More Trumpian Filth: Clean Water Rules Being Gutted

The Trump administration is expected on Tuesday to unveil a plan that would weaken federal clean water rules designed to protect millions of acres of wetlands and thousands of miles of streams nationwide from pesticide runoff and other pollutants.

Environmentalists say the proposal represents a historic assault on wetlands regulation at a moment when Mr. Trump has repeatedly voiced a commitment to “crystal-clean water.” The proposed new rule would chip away at safeguards put in place a quarter century ago, during the administration of President George H.W. Bush, who implemented a policy designed to ensure that no wetlands lost federal protection.

Trump Prepares to Unveil a Vast Reworking of Clean Water Protections

Like Algae in your waters, Floridian Trumpists, prepare for more.

More cancer causing chemicals will be allowed to flow into our waters.

Pubs love filth. Filth in the water. Filth in the air. Filth everywhere.

Pubs dreams are coming true as filth will flow.

But hey these Trumpists are pro-life. Pro-lifers who could give a damn if these chemicals cause abortions, birth defects and cancer. Hypocrite = Trumpists
A "wetland" according to the Liber-Nazis is when a moose pisses in a farmer's cornfield. That gives them the right to control the use of his property

That must be it. You are soooooooooo smart.
Clean Water Rule - weakening in process.

Obama's rule didn't prevent algae blooms.

Less nitrates = fewer, smaller blooms.


The blooms this year were pretty fucking big. Moron.

They vary from year to year Asswipe.

How could they vary? Obama was president for 8 years. He fixed it.
Do you ever tire of being such a fucking dick? Seriously.
We can't do anything about pollution because we can't eliminate all of it???
The city of Portland dumps raw sewage into the Willamette River every single year.

Clean up your own backyards, losers. Farmers will clean theirs.

Large amount of rain overflowed their system.

That is not dumping.
Obama's rule didn't prevent algae blooms.

Less nitrates = fewer, smaller blooms.


The blooms this year were pretty fucking big. Moron.

They vary from year to year Asswipe.

How could they vary? Obama was president for 8 years. He fixed it.
Do you ever tire of being such a fucking dick? Seriously.
We can't do anything about pollution because we can't eliminate all of it???

The Gulf Of Mexico is full of oil. It seeps up from under the ocean. It's one of the reasons it's such a diverse waterscape.

Leftists are anti-science.
Arsenic occurs naturally in many water wells. Does not mean it is OK to add more. It does NOT make it OK to spill more.

CO2 is nsaturally in the air. How about we lock you in an air tight room & make it 100% CO2.
More anti-science, anti-scientific crap hattery. Well done!
The city of Portland dumps raw sewage into the Willamette River every single year.

Clean up your own backyards, losers. Farmers will clean theirs.

Large amount of rain overflowed their system.

That is not dumping.
It happens over, and over, and over.

I recommend enviroweirdoes gate the water sources and fence off toilets until they get it figured out.
The city of Portland dumps raw sewage into the Willamette River every single year.

Clean up your own backyards, losers. Farmers will clean theirs.

Large amount of rain overflowed their system.

That is not dumping.
It happens over, and over, and over.

I recommend enviroweirdoes gate the water sources and fence off toilets until they get it figured out.

It still isn't dumping. You lied.
The Gulf Of Mexico is full of oil. It seeps up from under the ocean. It's one of the reasons it's such a diverse waterscape.

Leftists are anti-science.
Arsenic occurs naturally in many water wells. Does not mean it is OK to add more. It does NOT make it OK to spill more.

CO2 is nsaturally in the air. How about we lock you in an air tight room & make it 100% CO2.
More anti-science, anti-scientific crap hattery. Well done!
What I posted is scientific fact.
Obama's rule didn't prevent algae blooms.

Less nitrates = fewer, smaller blooms.


The blooms this year were pretty fucking big. Moron.

They vary from year to year Asswipe.

How could they vary? Obama was president for 8 years. He fixed it.
Do you ever tire of being such a fucking dick? Seriously.
We can't do anything about pollution because we can't eliminate all of it???

Fuck off. EPA overreach is being dialed back. Suck it.
Less nitrates = fewer, smaller blooms.


The blooms this year were pretty fucking big. Moron.

They vary from year to year Asswipe.

How could they vary? Obama was president for 8 years. He fixed it.
Do you ever tire of being such a fucking dick? Seriously.
We can't do anything about pollution because we can't eliminate all of it???

Fuck off. EPA overreach is being dialed back. Suck it.

So, you are unaware that polluted smaller waterways b empty into larger ones?

