Mother Jones bombshell: Florida Massage Parlor Owner Has Been Selling Chinese Execs Access to Trump

Money! You spend no time investigating how politicians have made money. But an outsider comes into power and he is a criminal.
Because he is. It's been proven.
Do you really think that people on our side trust Nadler, Schiff, Pelosi, Waters, Schumer and the rest of the political lifers?
They have uncovered the truth of his criminality, and are continuing to do so.
You have also birthed violence and potential violence with your agendas. And you will rue the day you did.
No, that's a lie. I'm saying that Trump voters who vote for criminals and disrespect the law and the Constitution are enemies of the state. We have to vote them back into the holes from where they came from.
The propaganda has gotten us to the point a Repub may have never won again. Pelosi is a criminal! Just one of many on the progressive side. Accusations of criminal activity by Trump was bought up after the election. Why m I supposed to care anyway? You will start your corrupted green crap raising gas prices to 10 bucks a gallon just to start. There will be minimal success for the massive costs but the benign efficiency advances in insulation, A/C/Heating units and windows and doors in homes will be put up to all as a success with modest improvements in wind power and solar power and other powers as massive corruption and people enriched by it laugh all the way to the bank. It may be the future, but impoverishing people for a boondoggle agenda is the epitome of evil. You will end up with people burning coal in 50 gallon metal containers and using any fuel they can in kerosene heaters to stay alive during the winter. Therefore increasing all of those carbons into the atmosphere.
Republicans, they'll never make it out of Hickesville, with their backward agendas.And by the way, there are no proven crimes by Pelosi. You are a liar

I like Hicksville! No traffic. People talk to their neighbors. You don't have to lock your doors. You ought to try it, BWK! (eye roll)
That's funny, I lived in some of those places, and those same hicks broke into my house two times, and they went to prison. Are those the kind of neighbors you are talking about?

I'm sure they LOVED you out there in the country, BWK! No surprise you don't live there still! Your neighbors probably threw a going away party for you...only it was after you were GONE!
this thread is just bizzarro bullshit
You would think. Then there is Kraft getting arrested. And there’s video tape. And they have evidence. And there’s been an arrest. And there’s selfie’s of Trump with the human trafficker. And selfies of trumps kids with the human trafficker.
Admit it. Our president is a scumbag. The leader of the GOP has friends who are human traffickers. RePublicans already hate this country but they’ve lost all values and morals.
This is the world that republicans want to leave to their children.

You really are a buffoon!

So how does this work, R-Derp? If Matt Lauer, Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, Charlie Rose and Al Franken are all liberal Democrats and all of them behaved in a reprehensible fashion does that mean that all Democrats act in the same way?

You don't even grasp what a hypocrite you you?
Sorry, after the 2008 scandal, I don’t consider Mother Jones a reliable source, nor do I consider Breitbart reliable, if you use those sources, I’m not even going to look up the story on a search engine as it usually leads to sources I don’t consider reliable. Of the sources you linked, several I wouldn’t consider reliable, others are fine.

It only takes one to corroborate, and I listed sixteen.

As I said, Poisoning the Well was already tried here, and failed. The fact that Mother Jones also carried a story available at myriad other sources, doesn't affect the story's veracity.

What "2008 scandal" was this anyway? :dunno:

Ah, yes...that was the excuse for liberal media outlets to run stories about Richard Steele's phony dossiers...that someone ELSE carried the story first and they were simply reporting on what THEY reported!

That's not what legitimate journalists would do. They would verify stories before running them...and that would take place no matter who else went with that story before them!

There's sixteen different sources there for the same story, not counting the one in the OP.

I didn't bother to analyze who had it "first", as I don't give a shit.

I know you don't "give a shit" because the story plays into your viewpoint! It's why the liberal media go with stories like the phony Steele dossiers...because people like you will eat it up with a spoon!

My point was that supposedly legitimate journalists see a story that they'd love to go with because it fits their political viewpoint...but know that as journalists that they shouldn't run stories without verifying that the story is indeed factual. They get around that however by "reporting" on a story that someone ELSE has done! That way they can say "Oh, well that wasn't OUR story...that was Rolling Stone's story...we were just reporting on what THEY reported on!" I'm sorry but that's not ethical journalism!


DOOD. I posted sixteen separate reports of this story. Then I added a few more. The point was, and still is, that all these wags trying the old Poison the Well Fallacy by going "Mother Jones huh huh huh snicker snicker" are thereby exposed for that fallacy. DEAL with it.

It's also telling that such a fallacy was all they could come up with in flailing defense of the Cult.

And no I don't believe RS originated it. I suspect it was one of the Miami media.

