Just because it is a problem in Denmark, does not mean it is the same issue as far as Muslim immigration around the world. It is, in fact, an example that is limited to Denmark.
It is by no means limited to Denmark. Take your own advice and quit talking about European countries, unless you live in them. Lol.

I don't live in the US. I live and work in foreign countries, including European countries.

In fact from all appearances --- you and I are the only two people here who seem to have any real-life experiences interacting with Muslims in Europe. And probably with interacting with Muslims at all. :eek:


I've been to approximately forty nations and territories mostly in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, during my career in the military. Out of those countries at least seven or eight of those nations were dominated by Muslims.

In addition, considering the number of US vets that interact on this forum I find your statement highly doubtful.

Do you want to report me, like you said you did to Unkotare, for saying that you're wrong again.



I reported that asswipe for editing my posts to say shit they never said -- which he does incessantly because he's an asswipe troll. I've reported him before for the same thing and I'll do it as many times as it takes. It's a blatant violation of the board rules here.

I just compared what you originally posted and your post in Unkotare's quote and see no difference in what is posted by you.

As for the content above, you weren't even IN the conversation at the time. It's not very honest to walk in later and start claiming exceptions.

You think I'm the only US veteran posting on this board who's been to a Muslim dominated nation?

Your presumptuous superiority is very telling.

Btw are you even capable of making a post to the point without some inane pointless music video that nobody watches? All you're doing is slowing the board down. Put that shit in the Music forum where it belongs.

Why don't you put me on ignore then since your rose tinted glasses can't handle diversity?

Thank you. Signed, the Whole World.




I've been to approximately forty nations and territories mostly in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, during my career in the military. Out of those countries at least seven or eight of those nations were dominated by Muslims.

In addition, considering the number of US vets that interact on this forum I find your statement highly doubtful.

Do you want to report me, like you said you did to Unkotare, for saying that you're wrong again.



From my experience of US military people living in foreign countries, their experience of the actual culture is very limited. I lived in one ME Arabic Muslim country for over 4 years, a county with a large US military base. The US military people, for the very most part, do not get involved with any intimacy in the local culture or with the local people. They live a separate life, even if they live off base. They simply do not closely associte with the people of the culture where the base is located. This is something I also observed with the US military people in Germany when I lived in Germany.

On the other hand, both Pogo and I lived with and associated closely with the culture. I worked in an international environment; when I worked in the ME; the people I worked with and dealt with daily were Arab Muslims from many different Middle Eastern and North African cultures. They were clients, colleagues, friends and neighbors. It is a very, very different experience from that of US military people in foreign countries whose dealings on a daily basis are with other Americans or other Westerners.

Some of these people became close friends, even coming to visit me after I left the country and my going to visit them after I left the country. I've been to Muslim wedddings and other family events. I've stayed in their homes, spent time with their relatives and friends, etc. It is very different than just spending time in those countries. In one country, I carpooled every day to work for for over 4 years with coworkers who were Muslim. I have had bosses, landlords and building superintendents who were Muslim.


It's so heartening to know that you were living so closely with the indigent community and think no military members would ever interact with the locals... That's... That's... So big of you. I'm going to just fall all over myself to change my mind about some of my perceptions about the dislike I encountered from some people I encountered and the outright poverty, that you probably never noticed and were steered away from by your rich acquaintances.

Yep! I'm going to be a changed man because of your great experience that you had over there with your rich friends. I bet you and Rekha Basu could make quite a case of how great things are so long as you live in places like Windsor Heights, Des Moines, while living overseas... BTW Windsor Heights is considered one of the upper class districts.

Did it occur to you that military members and their families are considered targets while overseas and they take precautions of interacting only with locals they feel they can trust?

While you on the other hand are being protected by the wealthy class while overseas?



When we study at University, we learn that first hand sources are people like me. Second hand sources are books, TV, etc. Your source of visiting countries is no more than what tourists know about another country. Live in a country for several years, have the people as your neighbors, colleagues and friends. You know a great, great deal more than a tourist or temporary traveler.

