Moscow´s Genocide of Belarusian nation. Terrifying reading


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Moscow´s Genocide of Belarusian nation. Terrifying reading

sorry, for using straight forward google translate :
"After World War II, the 10-million-strong Belarus lost about 3 million of its inhabitants, but about 2 million were killed even before the war by the communist NKVD. In Belarus, 70 percent of all Belarusian writers were physically destroyed, scientists and artists were killed. (The troupe of the Third Belarusian State Theater of Vladislav Golubok was arrested in full force. Almost all of them were shot.) They were killed on ethnic grounds. For this, the label "natsdem" was invented (it means - a national democrat, although such a party did not exist). This label was stuck to all Belarusians whom the Stalinists planned to destroy. In the depths of the NKVD, a non-existent anti-communist organization SVB ("Union of Liberation of Belarus") was invented. Under an invented phantom, the NKVADists carried out arrests, conducted an imaginary investigation, interrogated, tortured, tried, then exiled to Russia and shot innocent people. After the Riga Agreement in 1921, Belarus was divided between Poland and Russia. The division border was drawn not far from Mensk. There was a secret order from the NKVD to destroy the entire Belarusian population along the border. The Russian auxiliaries wanted to create a deserted area here. The destruction was carried out by the border troops. The trustees were given a rifle and a shovel. When such a border guard soldier met in a deserted place (on the road, in a field, in a forest) a lonely Belarusian or Belarusian, or a child, he would shoot a person, immediately dig a hole with a shovel and fill up the corpse.
That was the instruction. The people in the villages were not so afraid of the "man with the gun" as they were the soldier with the shovel. (These facts were published in the Belarusian press in the early 90s.) In the 30s, 95-99 percent (almost completely) was destroyed (exiled and shot) the Belarusian communist-party and Soviet administration. Even the directorate and business leaders were destroyed. Russians from Russia were sent to the posts of murdered administrators and communist leaders-Belarusians. Russians (the so-called "promoted") came to Belarus, occupied vacated positions, received benefits, property, apartments, and the first thing they did was to close Belarusian schools, translate them into Russian so that their children could study without burdening themselves with studying , as they said, “unnecessary” Belarusian language. Thus, the invaders created a "Russian-speaking population" in Belarus. Ethnocide, linguacide, mnemacid and genocide were carried out by the Bolsheviks at the same time.
The extermination of Belarusians by the Russian NKVD continued during the German augmentation as well. In June 1941, in the first days of the war, the communists shot thousands of prisoners in prisons and in stages. Only in the Brest Fortress, where there was a terrible NKVD prison, they did not have time to liquidate all those arrested, some of them fled. Meanwhile, a large group of NKVD overseers and functionaries were blocked in the fortress by the Germans. They sat there for about a month until they died out. About 20 years after the war, the communists came up with a legend about the "heroic defense" of the Brest Fortress.
Attention is drawn to the fact that the broad Soviet partisan movement was organized only in Belarus and partially on the ethnic Belarusian lands that were part of Russia (Smolensk region, Bryansk region). There was no partisan movement in occupied Russia. Why? Because the plan for the destruction of the Belarusian nation continued to operate. Moscow, using the organs of the NKVD, dragged the masses of the Belarusian civilian population into the war against the Germans, and thereby exposed the Belarusians to the German attack.
The necessary work of the struggle proceeded from an insidious plan and was carried out by vile methods. (Stalin wanted to get a double benefit.) Enkavadists specifically killed a German near a Belarusian village or made another provocation in order to cause a punitive operation of the Nazis (who usually burned the whole village, most often together with people). Thus, by the way, as a result of a special provocation of the Soviet partisans, the famous Khatyn was also burned, which the communists later advertised to the whole world in the 70s as a typical victim of fascist atrocities.
As a result of this communist-fascist joint "work", more than 9 thousand villages were burned in Belarus. Moscow did not trust the Belarusians. Therefore, by the end of the war, as a result of a special operation of the NKVD, many Belarusian commanders were sent to death, removed from command, killed and repressed. Their places were taken by Russians sent from Muscovy and loyal NKVADists. In the summer of 1944, when the "Red Army" occupied Belarus, the Russians mobilized into the army on Belarusian territory. Tens of thousands of young Belarusian men, almost without preparation, were thrown into the front line of the front. Russian commanders raised them into unnecessary attacks under the fire of German machine guns, without even giving weapons in hand, or with rifles, but no cartridges. They died in thousands, like grass under a scythe. And those that fled back, fell under the bullets of the NKVD"