I never said that RS originated it. I was simply using them as an example of a media outlet that doesn't feel compelled to comply with journalistic standards.
Mother Jones was the first to report on the Steele dossiers and then Buzz Feed published the dossiers themselves. Once that took place a slew of liberal media outlets ALL began reporting on the dossiers...which was my point all along!
It only takes one to corroborate, and I listed sixteen.

As I said, Poisoning the Well was already tried here, and failed. The fact that Mother Jones also carried a story available at myriad other sources, doesn't affect the story's veracity.

What "2008 scandal" was this anyway? :dunno:

Ah, yes...that was the excuse for liberal media outlets to run stories about Richard Steele's phony dossiers...that someone ELSE carried the story first and they were simply reporting on what THEY reported!

That's not what legitimate journalists would do. They would verify stories before running them...and that would take place no matter who else went with that story before them!

There's sixteen different sources there for the same story, not counting the one in the OP.

I didn't bother to analyze who had it "first", as I don't give a shit.

I know you don't "give a shit" because the story plays into your viewpoint! It's why the liberal media go with stories like the phony Steele dossiers...because people like you will eat it up with a spoon!

My point was that supposedly legitimate journalists see a story that they'd love to go with because it fits their political viewpoint...but know that as journalists that they shouldn't run stories without verifying that the story is indeed factual. They get around that however by "reporting" on a story that someone ELSE has done! That way they can say "Oh, well that wasn't OUR story...that was Rolling Stone's story...we were just reporting on what THEY reported on!" I'm sorry but that's not ethical journalism!


DOOD. I posted sixteen separate reports of this story. Then I added a few more. The point was, and still is, that all these wags trying the old Poison the Well Fallacy by going "Mother Jones huh huh huh snicker snicker" are thereby exposed for that fallacy. DEAL with it.

It's also telling that such a fallacy was all they could come up with in flailing defense of the Cult.

And no I don't believe RS originated it. I suspect it was one of the Miami media.

I never said that RS originated it. I was simply using them as an example of a media outlet that doesn't feel compelled to comply with journalistic standards.

And where in the link are they falling short there?

And what about the other twenty sources?
Ah, yes...that was the excuse for liberal media outlets to run stories about Richard Steele's phony dossiers...that someone ELSE carried the story first and they were simply reporting on what THEY reported!

That's not what legitimate journalists would do. They would verify stories before running them...and that would take place no matter who else went with that story before them!

There's sixteen different sources there for the same story, not counting the one in the OP.

I didn't bother to analyze who had it "first", as I don't give a shit.

I know you don't "give a shit" because the story plays into your viewpoint! It's why the liberal media go with stories like the phony Steele dossiers...because people like you will eat it up with a spoon!

My point was that supposedly legitimate journalists see a story that they'd love to go with because it fits their political viewpoint...but know that as journalists that they shouldn't run stories without verifying that the story is indeed factual. They get around that however by "reporting" on a story that someone ELSE has done! That way they can say "Oh, well that wasn't OUR story...that was Rolling Stone's story...we were just reporting on what THEY reported on!" I'm sorry but that's not ethical journalism!


DOOD. I posted sixteen separate reports of this story. Then I added a few more. The point was, and still is, that all these wags trying the old Poison the Well Fallacy by going "Mother Jones huh huh huh snicker snicker" are thereby exposed for that fallacy. DEAL with it.

It's also telling that such a fallacy was all they could come up with in flailing defense of the Cult.

And no I don't believe RS originated it. I suspect it was one of the Miami media.

I never said that RS originated it. I was simply using them as an example of a media outlet that doesn't feel compelled to comply with journalistic standards.

And where in the link are they falling short there?

And what about the other twenty sources?

Can you not grasp the concept that NONE of those twenty sources actually vetted the accusations that were IN the Steele dossiers? That they went with the story because it validated their view of Donald Trump?
Why is Trump hanging out with the owner of a sex trafficking massage parlor?
Either as a christian was converting her of her evil ways. To a happy ending
Or spreading seeds of family values? One mouthful at a time.
Because he is. It's been proven.They have uncovered the truth of his criminality, and are continuing to do so.No, that's a lie. I'm saying that Trump voters who vote for criminals and disrespect the law and the Constitution are enemies of the state. We have to vote them back into the holes from where they came from.
The propaganda has gotten us to the point a Repub may have never won again. Pelosi is a criminal! Just one of many on the progressive side. Accusations of criminal activity by Trump was bought up after the election. Why m I supposed to care anyway? You will start your corrupted green crap raising gas prices to 10 bucks a gallon just to start. There will be minimal success for the massive costs but the benign efficiency advances in insulation, A/C/Heating units and windows and doors in homes will be put up to all as a success with modest improvements in wind power and solar power and other powers as massive corruption and people enriched by it laugh all the way to the bank. It may be the future, but impoverishing people for a boondoggle agenda is the epitome of evil. You will end up with people burning coal in 50 gallon metal containers and using any fuel they can in kerosene heaters to stay alive during the winter. Therefore increasing all of those carbons into the atmosphere.
Republicans, they'll never make it out of Hickesville, with their backward agendas.And by the way, there are no proven crimes by Pelosi. You are a liar

I like Hicksville! No traffic. People talk to their neighbors. You don't have to lock your doors. You ought to try it, BWK! (eye roll)
That's funny, I lived in some of those places, and those same hicks broke into my house two times, and they went to prison. Are those the kind of neighbors you are talking about?