As well, you assume, for some unknown reason, that the people I know closely and best were rich people. That is totally untrue. My colleagues, friends and neighbors were almost exclusively middle class. I also dealt daily with working class and poor people in various ways as they tend to work in service jobs. I'm not being protectected by anyone. That's two extremely untrue assumptions you've made. In all of the Muslim countries I'ved lived in, I lived in an ordinary apartment in an ordinary neighborhood with Muslims making up the vast majority of my neighbors. Average, middle and working class Muslims. No one was protecting me.

You make so many assumptions, including that military people have something to fear from the local people. They don't get close to the local people because they swallow the slop of bigotry and ignorance your kind throws at them and because they don't know how to get beyond their own Westerness and Americanness to get close to people in other cultures.

Your bias and bigotry is so intense, you cannot accept anything anyone with first hand knowledge of the situation tells you. Too bad for you. Purposeful ignorance is a sad thing.


I think allowed to make as many assumptions about you as you do about me and the overall military. You have no idea how long I was stationed outside the US or exactly where. While on the other hand you state right in your first post that you've had many of your Muslim friends who have come to visit you in the US. Considering the poverty level of many of the Muslim nations you can tell me again how your friends are not rich. My making assumptions about your friends being rich? I think not!

University studies? Oh no you're not rich... How many of your poor impoverished Muslim friends went to a college or university? But of course you and they are first hand sources of how the world really is and it's all sunshine and roses... Have you ever looked upon Blood Alley in Barcelona, Spain? How about the poor districts of Cairo, Egypt? Ever take a wrong turn in Istanbul, Turkey and ended up in the poverty district? Did your impoverished friends take you there? If not then who are you to tell me about how bigoted and ignorant I am?

As for your obvious bigoted and hateful attitude for the military one only has to read your current post.

As for your bigoted, condescending, and hateful, perspectives about the intelligence and knowledge of other posters that's readily apparent too.



Excellent post. I would only add that Esmeralda is a priggish dingbat as well.

Says the armchair wag who holds forth on United States inner city issues from his perch in Prague.... :rolleyes:
It is by no means limited to Denmark. Take your own advice and quit talking about European countries, unless you live in them. Lol.

I don't live in the US. I live and work in foreign countries, including European countries.

In fact from all appearances --- you and I are the only two people here who seem to have any real-life experiences interacting with Muslims in Europe. And probably with interacting with Muslims at all. :eek:


I've been to approximately forty nations and territories mostly in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, during my career in the military. Out of those countries at least seven or eight of those nations were dominated by Muslims.

In addition, considering the number of US vets that interact on this forum I find your statement highly doubtful.

Do you want to report me, like you said you did to Unkotare, for saying that you're wrong again.



I reported that asswipe for editing my posts to say shit they never said -- which he does incessantly because he's an asswipe troll. I've reported him before for the same thing and I'll do it as many times as it takes. It's a blatant violation of the board rules here.

I just compared what you originally posted and your post in Unkotare's quote and see no difference in what is posted by you.

As for the content above, you weren't even IN the conversation at the time. It's not very honest to walk in later and start claiming exceptions.

You think I'm the only US veteran posting on this board who's been to a Muslim dominated nation?

Your presumptuous superiority is very telling.

Btw are you even capable of making a post to the point without some inane pointless music video that nobody watches? All you're doing is slowing the board down. Put that shit in the Music forum where it belongs.

Why don't you put me on ignore then since your rose tinted glasses can't handle diversity?

Thank you. Signed, the Whole World.




Once again for those unfamiliar with linear time ---- YOU WERE NOT IN THE CONVERSATION AT THE TIME. So your running in after the fact to play the part of Martyr is completely transparent and disingenuous.

Second, YOU do not tell ME what my post was about. *I* will tell YOU. Period.

Third, yeah I think Ignore is a good idea. Those inane pointless videos slow the thread load so much, everybody should do that. Thanks for the tip and BUH bye, loser.
From my experience of US military people living in foreign countries, their experience of the actual culture is very limited. I lived in one ME Arabic Muslim country for over 4 years, a county with a large US military base. The US military people, for the very most part, do not get involved with any intimacy in the local culture or with the local people. They live a separate life, even if they live off base. They simply do not closely associte with the people of the culture where the base is located. This is something I also observed with the US military people in Germany when I lived in Germany.

