Muslim French students refuse to stand in memory of victims


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
Where the wild things are
"Just a minority supports the attack": Muslim students refuse to stand in "A minute of silence", in memory of murdered victims, so it appears.

Some teachers prefered to not ask that of the school-studints, "to avoid problems".

Teacher, whose in class 80% of the students refused to respect the victims, said some of them believed any sort of conspiracy theories, at the end he succeeded persuating only half of them to stand.

Some say the students are simply ignorant to what really happened, and parents don't share with them the Charlie Hebdo incident.

In other cases, teachers said the students supported the actions, saying the "victims had it coming"

In some cases, the student refused to stand out of shame. One Muslim student was bullied by classmates after he stood in memory of Charlie Hebdo.

Charlie Hebdo ces minutes de silence qui ont d rap dans les coles
if this is true then in lies the problem. Maybe all Muslims are not like these radical Muslims but sitting on their hands or giving tactic support certainly seems to be the order of the day.
And yet the liberals continue to lie in telling us the majority of Muslims don't support such terror attacks.
What's funny is there are far more liberals and progressives running around claiming these attacks do not represent Islam than there are actual Muslims saying that these attacks do not represent Islam. Even the Muslims here will not condemn the attacks, they just claim its a Zionist conspiracy.
This is why I judge all muslims. A large majority secretly supports the extremist assholes.
That's a dangerous assumption to make, and not because it might be true, but because you haven't talked to any of them yourself.

The reasons some have given, shown in the article, don't name "disrespect" as part of those reasons.

So what you've decided from the safety of your unbridled outrage is that you know how they "really" feel.

I want justice and would love to see every last one of the Muslims in France that openly support terrorism die...but you shouldn't punish people based on your unsupported judgmental reaction. History is replete with horrible things happening as a result of gross generalizations made out of anger.

In my experience...angry, fearful, and morally outraged people don't always do the most sound thinking
This is why I judge all muslims. A large majority secretly supports the extremist assholes.
That's a dangerous assumption to make, and not because it might be true, but because you haven't talked to any of them yourself.

The reasons some have given, shown in the article, don't name "disrespect" as part of those reasons.

So what you've decided from the safety of your unbridled outrage is that you know how they "really" feel.

I want justice and would love to see every last one of the Muslims in France that openly support terrorism die...but you shouldn't punish people based on your unsupported judgmental reaction. History is replete with horrible things happening as a result of gross generalizations made out of anger.

In my experience...angry, fearful, and morally outraged people don't always do the most sound thinking

In the real world ignoring danger results in bad things happening. Just ask Neville Chamberlain.

Paris attack rallies Islamic extremists, may boost support

BEIRUT (AP) — The militant chatter spread like wildfire. Within minutes of news breaking about the deadly terror attack on a Paris newspaper this week, supporters of extremist Islamic groups extolled the suspects in the massacre as "lions of the caliphate" and praised the killings on social media.

Of course the above is just overreaction and lies spread by those who can't go to a Grocery in France without being murdered.
Nice example of a bullshit thread. Poorly written, inaccurate title and failure to tell the whole story. Link is to an article written in French.

Way to go!
This is why I judge all muslims. A large majority secretly supports the extremist assholes.
That's a dangerous assumption to make, and not because it might be true, but because you haven't talked to any of them yourself.

The reasons some have given, shown in the article, don't name "disrespect" as part of those reasons.

So what you've decided from the safety of your unbridled outrage is that you know how they "really" feel.

I want justice and would love to see every last one of the Muslims in France that openly support terrorism die...but you shouldn't punish people based on your unsupported judgmental reaction. History is replete with horrible things happening as a result of gross generalizations made out of anger.

In my experience...angry, fearful, and morally outraged people don't always do the most sound thinking

In the real world ignoring danger results in bad things happening. Just ask Neville Chamberlain.

Paris attack rallies Islamic extremists, may boost support

BEIRUT (AP) — The militant chatter spread like wildfire. Within minutes of news breaking about the deadly terror attack on a Paris newspaper this week, supporters of extremist Islamic groups extolled the suspects in the massacre as "lions of the caliphate" and praised the killings on social media.

