MPLS Police non-response is producing results,,,,SEEYABYE


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
On Tuesday Brevig fired off a lengthy email about the closure and lack of police response to Mayor Jacob Frey, the entire Minneapolis City Council and the Warehouse District Business Association.

“Within three minutes of hitting send on that email, my phone rang and it was Frey, the mayor,” said Brevig. “He said he’d been there many times and considered it kind of a downtown staple…It was nice that he called.”

Tells me they are getting enough of these to be a concern and are trying to bs em enough to stay open.
Gotta be the same deal in the other riot-torn cities, who the hell will stay in a city that offers little or no protection? How would you feel if you had teenage daughters? Those who can afford to are leaving or have already left; I feel bad for those who have to stay. Everything they have is tied up in their business or home and they can't just pull up stakes and leave. And then there's the loss of new businesses coming in, you'd have to be nuts to put up serious money to startup something.

Interesting to see if Trump wins will these cities return to the violence and destruction we've seen over the past several months? How can the democrats governing these places not realize they are pissing in their own corn flakes? I wouldn't go anywhere near those places.
“Minneapolis is in a crisis. The city faces a violent crime rate that has skyrocketed this year. It is the responsibility of the City Council and the Mayor to make Minneapolis safe. Instead, the City Council and Mayor Jacob Frey have violated their duties to fund, employ and manage a police force as required by the City Charter,” states the lawsuit, which was filed in Hennepin County District Court in August, said ‘You Can Hear Gunshots’: Minneapolis Residents Sue City For Failing To Adequately Staff Police Amid Crime Surge
“We have never seen anything like this.”

“I’m scared to even drive after dark.”

“I don’t feel safe walking around my neighborhood.”

“Everybody feels the same way. We all want to move.”

They deserve what they voted for !
“We have never seen anything like this.”

“I’m scared to even drive after dark.”

“I don’t feel safe walking around my neighborhood.”

“Everybody feels the same way. We all want to move.”

I am wondering how many of those people (a) voted for the current mayor & City Council and (b) still consider themselves to be "liberals"?

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