"According to Kushner, in the 1930s, only 26 Belarusian academicians and 6 correspondent members of the Belarusian Science Academy were unaffected by repressions. Of 139 PhD students (aspirants) in Belarus as of 1934, only six people escaped execution during the repressions. According to Kushner, the Soviet repressions virtually stopped any humanities research in Belarus.[5]

According to the Belarusian-Swedish historian Andrej Kotljarchuk, in the 1930s the Soviets either physically exterminated or banned from further research 32 historians from Minsk with their works being also excluded from libraries. According to Kotljarchuk, the Soviet (Moscow) authorities thereby physically destroyed the Belarusian school of history studies of that time.[6] Soviet repressions in Belarus
They also did the same thing with other non-Russian peoples living in the Soviet Union.
yes, and everywhere where they could reach from Eastern Germany to Ethiopia and North Korea

The Kazakh famine of 1930–1933, named in Kazakhstan as the Goloshchyokin genocide (Kazakh: Goloshekındik genotsıd, Kazakh pronunciation: [ɡɐləˌʂʲokʲinˈdək ɡʲinɐˈt͡sɪt]) after Filipp Goloshchyokin to emphasize its man-made nature[4] and also known as the Kazakh catastrophe,[7] was a famine where 1.5 million (possibly as many as 2.0–2.3 million) people died in Soviet Kazakhstan, of whom 1.3 million were ethnic Kazakhs; 38% of all Kazakhs died, the highest percentage of any ethnic group killed in the Soviet famine of 1932–33.[2][6] Some historians assume that 42% of the entire Kazakh population died in the famine.[8]

Kazakhstan's livestock and grain were largely acquired between 1929 and 1932, with one-third of the republic's cereals being requisitioned and more than 1 million tons confiscated in 1930 to provide food for the cities.[9] Some historians and scholars describe the famine as a genocide of the Kazakhs perpetrated by the Soviet state.[10]

The famine made Kazakhs a minority in the Kazakh ASSR and not until the 1990s did Kazakhs become the largest group in Kazakhstan again. Before the famine, around 60% of the republic's population were Kazakhs, but only around 38% of the population were Kazakhs after the famine.[3][4][5][6]

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anti-communist propaganda wasn't as much as you say's not TERRIFYING.....
anti-communist propaganda wasn't as much as you say
buy a ticket to Miensk , Kurapaty is inside of Miensk border , see by yourself , what your Moscow´s buddies did to Belarusians
"Kurapaty (Belarusian: Курапаты, IPA: [kuraˈpatɨ]) is a wooded area on the outskirts of Minsk, Belarus, in which a vast number of people were executed between 1937 and 1941 during the Great Purge by the Soviet secret police, the NKVD.

The exact count of victims is uncertain, as NKVD archives are classified in Belarus.[1] According to various sources the number of people who perished in Kurapaty is estimated to be at least 30,000 (according to the Attorney General of BSSR Tarnaŭski), up to 100,000 people (according to “Belarus” reference book),[1][2] from 102,000 to 250,000 people (according to the article by Zianon Pazniak in the “Litaratura i Mastactva” newspaper),[3][4] 250,000 people (according to Polish historian and professor of University of Wrocław Zdzisław Julian Winnicki),[5] and more (according to the British historian Norman Davies).[6]

In 2004, Kurapaty mass graves were included in the register of the Cultural Properties of Belarus as a first-category cultural heritage.[7]


U.S. Embassy Statement on Act of Vandalism in Kurapaty ... › slide › u-s-embassy-statement-on-a...

English, Беларуская мова. United States of America, Department of State ... U.S. Embassy Statement on Act of Vandalism in Kurapaty. Home галоўная ...

you can also contact USA embassy in Miensk
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