On the other hand, both Pogo and I lived with and associated closely with the culture. I worked in an international environment; when I worked in the ME; the people I worked with and dealt with daily were Arab Muslims from many different Middle Eastern and North African cultures. They were clients, colleagues, friends and neighbors. It is a very, very different experience from that of US military people in foreign countries whose dealings on a daily basis are with other Americans or other Westerners.

Some of these people became close friends, even coming to visit me after I left the country and my going to visit them after I left the country. I've been to Muslim wedddings and other family events. I've stayed in their homes, spent time with their relatives and friends, etc. It is very different than just spending time in those countries. In one country, I carpooled every day to work for for over 4 years with coworkers who were Muslim. I have had bosses, landlords and building superintendents who were Muslim.


It's so heartening to know that you were living so closely with the indigent community and think no military members would ever interact with the locals... That's... That's... So big of you. I'm going to just fall all over myself to change my mind about some of my perceptions about the dislike I encountered from some people I encountered and the outright poverty, that you probably never noticed and were steered away from by your rich acquaintances.

Yep! I'm going to be a changed man because of your great experience that you had over there with your rich friends. I bet you and Rekha Basu could make quite a case of how great things are so long as you live in places like Windsor Heights, Des Moines, while living overseas... BTW Windsor Heights is considered one of the upper class districts.

Did it occur to you that military members and their families are considered targets while overseas and they take precautions of interacting only with locals they feel they can trust?

While you on the other hand are being protected by the wealthy class while overseas?



When we study at University, we learn that first hand sources are people like me. Second hand sources are books, TV, etc. Your source of visiting countries is no more than what tourists know about another country. Live in a country for several years, have the people as your neighbors, colleagues and friends. You know a great, great deal more than a tourist or temporary traveler.

As well, you assume, for some unknown reason, that the people I know closely and best were rich people. That is totally untrue. My colleagues, friends and neighbors were almost exclusively middle class. I also dealt daily with working class and poor people in various ways as they tend to work in service jobs. I'm not being protectected by anyone. That's two extremely untrue assumptions you've made. In all of the Muslim countries I'ved lived in, I lived in an ordinary apartment in an ordinary neighborhood with Muslims making up the vast majority of my neighbors. Average, middle and working class Muslims. No one was protecting me.

You make so many assumptions, including that military people have something to fear from the local people. They don't get close to the local people because they swallow the slop of bigotry and ignorance your kind throws at them and because they don't know how to get beyond their own Westerness and Americanness to get close to people in other cultures.

Your bias and bigotry is so intense, you cannot accept anything anyone with first hand knowledge of the situation tells you. Too bad for you. Purposeful ignorance is a sad thing.


I think allowed to make as many assumptions about you as you do about me and the overall military. You have no idea how long I was stationed outside the US or exactly where. While on the other hand you state right in your first post that you've had many of your Muslim friends who have come to visit you in the US. Considering the poverty level of many of the Muslim nations you can tell me again how your friends are not rich. My making assumptions about your friends being rich? I think not!

University studies? Oh no you're not rich... How many of your poor impoverished Muslim friends went to a college or university? But of course you and they are first hand sources of how the world really is and it's all sunshine and roses... Have you ever looked upon Blood Alley in Barcelona, Spain? How about the poor districts of Cairo, Egypt? Ever take a wrong turn in Istanbul, Turkey and ended up in the poverty district? Did your impoverished friends take you there? If not then who are you to tell me about how bigoted and ignorant I am?

As for your obvious bigoted and hateful attitude for the military one only has to read your current post.

As for your bigoted, condescending, and hateful, perspectives about the intelligence and knowledge of other posters that's readily apparent too.



Most of the right wing posters on this board deserve it. Their intelligence and especially their knowledge are a joke.

This kind of hyper-partisan BS is why no one takes you as seriously as you take yourself. If YOU weren't such a mindless, presumptuous POS, trying and failing to be condescending, the two of you could probably have an interesting discussion of different experiences.
If you weren't such a total troll, people might take you seriously.
I don't live in the US. I live and work in foreign countries, including European countries.

In fact from all appearances --- you and I are the only two people here who seem to have any real-life experiences interacting with Muslims in Europe. And probably with interacting with Muslims at all. :eek:


I've been to approximately forty nations and territories mostly in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, during my career in the military. Out of those countries at least seven or eight of those nations were dominated by Muslims.

