In NY yesterday, anti-Trump protestors were asked why they felt Trump was a racist. Many of them couldn't say, and some who did couldn't communicate it rationally. Of the ones who were able to put in words why they felt he was racist, these were some of the reasons:
- He wants to deport people who aren't like him
- He wants to build a wall
- He wants Mexico to pay for it
- He wants to stop Muslims from coming here
- He talks like a racist
First of all, the only people Trump wants to deport are people who are here illegally, not blacks and other brown people.
Second, he wants to build a wall to keep these people from coming here illegally.
Next, he wants to make the country that is letting all of these people get to our border without stopping them, pay for the wall, because they are the cause of the problem in the first place.
And OMG, he never said he wants to stop all Muslims from coming here, only the ones who want to come here so they can kill us. How many others have said the same thing in a slightly different way? Well, because it's Donald Trump, the Republican front-runner, he's a racist. If this isn't a false rationalization, then the truth doesn't exist.....especially when it comes to Democrats.
I guess National Security is racist then.
This is the American Left. Standing up for criminals and people who would kill them without a second thought. The nerve of this guy (Trump). He should know better than to try to keep the people of this country safe. He should be shunned from every college campus in America.....that rotten bastard.
The last point was that he talks like a racist. I never hear Trump calling anyone the "N" word. He never says "You People'. He doesn't talk about killing Jews like Muslims often do. A guy who was once President of Iran was invited to the campus of Columbia and he received a warm reception, but that guy was a cold-blooded murderer. How many times had he chanted "Death To America", and proudly proclaimed that he would wipe Israel off the map? How many homosexuals did he personally hang in the square in Tehran so he could proudly say 'there are no Gays in Iran'? How many Christians has he personally killed in his lifetime?
I just don't understand how people on the left can be so stupid. And they say We're stupid and they're smart.
One of them said "We can't have a bigot in the White House"...
.....too late.