Of course the above is just overreaction and lies spread by those who can't go to a Grocery in France without being murdered.
You're missing my point.

Try it this way.

Say you have a neighbor, and he has a family of 5.

1 of his kids bullies your kid in school

If you want it to stop, you first teach your kid to stick up for himself

One of the worst things you could do would be to go attack his whole family at the same time.

If you did that, you'll unite them against your whole family, and the bullying has now become all out war between two families, over something that may have been resolved by teaching your own kid to fight that one bully
And yet the liberals continue to lie in telling us the majority of Muslims don't support such terror attacks.
You don't know any Muslims do you.....

Most people don't know NFL quarterbacks but do read about them.
I've read quite a bit about Muslims in the press here in the US, but that was simply a baptism of sorts compared to what I learned about them by living with them for a while
And yet the liberals continue to lie in telling us the majority of Muslims don't support such terror attacks.
You don't know any Muslims do you.....

Most people don't know NFL quarterbacks but do read about them.
I've read quite a bit about Muslims in the press here in the US, but that was simply a baptism of sorts compared to what I learned about them by living with them for a while

Well, what did you learn?
This is why I judge all muslims. A large majority secretly supports the extremist assholes.
That's a dangerous assumption to make, and not because it might be true, but because you haven't talked to any of them yourself.

The reasons some have given, shown in the article, don't name "disrespect" as part of those reasons.

So what you've decided from the safety of your unbridled outrage is that you know how they "really" feel.

I want justice and would love to see every last one of the Muslims in France that openly support terrorism die...but you shouldn't punish people based on your unsupported judgmental reaction. History is replete with horrible things happening as a result of gross generalizations made out of anger.

In my experience...angry, fearful, and morally outraged people don't always do the most sound thinking

In the real world ignoring danger results in bad things happening. Just ask Neville Chamberlain.

Paris attack rallies Islamic extremists, may boost support

BEIRUT (AP) — The militant chatter spread like wildfire. Within minutes of news breaking about the deadly terror attack on a Paris newspaper this week, supporters of extremist Islamic groups extolled the suspects in the massacre as "lions of the caliphate" and praised the killings on social media.

Of course the above is just overreaction and lies spread by those who can't go to a Grocery in France without being murdered.
You're missing my point.

Try it this way.

Say you have a neighbor, and he has a family of 5.

1 of his kids bullies your kid in school

If you want it to stop, you first teach your kid to stick up for himself

One of the worst things you could do would be to go attack his whole family at the same time.

If you did that, you'll unite them against your whole family, and the bullying has now become all out war between two families, over something that may have been resolved by teaching your own kid to fight that one bully

First I go and talk to his parents. If they do nothing then I know where the problem lies.
And yet the liberals continue to lie in telling us the majority of Muslims don't support such terror attacks.
You don't know any Muslims do you.....

Most people don't know NFL quarterbacks but do read about them.
I've read quite a bit about Muslims in the press here in the US, but that was simply a baptism of sorts compared to what I learned about them by living with them for a while

Well, what did you learn?
What I learned applies to Sunni Muslims in well as Kurds and Alevi Muslims in Turkey, Iraq, and Syria. I'm not speaking about my experience with any others because I don't have any.

The formula for every 10 people applies everywhere I've been in the world, including here in the US. For every 10 people, there are 6 people just living their lives, working jobs, paying bills, going to school, and trying to eek out some happy moments on life's terms. The other 4 include 1 Saint, 1 Sinner, 1 leader, and 1 loser.

But to be more specific...what I found surprising was how my wife used to piss off her prudish relatives by wearing short skirts and Metallica shirts on occasion.

I used to hate all the looks I'd get walking down the street in Istanbul, Izmir, or Damascus because I was this big red headed white guy arm in arm with a cute Muslim chick.

I found it hilarious when my ex wife's grandpa handed me an empty bear bottle and told me to throw it at the Mosque across the street because they were calling people to prayer...again....

I remember my ex wife's parents meeting me for the first time, and how they were choking back their desire to strangle me, and then how we became close after they got to know me, and I started learning enough Turkish to talk to them.