In addition, considering the number of US vets that interact on this forum I find your statement highly doubtful.

Do you want to report me, like you said you did to Unkotare, for saying that you're wrong again.



I reported that asswipe for editing my posts to say shit they never said -- which he does incessantly because he's an asswipe troll. I've reported him before for the same thing and I'll do it as many times as it takes. It's a blatant violation of the board rules here.

I just compared what you originally posted and your post in Unkotare's quote and see no difference in what is posted by you.

As for the content above, you weren't even IN the conversation at the time. It's not very honest to walk in later and start claiming exceptions.

You think I'm the only US veteran posting on this board who's been to a Muslim dominated nation?

Your presumptuous superiority is very telling.

Btw are you even capable of making a post to the point without some inane pointless music video that nobody watches? All you're doing is slowing the board down. Put that shit in the Music forum where it belongs.

Why don't you put me on ignore then since your rose tinted glasses can't handle diversity?

Thank you. Signed, the Whole World.




Once again for those unfamiliar with linear time ---- YOU WERE NOT IN THE CONVERSATION AT THE TIME. So your running in after the fact to play the part of Martyr is completely transparent and disingenuous.

Being presumptuous in claiming that your special and the only one that knows something is the sign of something... Let me think about what that might be. Feel free to carry on with you specialness until then.

Second, YOU do not tell ME what my post was about. *I* will tell YOU. Period.

You did attempt to tell me. I checked and found that you were... WRONG!

How's that working out for you?

Third, yeah I think Ignore is a good idea. Those inane pointless videos slow the thread load so much, everybody should do that. Thanks for the tip and BUH bye, loser.

Yes! Do put on those rose tinted glasses to ensure you see only what you want to see. You did it so well in your post about the military that you made just a moment ago because you're so special.


Do you have some...



It's so heartening to know that you were living so closely with the indigent community and think no military members would ever interact with the locals... That's... That's... So big of you. I'm going to just fall all over myself to change my mind about some of my perceptions about the dislike I encountered from some people I encountered and the outright poverty, that you probably never noticed and were steered away from by your rich acquaintances.

Yep! I'm going to be a changed man because of your great experience that you had over there with your rich friends. I bet you and Rekha Basu could make quite a case of how great things are so long as you live in places like Windsor Heights, Des Moines, while living overseas... BTW Windsor Heights is considered one of the upper class districts.

Did it occur to you that military members and their families are considered targets while overseas and they take precautions of interacting only with locals they feel they can trust?

While you on the other hand are being protected by the wealthy class while overseas?



When we study at University, we learn that first hand sources are people like me. Second hand sources are books, TV, etc. Your source of visiting countries is no more than what tourists know about another country. Live in a country for several years, have the people as your neighbors, colleagues and friends. You know a great, great deal more than a tourist or temporary traveler.

As well, you assume, for some unknown reason, that the people I know closely and best were rich people. That is totally untrue. My colleagues, friends and neighbors were almost exclusively middle class. I also dealt daily with working class and poor people in various ways as they tend to work in service jobs. I'm not being protectected by anyone. That's two extremely untrue assumptions you've made. In all of the Muslim countries I'ved lived in, I lived in an ordinary apartment in an ordinary neighborhood with Muslims making up the vast majority of my neighbors. Average, middle and working class Muslims. No one was protecting me.

You make so many assumptions, including that military people have something to fear from the local people. They don't get close to the local people because they swallow the slop of bigotry and ignorance your kind throws at them and because they don't know how to get beyond their own Westerness and Americanness to get close to people in other cultures.

Your bias and bigotry is so intense, you cannot accept anything anyone with first hand knowledge of the situation tells you. Too bad for you. Purposeful ignorance is a sad thing.


I think allowed to make as many assumptions about you as you do about me and the overall military. You have no idea how long I was stationed outside the US or exactly where. While on the other hand you state right in your first post that you've had many of your Muslim friends who have come to visit you in the US. Considering the poverty level of many of the Muslim nations you can tell me again how your friends are not rich. My making assumptions about your friends being rich? I think not!

