More people killed by lawnmowers than by AR-15 rifles...ban lawnmowers, keep the AR...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
More people are killed every year by lawnmowers than by AR-15 rifles....using left wing logic, that means all lawnmowers must be banned as they are killing machines...

And below....the actual number of AR-15s in private hands is likely over 18 million.....

Stooksberry: Research refutes 'assault weapon' ban, buybacks

Again, analysis regarding the AR-15 — the so-called “weapon of choice” of mass shooters — produces less-than-impressive numbers. Between 2007 and 2018, 173 people were killed by mass shooters using an AR-15, according to a New York Times analysis — roughly, 15 per year. (For perspective, 13 people die per year from vending machinesfalling on them.) The fearmongering regarding this weapon becomes even more apparent when one considers the estimated 8 million AR-15s currently in circulation — the vast majority of which will never be involved in a crime.

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