So...........most of what we read in the US comes from post terrorism analyses, and what you know about Islam isn't the problem. The problem is that you cannot fight your enemies effectively if you demonize them. When you do that, you force all moderate and friendly factions to unite against you, out of the same reaction a parent would exhibit if someone told them their kid is ugly, even if the kid is ugly.
This is why I judge all muslims. A large majority secretly supports the extremist assholes.
That's a dangerous assumption to make, and not because it might be true, but because you haven't talked to any of them yourself.

The reasons some have given, shown in the article, don't name "disrespect" as part of those reasons.

So what you've decided from the safety of your unbridled outrage is that you know how they "really" feel.

I want justice and would love to see every last one of the Muslims in France that openly support terrorism die...but you shouldn't punish people based on your unsupported judgmental reaction. History is replete with horrible things happening as a result of gross generalizations made out of anger.

In my experience...angry, fearful, and morally outraged people don't always do the most sound thinking

In the real world ignoring danger results in bad things happening. Just ask Neville Chamberlain.

Paris attack rallies Islamic extremists, may boost support

BEIRUT (AP) — The militant chatter spread like wildfire. Within minutes of news breaking about the deadly terror attack on a Paris newspaper this week, supporters of extremist Islamic groups extolled the suspects in the massacre as "lions of the caliphate" and praised the killings on social media.

Of course the above is just overreaction and lies spread by those who can't go to a Grocery in France without being murdered.
You're missing my point.

Try it this way.

Say you have a neighbor, and he has a family of 5.

1 of his kids bullies your kid in school

If you want it to stop, you first teach your kid to stick up for himself

One of the worst things you could do would be to go attack his whole family at the same time.

If you did that, you'll unite them against your whole family, and the bullying has now become all out war between two families, over something that may have been resolved by teaching your own kid to fight that one bully

First I go and talk to his parents. If they do nothing then I know where the problem lies.
How would your conversation go with his parents?

What would you say?
Nice example of a bullshit thread. Poorly written, inaccurate title and failure to tell the whole story. Link is to an article written in French.

Way to go!

The OP must read French better than I do. Be that as it may, in France, as here, they have that right.

toxicmedia - kudos for speaking to the issue without hatred and prejudice. I agree with what you have written here and will say again - the enemy are the terrorists.
Nice example of a bullshit thread. Poorly written, inaccurate title and failure to tell the whole story. Link is to an article written in French.

Way to go!

The OP must read French better than I do. Be that as it may, in France, as here, they have that right.

toxicmedia - kudos for speaking to the issue without hatred and prejudice. I agree with what you have written here and will say again - the enemy are the terrorists.
The goal of terrorists, in part, remains getting the US to make mistakes, that they'll use to support their propaganda efforts designed to unite Muslims against us.
This is why I judge all muslims. A large majority secretly supports the extremist assholes.
That's a dangerous assumption to make, and not because it might be true, but because you haven't talked to any of them yourself.

The reasons some have given, shown in the article, don't name "disrespect" as part of those reasons.

So what you've decided from the safety of your unbridled outrage is that you know how they "really" feel.

I want justice and would love to see every last one of the Muslims in France that openly support terrorism die...but you shouldn't punish people based on your unsupported judgmental reaction. History is replete with horrible things happening as a result of gross generalizations made out of anger.

In my experience...angry, fearful, and morally outraged people don't always do the most sound thinking

Again, you're a fucking moron.

In other cases, teachers said the students supported the actions, saying the "victims had it coming"
What part of the above didn't you understand? These people are murderous savages. They belong in cages, not walking on the streets. Send them all back where they came from. They can spend their time killing each other rather than us.
Nice example of a bullshit thread. Poorly written, inaccurate title and failure to tell the whole story. Link is to an article written in French.

Way to go!

The OP must read French better than I do. Be that as it may, in France, as here, they have that right.

toxicmedia - kudos for speaking to the issue without hatred and prejudice. I agree with what you have written here and will say again - the enemy are the terrorists.

Everyone who supports the terrorists is also the enemy. That appears to include the majority of Muslims and the majority of liberals.

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