More women shooting competitors...hubba hubba....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Here we have another 3 gun shooter who happens to be a woman.....found this through

Sass Brass Bullets Just Like You 8230 Only Prettier

1. Start with 7 Kick-ass Female 3-Gun Competitors

Sure, you can hire models. But where is the fun in that? First of all, viewers are not stupid – they can spot a phony from a mile away. Second, it will build your credibility & prove your products really are designed for running & gunning, because that’s what we really do. Last, but not least, your pretty pictures will actually say something. Female shooters have long battled stereotypes: either we were perceived as manly tomboys or gun bunnies posing with firearms in their bikini (nothing against that, I love a hot gal with a smoking gun as much as the next guy). However, the fact is, many of us are serious shooters & competitors who leave most men in the dust. Funny thing is, until recently, the firearms industry not only fueled the misunderstandings, they ignored one of the fastest growing segments – women! Not anymore.

The girls & I sharing an umbrella right before it was my turn with the cameraman…
Janna Reeves, Jessica Hook, Michelle Jean, Diana Hufstedler

The thing is....these women are actual shooters.....great competitors who can really shoot...not bimbos in bathing suits with guns......

Team TTI (sometimes affectionately referred to as “Ballistic Angels” or simply “Taran’s Angels”). Members featured: Michelle Jean, Corinne Mosher, Allie Barrett, Diana Hufstedler (yeah, I’m always in black), Sammi King, Jessica Hook, Janna Reeves & our fierce leader Taran Butler. All images: courtesy of 5.11 Media

About Diana
Me, Myself & Gun Powder

I grew up in Eastern Europe’s Bulgaria – a post communist country with tight gun laws. I have always had a fascination with firearms – hello, they go “BANG” – and had a chance to handle several before I moved to the States. It all started at county fairs – plinking at silhouettes and beer caps, then later I got to shoot my Grandpa’s hunting rifle. Yet handguns – these were hard to find! One of my first boyfriends was a young police officer and he was the first to let me shoot a pistol. Even though I picked up some bad instructions from him, boy – was I hooked!

I moved to the US when I was 18 and soon met my husband. And he, my friends, handed me a gun. The rest is history.
Brownells Lady 3 Gun Pro-Am MAKES HISTORY Sass Brass Bullets

Held at South River Gun Club in Atlanta GA, this championship was attended by nearly 200 female competitors (in 4 divisions – Open, Tac Ops, Tac Irons & Pro), family, friends, industry leaders and media ranging from (yours truly) bloggers to CNN reporters. The event was wildly successful and I’ve got the pictures to prove it:

Left to right: Sammi Vu, Jessica Hook, Dianna Liedorff Muller, Tory Jordan, Allie Barrett, Taran Butler, Janna Reeves, Lena Miculek, Jessie Duff, Diana Hufstedler, Ashley Rheuark
good to see Bill , women shooters are a fast growing group that are likely to support gun ownership and the '2nd Amendment' . A gun in even the smallest weakest woman or persons hand makes her / him the equal to any 200 pounder coming after her . Recently I bought a coupla BB guns for my 5 year old grandkids , one boy and one boy . I hope to kindle an interest in guns in their thinking that is now developing .
and another group of future shooters is foreigners that are coming to the USA no matter if legal or illegal . In conversations with newly arrived foreigners I encourage them to learn about the '2nd amendment' and gun ownership in the USA . I mean , hey , mrobama , 'bushes , reagan' are going to allow them into the USA so why not get them interested in owning some guns and becoming supporters of the '2nd amendment' ?? The reasoning works pretty well with some foreigners that have experienced poverty and corruption in some south American countries like mexico where corruption , poverty and ' mordida ' is very common .

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