Most voters arrested for protesting Trump weren't registered voters.

So the libs' ranks are filled with ignorant, subversive, seditious 'Colin Kaeperniks' who would rather burn the American flag, call for the overthrow of the govt, and call for the assassination of the newly elected President than try to change things peacefully by participating in our democratic election?!

the election is rigged why would they vote in a phony election?
True - libs should be protesting their own party...or protestung their candidate who couldn't even win a rigged election. :p
again only 53% voted, are you saying the other 47% are liberals?
They didn't even bother to vote. They're Anarchists.
Report: Majority Arrested in Portland Anti-Trump Protests Didn't Vote
No surprise. These aren't people who pay attention to politics or vote. They are thugs for hire.

Some wondered how all those people could miss a whole week of work to participate in the violent riots. For many, rioting is their job. Some make up to $1,500 a week.

They are nothing more than losers who have nothing better to do and will probably do anything for money.
Capitalists protesting against a capitalist system. Irony.
More than half of arrested anti-Trump protesters didn't vote in Oregon
There's your problem right there.
How many of them got jobs?
If I went out and protested I would have to call in sick at work or risk loosing my job.

I'll bet you watch Fox News 24/7
What the fuck does one's choosing of a news channel viewing choice have anything to do with protesters who don't bother to vote or are too lazy to vote. Or is it that they don't vote because if they did, they would have nothing about which to complain?
Either way, your premise is destroyed..
So the libs' ranks are filled with ignorant, subversive, seditious 'Colin Kaeperniks' who would rather burn the American flag, call for the overthrow of the govt, and call for the assassination of the newly elected President than try to change things peacefully by participating in our democratic election?!


Actually, from what I'm hearing the majority of troublemakers are anarchists who just saw an opportunity to hijack the spotlight with chaos.
Uh-huh....anarchist being bussed in and funded by George Soros...the same person who bankrolled Hillary's election....and the groups perpetrating violence against Trump supporters during the election...
Uh-huh....anarchist being bussed in and funded by George Soros...the same person who bankrolled Hillary's election....and the groups perpetrating violence against Trump supporters during the election...

Yeah. Because anarchists are inclined to do business with the likes of George Soros. :slap:

Anarchists, man! Anarchists! They aren't in it for profit, or social justice, free fucking teddy bears. These bastards just want to watch the world burn.
Uh-huh....anarchist being bussed in and funded by George Soros...the same person who bankrolled Hillary's election....and the groups perpetrating violence against Trump supporters during the election...

Yeah. Because anarchists are inclined to do business with the likes of George Soros. :slap:

Anarchists, man! Anarchists! They aren't in it for profit, or social justice, free fucking teddy bears. These bastards just want to watch the world burn.
Soros f*ing hates this country, has invesyex a lot of money in getting Hillary elected, has been proven to have funded some of the violence / violent protests against Trump.

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