University studies? Oh no you're not rich... How many of your poor impoverished Muslim friends went to a college or university? But of course you and they are first hand sources of how the world really is and it's all sunshine and roses... Have you ever looked upon Blood Alley in Barcelona, Spain? How about the poor districts of Cairo, Egypt? Ever take a wrong turn in Istanbul, Turkey and ended up in the poverty district? Did your impoverished friends take you there? If not then who are you to tell me about how bigoted and ignorant I am?

As for your obvious bigoted and hateful attitude for the military one only has to read your current post.

As for your bigoted, condescending, and hateful, perspectives about the intelligence and knowledge of other posters that's readily apparent too.



Most of the right wing posters on this board deserve it. Their intelligence and especially their knowledge are a joke.

This kind of hyper-partisan BS is why no one takes you as seriously as you take yourself. If YOU weren't such a mindless, presumptuous POS, trying and failing to be condescending, the two of you could probably have an interesting discussion of different experiences.
If you weren't such a total troll, people might take you seriously.

Could you please elaborate on your reasons for making such an accusation, hillbilly esme? Thanks.
When we study at University, we learn that first hand sources are people like me. Second hand sources are books, TV, etc. Your source of visiting countries is no more than what tourists know about another country. Live in a country for several years, have the people as your neighbors, colleagues and friends. You know a great, great deal more than a tourist or temporary traveler.

As well, you assume, for some unknown reason, that the people I know closely and best were rich people. That is totally untrue. My colleagues, friends and neighbors were almost exclusively middle class. I also dealt daily with working class and poor people in various ways as they tend to work in service jobs. I'm not being protectected by anyone. That's two extremely untrue assumptions you've made. In all of the Muslim countries I'ved lived in, I lived in an ordinary apartment in an ordinary neighborhood with Muslims making up the vast majority of my neighbors. Average, middle and working class Muslims. No one was protecting me.

You make so many assumptions, including that military people have something to fear from the local people. They don't get close to the local people because they swallow the slop of bigotry and ignorance your kind throws at them and because they don't know how to get beyond their own Westerness and Americanness to get close to people in other cultures.

Your bias and bigotry is so intense, you cannot accept anything anyone with first hand knowledge of the situation tells you. Too bad for you. Purposeful ignorance is a sad thing.


I think allowed to make as many assumptions about you as you do about me and the overall military. You have no idea how long I was stationed outside the US or exactly where. While on the other hand you state right in your first post that you've had many of your Muslim friends who have come to visit you in the US. Considering the poverty level of many of the Muslim nations you can tell me again how your friends are not rich. My making assumptions about your friends being rich? I think not!

University studies? Oh no you're not rich... How many of your poor impoverished Muslim friends went to a college or university? But of course you and they are first hand sources of how the world really is and it's all sunshine and roses... Have you ever looked upon Blood Alley in Barcelona, Spain? How about the poor districts of Cairo, Egypt? Ever take a wrong turn in Istanbul, Turkey and ended up in the poverty district? Did your impoverished friends take you there? If not then who are you to tell me about how bigoted and ignorant I am?

As for your obvious bigoted and hateful attitude for the military one only has to read your current post.

As for your bigoted, condescending, and hateful, perspectives about the intelligence and knowledge of other posters that's readily apparent too.



Most of the right wing posters on this board deserve it. Their intelligence and especially their knowledge are a joke.

This kind of hyper-partisan BS is why no one takes you as seriously as you take yourself. If YOU weren't such a mindless, presumptuous POS, trying and failing to be condescending, the two of you could probably have an interesting discussion of different experiences.
If you weren't such a total troll, people might take you seriously.

Could you please elaborate on your reasons for making such an accusation, hillbilly esme? Thanks.

If you didn't have your head up your ass going :lalala: on my posts as you pretend to be "European" in Long Island --- you'd have one particular clue immediately above here.

But you won't see this. Because you "refuse to assimilate".

Your loss.

I think allowed to make as many assumptions about you as you do about me and the overall military. You have no idea how long I was stationed outside the US or exactly where. While on the other hand you state right in your first post that you've had many of your Muslim friends who have come to visit you in the US. Considering the poverty level of many of the Muslim nations you can tell me again how your friends are not rich. My making assumptions about your friends being rich? I think not!

