Most Americans are not taking this Coronavirus outbreak seriously and that is potentially very dange


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
OPINION (Michael Snyder) – We still don’t know if this coronavirus outbreak will become a horrific worldwide pandemic or not, but what we have seen so far is definitely very alarming. People have literally been dropping dead in the streets, the Chinese government has locked down major city after major city, and the virus kept spreading very rapidly on a cruise ship off the coast of Japan even though a strict quarantine was instituted.

Most Americans Are Not Taking This Coronavirus Outbreak Seriously, And That Is Potentially Very Dangerous

Because like I said most IDIOTS think America is immune to everything and or can fix everything. What retards do not get THIS IS A VIRUS NOT SEEN BEFORE it has no familiar DNA/RNA family tree it can mutate to whatever bs it wants to.
Well, maybe it'll provide the tyrants the next unification moment they need in order to mandate invasive medical procedures like vaccination at the barrel of a government gun. And then once they have that power, the sky is the limit. I mean, it's not like they're gonna give that power up, right? Puhleez. Surely they'll expand upon it. History is the best example of the future. Yay government run healthcare! Surely the people will love them for it.

I specifically recall mentioning late last year that we should likely expect another unifying 9/11 type moment manufactured in the coming months and then these shenanigans pop up. It's too perfect. This originated via the Saudis as I recall. Made its way to Denmark, I believe. Then to Canada, then to China.
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China has quarantined over 100 million people (some estimates say 400 million people).

You don't do that and disrupt the global supply chain over the death of 1,000 people!

The official numbers we are getting from china are bogus!
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Well, maybe it'll provide the tyrants the next unification moment they need in order to mandate invasive medical procedures like vaccination at the barrel of a government gun. And then once they have that power, the sky is is the limit. I mean, it's not like they're gonna give that power up, right? Puhleez. Surely they'll expand upon it. History is the best example of the future. Yay government run healthcare! Surely the people will love them for it.

I specifically recall mentionioning late last year that we should likely expect another unifying 9/11 type moment manufactured in the coming months and then these shenanigans pop up. It's too perfect. This originated via the Saudis as I recall. Made its way to Denmark, I believe. Then to Canada, then to China.

You know I get it/ we get it. it's a shame society's brain-damaged can't lol. It's all right in front of them.
OPINION (Michael Snyder) – We still don’t know if this coronavirus outbreak will become a horrific worldwide pandemic or not, but what we have seen so far is definitely very alarming. People have literally been dropping dead in the streets, the Chinese government has locked down major city after major city, and the virus kept spreading very rapidly on a cruise ship off the coast of Japan even though a strict quarantine was instituted.

Most Americans Are Not Taking This Coronavirus Outbreak Seriously, And That Is Potentially Very Dangerous

Because like I said most IDIOTS think America is immune to everything and or can fix everything. What retards do not get THIS IS A VIRUS NOT SEEN BEFORE it has no familiar DNA/RNA family tree it can mutate to whatever bs it wants to.
Sorry to disappoint that we aren't hiding in our closets thanks to your several apocalyptic warnings per day, whether it be an asteroid, a volcano or something else.
You cried wolf too much about three years ago, Mindwars.

I agree that keeping folks on that cruise ship sure backfired. But they had to know that the air systems in the cabins were all shared? WTF were they thinking? Well, hopefully live and learn. They won't try that again.
If they come up with a vaccine, I will take it. The US government has stuck me with every vaccine you can think of, and some really sucked to be on the receiving end, but none killed me. Now I am over 65. This new threat might.
I agree that keeping folks on that cruise ship sure backfired. But they had to know that the air systems in the cabins were all shared? WTF were they thinking? Well, hopefully live and learn. They won't try that again.

A quarantine is not meant to help those inside the's meant to stop the virus from spreading OUTSIDE the quarantine.

If this was bad enough...everybody on the ship would have been an "acceptable loss"...considering the alternative.

Unfortunately...that's life :dunno:
I agree that keeping folks on that cruise ship sure backfired. But they had to know that the air systems in the cabins were all shared? WTF were they thinking? Well, hopefully live and learn. They won't try that again.

A quarantine is not meant to help those inside the's meant to stop the virus from spreading OUTSIDE the quarantine.

If this was bad enough...everybody on the ship would have been an "acceptable loss"...considering the alternative.

Unfortunately...that's life :dunno:
Wouldn't it have been better to isolate them separately, though, instead of keeping 3,000 people jammed together on a cruise ship where it spread to over 400?
The reason why Americans are unconcerned is that they are secretly hoping that it will spread through feces and clean out the homeless in the cities.
Maybe that would be because more people have died falling off the roofs of their houses this year than have died from Corona beer virus.

The flu has killed 15000 Americans. Cars kill 50000 a year. Cancer kills over 600000 people per year.

In the grand scheme of things it's not even in the top 100.
Wouldn't it have been better to isolate them separately, though, instead of keeping 3,000 people jammed together on a cruise ship where it spread to over 400?

I agree.

Unfortunately nobody has 3,000 self contained isolation pods...And it takes hours or days to get the test results on who has the virus and who doesn' those's likely that others were infected.

You have to do the best you can with what you have.

A great strength America has is rushing equipment to the spot of the disaster...but if this virus turns into a disaster...the disaster wont be "localized".

There will be no help "on the way".
The flu has killed 15000 Americans. Cars kill 50000 a year. Cancer kills over 600000 people per year.

In the grand scheme of things it's not even in the top 100.

EXACTLY! So why quarantine over 100 million people & destroy your own economy? And disrupt the global supply chain?

The number of dead must be in the millions to justify such actions.

We are NOT getting the real numbers!
The flu has killed 15000 Americans. Cars kill 50000 a year. Cancer kills over 600000 people per year.

In the grand scheme of things it's not even in the top 100.

EXACTLY! So why quarantine over 100 million people & destroy your own economy? And disrupt the global supply chain?

The number of dead must be in the millions to justify such actions.

We are NOT getting the real numbers!

I don't doubt China is lying through their teeth. But that doesn't mean it's going to effect us in any significant way.
I don't doubt China is lying through their teeth. But that doesn't mean it's going to effect us in any significant way.

Even without the virus...the disruption to the supply chain is already hitting us...but we wont see the brunt of it for another 3 or 4 weeks...and that is a big BIG deal!
If they come up with a vaccine, I will take it. The US government has stuck me with every vaccine you can think of, and some really sucked to be on the receiving end, but none killed me. Now I am over 65. This new threat might.
That’s insane.
If they come up with a vaccine, I will take it. The US government has stuck me with every vaccine you can think of, and some really sucked to be on the receiving end, but none killed me. Now I am over 65. This new threat might.
That’s insane.
It is my experience, I can tolerate whatever vaccine they want to pump into me, easier the the illnesses they were design to prevent or lessen the effect of. I know that not everyone can take some vaccines due to side effects. I am just not one of them.

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