MSNBC is not a news network, thinks it's a prognostication network


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Even though MSNBC has
Michel de Nostredame initials in it's network, it is not even close to being as sucessful a prognosticator.
News networks report actual known news and events as they are & not as one wishes them to be. MSNBC hasn't been a news network in a long time, as every report uses the words "maybe" and "perhaps" in a form of conspiratorial prognostication not news.
They have been wrong about everything, constantly reporting angles made up in their minds and wishes as perhaps and maybes that never pan out and never apologized for.
They were recently dead wrong about the Flynn news, the indictment was only about his contacts with Turkey, not Russia.
Even though their false reports were way off the mark, they again continue to use fake reporting by saying words like "Maybe", and "perhaps" in regards to Flynn, instead of only reporting actual news. That makes them Tabloid not news.
Nosty got a lot of prognostication right and never stated maybe or perhaps in
doing so. MSNBC is on a perfect track record to miss every single speculation reporting *L*
EVEN the Lancaster PA *prognosticating Chicken* pecked out more foresite then MSNBC.

*(actually he pecked baskets using a minature basketball & rim, but using MSNBC standards: "perhaps" he also forecasted future events better then MSNBC. "Maybe" he was Chickendamus.
A chicken pecking out your lottery numbers is as probable as MSNBC getting the Flynn news right.
Hey Jake, how do you feel about how Schumer had no problem meeting up with Putin for Donuts, but refused to meet our own President on the tax cut & reform plan that most every normal American wants?
Hey Jake, how do you feel about how Schumer had no problem meeting up with Putin for Donuts, but refused to meet our President on the tax cut & reform plan that most every normal American wants?
Schumer reminds me of the flag kneeling dork in Mexico.
MSNBC does it again, this time guest analyst Joyce Vance (former U.S. Attorney) spewed what she said was speculative analysis that DID NOT TAKE INTO ACCOUNT CONTEXT. Flynn lied about contact with a Russian was connected to his contact over discussing Isis not the campaign, therefore when Vance said he might have had a reason to lie, she lied by switching it towards a non event(campaign discussions did not take place).
Discussing preplaned strikes with Allies on Isis would be that reason to lie, but Vance does not specuulate using context, so Vance's politicization of the issue and prognostication based on her affiliation "MADE HER LIE" by removing context and imposing her new narrative through said admittingly "speculation".
Speculation by deception is used to cast impressions and manipulate viewers to missreport and pass around down the line an false image of an event for political tactical propaganda. MSNBC allows this manipulation of the minds of viewers even previously caught admitting it was doing this.
Now we find out ABC quickly retracted and stated it was during the Transition team
" not campaign time period", so after they quickly set the record straight, how did all those networks still go on and on talking about it like it was Campaign Collusion?
answer: viewership
News is no longer news, it's 95% Tabloid.

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