That somehow we should not pollute the larger ones but OK for the smaller ones?
The blooms this year were pretty fucking big. Moron.

They vary from year to year Asswipe.

How could they vary? Obama was president for 8 years. He fixed it.
Do you ever tire of being such a fucking dick? Seriously.
We can't do anything about pollution because we can't eliminate all of it???

Fuck off. EPA overreach is being dialed back. Suck it.

So, you are unaware that polluted smaller waterways b empty into larger ones?

That somehow we should not pollute the larger ones but OK for the smaller ones?

So, you are unaware that polluted smaller waterways b empty into larger ones?

Smaller waterways? Like puddles in a field?
Puddles that never become navigable waters?
The Trump administration is expected on Tuesday to unveil a plan that would weaken federal clean water rules designed to protect millions of acres of wetlands and thousands of miles of streams nationwide from pesticide runoff and other pollutants.

Environmentalists say the proposal represents a historic assault on wetlands regulation at a moment when Mr. Trump has repeatedly voiced a commitment to “crystal-clean water.” The proposed new rule would chip away at safeguards put in place a quarter century ago, during the administration of President George H.W. Bush, who implemented a policy designed to ensure that no wetlands lost federal protection.

Trump Prepares to Unveil a Vast Reworking of Clean Water Protections

Like Algae in your waters, Floridian Trumpists, prepare for more.

More cancer causing chemicals will be allowed to flow into our waters.

Pubs love filth. Filth in the water. Filth in the air. Filth everywhere.

Pubs dreams are coming true as filth will flow.

But hey these Trumpists are pro-life. Pro-lifers who could give a damn if these chemicals cause abortions, birth defects and cancer. Hypocrite = Trumpists

"More Crap From The Trump Administration..."

More Crap from the Trump Administration |

"Our nation’s first national river, the
Buffalo River in Arkansas, was befouled last summer by algae that sickened people, but the U.S. Geological Survey under Trump can’t decide if a nearby pig farm and more than 3 million gallons of pig waste each year are to blame.

"Biologist Billy Justus said the agency doesn’t have the funding to do the research to figure out whose pollution caused the algae to grow.

"'If there’s more money, we’d love it,' Justus said."

Draining the swamp?

You do know that pig farms have to treat their wastes, usually under State rules, right?

Pig farms are a point source, unlike a plowed field which is not, and thus a pig farm falls under treatment rules.

A more local story, with the details of their waste treatment plan.

Hog farm near the Buffalo River stirs controversy

The controversy centers on the inevitable byproduct of the farm: pig crap. Based on C&H's nutrient management plan (NMP), the facility will generate more than 2 million gallons of manure and wastewater per year. The waste is first collected in 2-foot-deep concrete pits below the animals. Once the shallow pits, diluted with water, are filled, the waste drains into two large man-made storage ponds. Eventually, as the ponds fill, C&H will remove liquid waste and, in an agreement with local landowners, apply it as fertilizer on more than 600 acres of surrounding fields.
Apparently, some of the locals feel their groundwater is threatened by runoff from some of the spray fields?

Your link:

"One of the coalition's main concerns is the nutrients, and potentially bacteria, that they believe may seep into the water given the proximity of the spray fields to Big Creek (though the permit requires that C&H maintain a 100-foot buffer from the banks).

"Seven of the fields are listed as 'occasionally flooded' in the NMP's soil maps. 'Some people have voiced concerns about catastrophic failures,' said Watkins of the Buffalo River Watershed Alliance. 'That's a concern, but there's also the danger of this slow, continual creep that's going to occur once this gets into the groundwater and starts showing up in the creek and in the Buffalo. In the Ozarks, we're lucky if we've got 6 or 8 inches of topsoil. Then we hit gravel and then we hit water. ... Anything that's applied in these fields, if it gets through that shallow topsoil layer and hits that gravel, it's only a short way before it's in the water itself.'"
The city of Portland dumps raw sewage into the Willamette River every single year.

Clean up your own backyards, losers. Farmers will clean theirs.

Large amount of rain overflowed their system.

That is not dumping.
It happens over, and over, and over.

I recommend enviroweirdoes gate the water sources and fence off toilets until they get it figured out.

It still isn't dumping. You lied.

Oh, are you going to pretend not to understand the English language now? Or are you just a liar?
I think you are both...ignorant and dishonest.

No, I didn't lie.

Yes, they do dump.
Salem dumping untreated sewage into the Willamette again

Corvallis dumps 37 million gallons of sewage into the Willamette River

Untreated sewage dumped into Willamette River due to heavy rain, officials say
The Gulf Of Mexico is full of oil. It seeps up from under the ocean. It's one of the reasons it's such a diverse waterscape.

