Movies That Made Men Cry

Adam's Apple

Senior Member
Apr 25, 2004
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Our daily newspaper recently printed a list of movies that made men cry, according to men interviewed for the article. Here is the list:

Born Free
Brian's Song
Chariots of Fire
Field of Dreams
Glory (both versions made in 1956 and 1989)
Imitation of Life
Old Yeller
The Alamo (original made in 1960)
Remember the Titans
Saving Private Ryan
The Green Mile
Around the Bend
Ladder 49
Finding Neverland (from men who previewed the movie before its national release)

Did you shed a few tears in any of the above movies? "Glory", "Brian's Song", and "The Green Mile" were definitely emotional for me. Can you think of movies you would like to add to the list? I thought the movies "Radio" and "The Way We Were" were really sad and almost brought me to tears.
Terms of endearment:cry:
Bridges of Madison county:cry:

Edit: To answer the "?"...Yes, to Brians' Song and Field of Dreams..I remember The Green mile being emotionally intense so probably.
the 1939 version of Beau Geste made me cry in front of my dad----I was embarassed until I turned around and saw him crying too.

( NOOO---I'm old but I didn't see the premiere) :funnyface
John Q made a lot of men I know cry, because though it is Hollywood, I think many fathers would do the same for their son in real life if he was deathly sick and was going to be left to die.

Antwone Fisher was very powerful for me, and nearly everyone I know (especially men). It is a must see movie whether you've been in the military or not, you will greatly appreciate it no matter what.

From the list: Glory & The Green Mile were the only ones I've shed a tear for. I cried at Ladder 49 because John Travolta ruined what could have been a great movie.
The only movie that has yet to make me cry was a TV movie about Anne Frank.
My brother :cry: everytime he watched 'Mr. Holland's Opus'.
He's such a goob, LOL! :D
Men generally cry at an emotional sports movie. It's sort of widely known among guys that Field of Dreams is OK for us to cry at.

I know a couple guys who cried at The Patriot and Armageddon, too.

As for me, I cry at everything. Here's a short list of movies that made me cry recently:

Monsters, Inc
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Jersey Girl
Garden State
Kill Bill vol. 2

Plus an episode or two of Six Feet Under. I'm a big wuss. :cry:
Old Yeller - but i was a BOY then!! ;)
Saving Private Ryan
The Green Mile

Legends of the Fall should be on that list!
Untamed Heart got me!!

Im sure there are others. Usually whenever a father child is involved..I cant help myself.
Dude, the end of Last of the Mohicans had me in tears. That was just SAAAAAD!!

Basically, here's the formula. It's ok for a guy to cry at a movie if it's supposed to be sad and is about either sports or war. Oh, and the movie has to be good, too.
the end of the last samurai made me cry,


the part was when all the samurai were dead besides katsumoto and captain algren, and katsumoto commits suicide. u have to see the movie in order to agree with me.

the end pikachu-pikachu fight scene caught me off guard. :rotflmao:
the end of "save private Ryan"
Love actually (one moment in the movie only)
"Les Sentiers de la Gloire" (Paths of Glory in english I believe), with Kirk Douglas, about the WWI.
Dien Bien Phu, if you're really in the movie, and feel what the soldiers are feeling.
gop_jeff said:

Green Mile

Passion of the Christ

Saving Private Ryan

I agree with all on your list gop . Everytime they showed Mary in The Passion killed me. Saving Private Ryan was even more emotionally draining than The Passion . I watched it at home and had to stop it 3 times . Braveheart . . . outstanding! The Patriot is another Mel movie that got to me .
What about the Rocky series . The first one when he wins and yells out Yo Adrienne , I did it! And the one that she doesn't want him to fight anymore and she gets sick and is in a coma , when she wakes up and tells him she wants him to do one thing for her . . .WIN! I think that these movies don't get nearly the respect that they deserve . In every theater that I saw them there were guys standing up and boxing during the fight scenes .Stallone found a formula and worked it incredibly well . He did the same with the Rambo series , the people in the theaters went nuts during those movies .
padisha emperor said:
the end of "save private Ryan"
Dien Bien Phu, if you're really in the movie, and feel what the soldiers are feeling.

I agree PE! Wow, something we agree on!
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