Most Dangerous Sea Animals In Ocean


Senior Member
Feb 13, 2020
The sea contains some of the most beautiful but also some of the most deadly life forms. Here is the list of the 5 most dangerous sea animals in the world.

Box Jellyfish
The Box Jellyfish is one of the most dangerous fish in the ocean and is considered to be the most venomous marine animal. It’s poison can cause death within a few minutes, while the marks left by its sting remain for a lifetime. The Box Jellyfish uses it’s poison to attack the cardiac activity. When attacked, the victim will experience an extremely low heart rate, extremely painful stings, and probably death.

Cone Snail
Cone snails are very colourful shell creatures. Because they are so attractive, people have a tendency to pick them up. Although they look like ordinary seashells, the Cone Snail uses its harpoon-shaped teeth to sting with a deadly poison which currently has no anti-venom. Sting effects include numbness to breathing failure. This toxin is capable of killing humans.

Stingrays are less aggressive creatures, but once stung, they cause pain, swelling, and muscle cramps. If left untreated, a sting ray sting can cause serious injury, even death. Stingrays usually steer clear at the sight of humans and will only use its stingers when agitated, or stepped on.

Sea anemone
The largest and brightest occur in coastal tropical waters where they attach to rocks or reefs, waving venomous tentacles in the current to snare passing prey. For humans, brushes with some species produce similar symptoms to jellyfish stings.

Stonefish are commonly found in the tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific where they live in shallow waters. The Stonefish is a sluggish, bottom-dwelling fish that is extremely difficult to see as it blends in with its surroundings almost completely. When stepped on, it will inject high quantities of venom into its victim. The wounds produced from stepping on a Stonefish are intensely painful and can be fatal.

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