
Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Joe Scarborough
(5:25am MSNBC)
is on the side against Israel's right to name it's own capital and is fine with other nations controling a sovereign nation or INTERFERING with that nation, even though he complains daily of Russian interfrence he's ok with Islamic nations interefering with Israel as he was when Obama was interfering with the Israeli elections.
Would Joe allow Fox News and NY Post tell Joe where he could or could not put his office or his shows set?
Do nations have a right to claim contested areas as a capital?
Do nations have a right to claim contested areas as a capital?

In the end, nations have a "right" to claim whatever they can defend against someone else who wants it.

That someone else says they have no right could not be more irrelevant.
Joe Scarborough
(5:25am MSNBC) is on the side against Israel's right to name it's own capital and is fine with other nations controling a sovereign nation or INTERFERING with that nation, even though he complains daily of Russian interfrence he's ok with Islamic nations interefering with Israel as he was when Obama was interfering with the Israeli elections. Would Joe allow Fox News and NY Post tell Joe where he could or could not put his office or his shows set? HYPOCRACY AT IT'S FINEST!
Make E. Jerusalem the capital of Palestine and I'm good with it.
Joe Scarborough
(5:25am MSNBC) is on the side against Israel's right to name it's own capital and is fine with other nations controling a sovereign nation or INTERFERING with that nation, even though he complains daily of Russian interfrence he's ok with Islamic nations interefering with Israel as he was when Obama was interfering with the Israeli elections. Would Joe allow Fox News and NY Post tell Joe where he could or could not put his office or his shows set? HYPOCRACY AT IT'S FINEST!
Make E. Jerusalem the capital of Palestine and I'm good with it.
E. Jerusalem would not want that, they like the stable better run benefit of being Israeli controlled. Which answers Coyotes question, if that contested area wants to be Israeli controlled then the issue is non existing.
Do nations have a right to claim contested areas as a capital?
What "contested" area?
Do nations have a right to claim contested areas as a capital?
Do people have a right to contest an area in a neighboring nation?
What neighboring nation?
Palestine DOES NOT EXIST, hasn't existed since 1947, when the Arabs denied a plan to allow co-existence.
Israel was given to the Jewish, and the Arabs went back to sand sucking.
Make E. Jerusalem the capital of Palestine and I'm good with it.
E. Jerusalem would not want that, they like the stable better run benefit of being Israeli controlled. Which answers Coyotes question, if that contested area wants to be Israeli controlled then the issue is non existing.
Has it been put to a vote and, if not, why?
Make E. Jerusalem the capital of Palestine and I'm good with it.
E. Jerusalem would not want that, they like the stable better run benefit of being Israeli controlled. Which answers Coyotes question, if that contested area wants to be Israeli controlled then the issue is non existing.
Has it been put to a vote and, if not, why?
I Think it was a poll and interviews explained why they preferred stable non corrupt governance where business thrived.
Make E. Jerusalem the capital of Palestine and I'm good with it.
E. Jerusalem would not want that, they like the stable better run benefit of being Israeli controlled. Which answers Coyotes question, if that contested area wants to be Israeli controlled then the issue is non existing.
Has it been put to a vote and, if not, why?
I Think it was a poll and interviews explained why they preferred stable non corrupt governance where business thrived.
Polls? I guess we know how accurate they are.
Joke is harmless, Mika's a super airhead, and that about sums up the low info dopes who comprise their tiny audience.
Why would anyone Liberal or otherwise want to start their day listening to those two dopes?
I generally tune in and out during the show. It's the best place in all of media IMO to keep up with the latest idiocy the lefty loonies are feeding to their low info dupes.

By the way, any news if MSDNC is gonna can dimocrat Harold Ford, Jr.?
I keep hearing about this here Morning Joe show. Must be pretty popular. I see the OP's on it at the crack o' dawn.
Or In flipping channels it doesn't ever take a few seconds in whereby you hear them sticking their foot in their mouth.

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