Musk Takes Control of Twitter- Heads Begin To Roll.

This is going to be more entertaining than everything twitter has ever created.

I think Musk made a huge mistake here though, twitter is on the way out IMHO. It will be dead in the next decade and something else will have replaced it.
On Twitter I followed back about 40 or 50 new followers today, almost all reactivated dormant accounts or re-created accounts after the people deleted them when Twitter banned Trump. Many many previously banned blue check (verified accounts for well known people) have been unbanned.

I don't spend a lot of time on Twitter, but when I'm there, there is a sense of a new wind blowing, excitement, enthusiasm that hasn't been there for a very long time.

My hope is that Musk will follow through and be effective in his intent to make Twitter truly a free speech forum where all are treated alike and the staff isn't scouring the forum looking for conservatives/Patriot to restrict or suspend.

But I don't want it to go the way of some of the new start up social media sites that are ruined IMO by people posting mostly false quotes, insulting, even cruel memes attacking public figures, etc. with completely fabricated accusations. However unfair and discriminatory the previous Twitter owners/managers were, they did keep it reasonably civil.

If Elon pulls that off, I think he'll quickly earn back his investment and a whole lot more.

"Tesla CEO Elon Musk is now in charge of Twitter, CNBC has learned.

Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal and finance chief Ned Segal have left the company’s San Francisco headquarters and will not be returning, sources said. Vijaya Gadde, the head of legal policy, trust, and safety was also fired, the Washington Post reported."

The epic meltdown is starting. Watching this is almost as much fun as watching MSNBC on election night 2016.
They didn't just leave. They were ESCORTED OUT of the building.:auiqs.jpg:
This is going to be more entertaining than everything twitter has ever created.

I think Musk made a huge mistake here though, twitter is on the way out IMHO. It will be dead in the next decade and something else will have replaced it.
Yeah, storm troopers.
Elon Musk has formally taken over Twitter, and immediately fired several top executives according to a report.

Among those he sacked were CEO Parag Agrawal; the chief financial officer, Ned Segal, and the top lawyer for the firm, Vijaya Gadde, according to The Washington Post.

Sean Edgett, the company's general counsel, was also pushed out.

The Twitter executives were hastily shuttled from the building, sources told The Washington Post.

Musk in a securities filing on April 14 had said he did not have confidence in Twitter's management.

Agrawal, who sparred repeatedly with Musk over the number of users Twitter has, will walk away with $42 million, according to research firm Equilar, which analyzed the finances of the deal earlier this year.

His total compensation for 2021 was $30.4 million - largely in stock awards.

Gadde, who earned $17 million in 2021, was reportedly in tears in April when Musk's $44 billion takeover was first reported.

Musk has publicly criticized Twitter's existing leadership team - in particular, attacking their policies on content moderation and censorship. He has also sparred with them over data on how many accounts were bots or spam.

This is great.
Twitter is a shady operation that plays far left political games.
Maybe Musk can clean it up.
But I expect the fired Twitter executives to try to sabotage the company for revenge.
On Twitter I followed back about 40 or 50 new followers today, almost all reactivated dormant accounts or re-created accounts after the people deleted them when Twitter banned Trump. Many many previously banned blue check (verified accounts for well known people) have been unbanned.

I don't spend a lot of time on Twitter, but when I'm there, there is a sense of a new wind blowing, excitement, enthusiasm that hasn't been there for a very long time.

My hope is that Musk will follow through and be effective in his intent to make Twitter truly a free speech forum where all are treated alike and the staff isn't scouring the forum looking for conservatives/Patriot to restrict or suspend.

But I don't want it to go the way of some of the new start up social media sites that are ruined IMO by people posting mostly false quotes, insulting, even cruel memes attacking public figures, etc. with completely fabricated accusations. However unfair and discriminatory the previous Twitter owners/managers were, they did keep it reasonably civil.

If Elon pulls that off, I think he'll quickly earn back his investment and a whole lot more.
We shall see.

I tend to be a bit more pessimistic when it comes to anything that is a large operation be it government or business. Musk is very good at making successful companies though.
This is going to be more entertaining than everything twitter has ever created.

I think Musk made a huge mistake here though, twitter is on the way out IMHO. It will be dead in the next decade and something else will have replaced it.
Disagree. Twitter is the main way news is disseminated. I hardly interact with other users, but I enjoy getting the news quickly and if often times directly from the source.

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