I'm sure they LOVED you out there in the country, BWK! No surprise you don't live there still! Your neighbors probably threw a going away party for you...only it was after you were GONE!
Especially the one's who were locked up.
There's sixteen different sources there for the same story, not counting the one in the OP.

I didn't bother to analyze who had it "first", as I don't give a shit.

I know you don't "give a shit" because the story plays into your viewpoint! It's why the liberal media go with stories like the phony Steele dossiers...because people like you will eat it up with a spoon!

My point was that supposedly legitimate journalists see a story that they'd love to go with because it fits their political viewpoint...but know that as journalists that they shouldn't run stories without verifying that the story is indeed factual. They get around that however by "reporting" on a story that someone ELSE has done! That way they can say "Oh, well that wasn't OUR story...that was Rolling Stone's story...we were just reporting on what THEY reported on!" I'm sorry but that's not ethical journalism!


DOOD. I posted sixteen separate reports of this story. Then I added a few more. The point was, and still is, that all these wags trying the old Poison the Well Fallacy by going "Mother Jones huh huh huh snicker snicker" are thereby exposed for that fallacy. DEAL with it.

It's also telling that such a fallacy was all they could come up with in flailing defense of the Cult.

And no I don't believe RS originated it. I suspect it was one of the Miami media.

I never said that RS originated it. I was simply using them as an example of a media outlet that doesn't feel compelled to comply with journalistic standards.

And where in the link are they falling short there?

And what about the other twenty sources?

Can you not grasp the concept that NONE of those twenty sources actually vetted the accusations that were IN the Steele dossiers? That they went with the story because it validated their view of Donald Trump?
Can you un validate the validated parts of the dossier?
I know you don't "give a shit" because the story plays into your viewpoint! It's why the liberal media go with stories like the phony Steele dossiers...because people like you will eat it up with a spoon!

My point was that supposedly legitimate journalists see a story that they'd love to go with because it fits their political viewpoint...but know that as journalists that they shouldn't run stories without verifying that the story is indeed factual. They get around that however by "reporting" on a story that someone ELSE has done! That way they can say "Oh, well that wasn't OUR story...that was Rolling Stone's story...we were just reporting on what THEY reported on!" I'm sorry but that's not ethical journalism!


DOOD. I posted sixteen separate reports of this story. Then I added a few more. The point was, and still is, that all these wags trying the old Poison the Well Fallacy by going "Mother Jones huh huh huh snicker snicker" are thereby exposed for that fallacy. DEAL with it.

It's also telling that such a fallacy was all they could come up with in flailing defense of the Cult.

And no I don't believe RS originated it. I suspect it was one of the Miami media.

I never said that RS originated it. I was simply using them as an example of a media outlet that doesn't feel compelled to comply with journalistic standards.

And where in the link are they falling short there?

And what about the other twenty sources?

Can you not grasp the concept that NONE of those twenty sources actually vetted the accusations that were IN the Steele dossiers? That they went with the story because it validated their view of Donald Trump?
Can you un validate the validated parts of the dossier?

Why would anyone even waste their time "validating" something that was obviously a political "dirty trick" employed by the Clinton campaign to smear Donald Trump right before the election? Are there items in the Steele "dossiers" that are factual? Yes...that's how one weaves a believable intersperse what you've made up out of whole cloth with things that can be confirmed. The bottom line is Richard Steele was hired to do a political hatchet job on an opposition parties nominee by the other parties nominee! Hillary Clinton PAID to make that happen! Paid to have the dossiers created! Paid to have them disseminated to media outlets that would put them out in a manner most harmful to the Trump campaign!

You on the left have spent two plus years chasing imaginary "collusion" between Trump and Russia while studiously ignoring the REAL collusion that took place during that election between Hillary Clinton's campaign...foreign agents...the DNC...and the Obama Administration!

DOOD. I posted sixteen separate reports of this story. Then I added a few more. The point was, and still is, that all these wags trying the old Poison the Well Fallacy by going "Mother Jones huh huh huh snicker snicker" are thereby exposed for that fallacy. DEAL with it.

It's also telling that such a fallacy was all they could come up with in flailing defense of the Cult.