University studies? Oh no you're not rich... How many of your poor impoverished Muslim friends went to a college or university? But of course you and they are first hand sources of how the world really is and it's all sunshine and roses... Have you ever looked upon Blood Alley in Barcelona, Spain? How about the poor districts of Cairo, Egypt? Ever take a wrong turn in Istanbul, Turkey and ended up in the poverty district? Did your impoverished friends take you there? If not then who are you to tell me about how bigoted and ignorant I am?

As for your obvious bigoted and hateful attitude for the military one only has to read your current post.

As for your bigoted, condescending, and hateful, perspectives about the intelligence and knowledge of other posters that's readily apparent too.



Most of the right wing posters on this board deserve it. Their intelligence and especially their knowledge are a joke.

This kind of hyper-partisan BS is why no one takes you as seriously as you take yourself. If YOU weren't such a mindless, presumptuous POS, trying and failing to be condescending, the two of you could probably have an interesting discussion of different experiences.
If you weren't such a total troll, people might take you seriously.

Could you please elaborate on your reasons for making such an accusation, hillbilly esme? Thanks.

..... you "refuse to assimilate".

Your loss.

What exactly do you mean by that?
Most of the right wing posters on this board deserve it. Their intelligence and especially their knowledge are a joke.

This kind of hyper-partisan BS is why no one takes you as seriously as you take yourself. If YOU weren't such a mindless, presumptuous POS, trying and failing to be condescending, the two of you could probably have an interesting discussion of different experiences.
If you weren't such a total troll, people might take you seriously.
Could you please elaborate on your reasons for making such an accusation, hillbilly esme? Thanks.

..... you "refuse to assimilate".

Your loss.

What exactly do you mean by that?
Esme says no one takes you seriously and that you are a troll. I'm asking her to explain why she refers to you as a troll and why she issues her decree that no one takes you seriously.
This kind of hyper-partisan BS is why no one takes you as seriously as you take yourself. If YOU weren't such a mindless, presumptuous POS, trying and failing to be condescending, the two of you could probably have an interesting discussion of different experiences.
If you weren't such a total troll, people might take you seriously.
Could you please elaborate on your reasons for making such an accusation, hillbilly esme? Thanks.

..... you "refuse to assimilate".

Your loss.

What exactly do you mean by that?
Esme says no one takes you seriously and that you are a troll. I'm asking her to explain why she refers to you as a troll and why she issues her decree that no one takes you seriously.

Go try to find anyone that does.

And by the way look up what his screen name means. It's the only honest thing there is about him.
This kind of hyper-partisan BS is why no one takes you as seriously as you take yourself. If YOU weren't such a mindless, presumptuous POS, trying and failing to be condescending, the two of you could probably have an interesting discussion of different experiences.
If you weren't such a total troll, people might take you seriously.
Could you please elaborate on your reasons for making such an accusation, hillbilly esme? Thanks.

..... you "refuse to assimilate".

Your loss.

What exactly do you mean by that?
Esme says no one takes you seriously and that you are a troll. I'm asking her to explain why she refers to you as a troll and why she issues her decree that no one takes you seriously.

She just doesn't know how badly those words can hurt...

If you weren't such a total troll, people might take you seriously.
Could you please elaborate on your reasons for making such an accusation, hillbilly esme? Thanks.

..... you "refuse to assimilate".

Your loss.

What exactly do you mean by that?
Esme says no one takes you seriously and that you are a troll. I'm asking her to explain why she refers to you as a troll and why she issues her decree that no one takes you seriously.

She just doesn't know how badly those words can hurt...

He's way too old to be such a wuss.
Big problem. The EU has offered millions no billions of dollars to African countries to take their criminals errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr refugees back. African countries have refused to take back people with no identification.


Merkel looked like such an idiot at that meeting when one African leader said "who would be such a fool as to accept anyone without proper identification".
In 2016 Germany has allocated 15 1/2 billion Euro for education and development.
In 2016 Germany has allocated 17 billion Euro for refugee settlement and housing. They are going to start building houses for refugees.
In 2016 Germany has 1 out of 7 citizens living on the street and homeless.
The German citizens are very unhappy with Frau Merkel.
frau merkel mentioned , short video of her speech on Syrian refugee invaders . --- --- I ASSUME that its an accurate translation !!

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