Leftists are anti-science.
Arsenic occurs naturally in many water wells. Does not mean it is OK to add more. It does NOT make it OK to spill more.

CO2 is nsaturally in the air. How about we lock you in an air tight room & make it 100% CO2.
More anti-science, anti-scientific crap hattery. Well done!
What I posted is scientific fact.
Did you post that you were high?
Because that would be scientific fact.

Meanwhile, it is a scientific fact that the cities dump a lot more pollution into the water than rural residents, farms and ranches.

It's also a scientific fact that the epa is manned by mentally ill imbeciles whose only objective is to eliminate the culture and pupulation of the rural us.

EPA employees asked to stop pooping in hallway. “Poop bandit” may still be on the loose.
The Trump administration is expected on Tuesday to unveil a plan that would weaken federal clean water rules designed to protect millions of acres of wetlands and thousands of miles of streams nationwide from pesticide runoff and other pollutants.

Environmentalists say the proposal represents a historic assault on wetlands regulation at a moment when Mr. Trump has repeatedly voiced a commitment to “crystal-clean water.” The proposed new rule would chip away at safeguards put in place a quarter century ago, during the administration of President George H.W. Bush, who implemented a policy designed to ensure that no wetlands lost federal protection.

Trump Prepares to Unveil a Vast Reworking of Clean Water Protections

Like Algae in your waters, Floridian Trumpists, prepare for more.

More cancer causing chemicals will be allowed to flow into our waters.

Pubs love filth. Filth in the water. Filth in the air. Filth everywhere.

Pubs dreams are coming true as filth will flow.

But hey these Trumpists are pro-life. Pro-lifers who could give a damn if these chemicals cause abortions, birth defects and cancer. Hypocrite = Trumpists

"More Crap From The Trump Administration..."

More Crap from the Trump Administration |

"Our nation’s first national river, the
Buffalo River in Arkansas, was befouled last summer by algae that sickened people, but the U.S. Geological Survey under Trump can’t decide if a nearby pig farm and more than 3 million gallons of pig waste each year are to blame.

"Biologist Billy Justus said the agency doesn’t have the funding to do the research to figure out whose pollution caused the algae to grow.

"'If there’s more money, we’d love it,' Justus said."

Draining the swamp?

You do know that pig farms have to treat their wastes, usually under State rules, right?

Pig farms are a point source, unlike a plowed field which is not, and thus a pig farm falls under treatment rules.

A more local story, with the details of their waste treatment plan.

Hog farm near the Buffalo River stirs controversy

The controversy centers on the inevitable byproduct of the farm: pig crap. Based on C&H's nutrient management plan (NMP), the facility will generate more than 2 million gallons of manure and wastewater per year. The waste is first collected in 2-foot-deep concrete pits below the animals. Once the shallow pits, diluted with water, are filled, the waste drains into two large man-made storage ponds. Eventually, as the ponds fill, C&H will remove liquid waste and, in an agreement with local landowners, apply it as fertilizer on more than 600 acres of surrounding fields.
Apparently, some of the locals feel their groundwater is threatened by runoff from some of the spray fields?

Your link:

"One of the coalition's main concerns is the nutrients, and potentially bacteria, that they believe may seep into the water given the proximity of the spray fields to Big Creek (though the permit requires that C&H maintain a 100-foot buffer from the banks).

"Seven of the fields are listed as 'occasionally flooded' in the NMP's soil maps. 'Some people have voiced concerns about catastrophic failures,' said Watkins of the Buffalo River Watershed Alliance. 'That's a concern, but there's also the danger of this slow, continual creep that's going to occur once this gets into the groundwater and starts showing up in the creek and in the Buffalo. In the Ozarks, we're lucky if we've got 6 or 8 inches of topsoil. Then we hit gravel and then we hit water. ... Anything that's applied in these fields, if it gets through that shallow topsoil layer and hits that gravel, it's only a short way before it's in the water itself.'"

The other choice is that the farmers use artificial fertilizers, which some people think are worse than going "natural"

I wonder what Watkin's background is.

Usually permits like this give maximum bacterial counts of some indicator organism, usually E.Coli, that the material must meet before it is land applied. Reducing bacterial counts is usually done by treating the waste, either by heat or time or a combo of the two, as non-infectious bacteria usually out-compete infectious bacteria.

This is actually an example of using a waste as a replacement fertilizer, something that Environmental Engineers strive for.

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