And no I don't believe RS originated it. I suspect it was one of the Miami media.

I never said that RS originated it. I was simply using them as an example of a media outlet that doesn't feel compelled to comply with journalistic standards.

And where in the link are they falling short there?

And what about the other twenty sources?

Can you not grasp the concept that NONE of those twenty sources actually vetted the accusations that were IN the Steele dossiers? That they went with the story because it validated their view of Donald Trump?
Can you un validate the validated parts of the dossier?

Why would anyone even waste their time "validating" something that was obviously a political "dirty trick" employed by the Clinton campaign to smear Donald Trump right before the election? Are there items in the Steele "dossiers" that are factual? Yes...that's how one weaves a believable intersperse what you've made up out of whole cloth with things that can be confirmed. The bottom line is Richard Steele was hired to do a political hatchet job on an opposition parties nominee by the other parties nominee! Hillary Clinton PAID to make that happen! Paid to have the dossiers created! Paid to have them disseminated to media outlets that would put them out in a manner most harmful to the Trump campaign!

You on the left have spent two plus years chasing imaginary "collusion" between Trump and Russia while studiously ignoring the REAL collusion that took place during that election between Hillary Clinton's campaign...foreign agents...the DNC...and the Obama Administration!
The believable parts are being used. No one knows about the unverified parts, so how can something be made out of "whole cloth", when we don't know what that "cloth" is? You aren't making any sense with your argument. Especially the part about wasting time validating something that was "obviously a political trick.". Lol! How can it be a "political trick" when you yourself said some parts of the dossier were verified? Do you have any idea, that when people read your posts how easy it is to pick out the contradictions and the lies? You are straight full of shit. Prepare your arguments. Your contradictions are in the way.
There's sixteen different sources there for the same story, not counting the one in the OP.

I didn't bother to analyze who had it "first", as I don't give a shit.

I know you don't "give a shit" because the story plays into your viewpoint! It's why the liberal media go with stories like the phony Steele dossiers...because people like you will eat it up with a spoon!

My point was that supposedly legitimate journalists see a story that they'd love to go with because it fits their political viewpoint...but know that as journalists that they shouldn't run stories without verifying that the story is indeed factual. They get around that however by "reporting" on a story that someone ELSE has done! That way they can say "Oh, well that wasn't OUR story...that was Rolling Stone's story...we were just reporting on what THEY reported on!" I'm sorry but that's not ethical journalism!


DOOD. I posted sixteen separate reports of this story. Then I added a few more. The point was, and still is, that all these wags trying the old Poison the Well Fallacy by going "Mother Jones huh huh huh snicker snicker" are thereby exposed for that fallacy. DEAL with it.

It's also telling that such a fallacy was all they could come up with in flailing defense of the Cult.

And no I don't believe RS originated it. I suspect it was one of the Miami media.

I never said that RS originated it. I was simply using them as an example of a media outlet that doesn't feel compelled to comply with journalistic standards.

And where in the link are they falling short there?

And what about the other twenty sources?

Can you not grasp the concept that NONE of those twenty sources actually vetted the accusations that were IN the Steele dossiers? That they went with the story because it validated their view of Donald Trump?

Who the fuck brought up "Steele dossiers [sic]"? This thread has nothing to do with "Steele dossiers [sic]".
I know you don't "give a shit" because the story plays into your viewpoint! It's why the liberal media go with stories like the phony Steele dossiers...because people like you will eat it up with a spoon!

My point was that supposedly legitimate journalists see a story that they'd love to go with because it fits their political viewpoint...but know that as journalists that they shouldn't run stories without verifying that the story is indeed factual. They get around that however by "reporting" on a story that someone ELSE has done! That way they can say "Oh, well that wasn't OUR story...that was Rolling Stone's story...we were just reporting on what THEY reported on!" I'm sorry but that's not ethical journalism!


DOOD. I posted sixteen separate reports of this story. Then I added a few more. The point was, and still is, that all these wags trying the old Poison the Well Fallacy by going "Mother Jones huh huh huh snicker snicker" are thereby exposed for that fallacy. DEAL with it.

It's also telling that such a fallacy was all they could come up with in flailing defense of the Cult.

And no I don't believe RS originated it. I suspect it was one of the Miami media.

I never said that RS originated it. I was simply using them as an example of a media outlet that doesn't feel compelled to comply with journalistic standards.

And where in the link are they falling short there?

And what about the other twenty sources?

Can you not grasp the concept that NONE of those twenty sources actually vetted the accusations that were IN the Steele dossiers? That they went with the story because it validated their view of Donald Trump?

Who the fuck brought up "Steele dossiers [sic]"? This thread has nothing to do with "Steele dossiers [sic]".
Off topic trolls who can't debate the thread.

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