More Nazism. No book burning, but removal from schools.

If the extreme is to take away books, then what about violent video games? Drag shows? Gay parades where men walk around with socks on their dicks and parents smiling and laughing and applauding their "pride"? VERY violent movies, cartoons, songs? Kids see all this shit at very young ages. By 8 years old, death means diddly squat to them. So to "protect" them from books is ludicrous, especially the ones they are currently banning. Ban the books? Fine. Ban games, vids, movies, tv shows, etc.
Wow, it's gone so far that to clean it up now seems impossible, and it puts it into the mind that if we even wanted to clean it up, then we would look to the global community as if we are out of character with the global community, and we need to be punished for attempting to get our nation back in order. Oh wait that's what the leftist make us think, and why is this ? Because leftist are globalist.
The King James Bible has some pretty racy stuff. Incest, adultery, murder, Sodomites on the prowl demanding to have sex with residents out of town visitors. I wonder how those folks who want to ban books say about it. ;)
Oh boy, is this yet another attack on the Bible here ?

Ok, so if you actually read the book, then you would see that the word's that it reads are telling the story of sin, and of sins consequences. Sure the book is full of knowledgeable things, and one would expect that you would know what to do with those knowledgeable things.

Even the Bible is taught in stages, otherwise you wouldn't teach certain things while in the children's bible studies, otherwise not until they become of a certain age, then it would be appropriate for them to know.
The King James Bible has some pretty racy stuff. Incest, adultery, murder, Sodomites on the prowl demanding to have sex with residents out of town visitors. I wonder how those folks who want to ban books say about it. ;)

They don't allow the bible to be taught in schools. But it's okay to teach them that some ideology posing as a religion that advocates genocide, looting, and raping little boys is great. It's also okay to let freaks and scum brainwash kids into believing they need extreme sexual mutilations and start pumping them full of hormones at 6 years old.

And, once again. the school board is not 'banning books; if some parent thinks it's okay for their kids to read they can get it at the library or buy it themselves. That's because it isn't being banned.
They don't allow the bible to be taught in schools. But it's okay to teach them that some ideology posing as a religion that advocates genocide, looting, and raping little boys is great. It's also okay to let freaks and scum brainwash kids into believing they need extreme sexual mutilations and start pumping them full of hormones at 6 years old.
Sadly you are telling the truth by what the News has reported on these things over the year's. It's really unbelievable.
Sadly you are telling the truth by what the News has reported on these things over the year's. It's really unbelievable.

We're seeing the results of half-assed 'education' at work here, the lack of any real reasoning capacity. They're using circular reasoning while thinking they're using 'logic' and hence all the stupid strawman arguments and absolutist rubbish.

"NAMBLA" logic - an extreme absolutist position which demands that for logical consistencies sake that certain gross crimes be allowed, in order that no one might feel restrained".

Stirling S. Newberry

There is zero concern for the kids and education, just burb brat whining and breast beating about there being some standards imposed on curriculum for young kids. Desensitization works, which is why the commies and deviants went with the culture war first, and started with dumbing down the education system.
They don't allow the bible to be taught in schools. But it's okay to teach them that some ideology posing as a religion that advocates genocide, looting, and raping little boys is great. It's also okay to let freaks and scum brainwash kids into believing they need extreme sexual mutilations and start pumping them full of hormones at 6 years old.

And, once again. the school board is not 'banning books; if some parent thinks it's okay for their kids to read they can get it at the library or buy it themselves. That's because it isn't being banned.
Same difference,
They are indeed banning books, just like the communist.
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The King James Bible has some pretty racy stuff. Incest, adultery, murder, Sodomites on the prowl demanding to have sex with residents out of town visitors. I wonder how those folks who want to ban books say about it. ;)

Well ... it does have King James' name on it ... What did you expect?

Nothing wrong with history, but it just depends on whose telling it, how graphic it is, how detailed it is, thus causing the ratings that should determine age appropriate level's, and the year level to teach it in, otherwise when it comes to student's learning such history at the appropriate time. No one should ban history, but they should always be mindful on how it gets taught, and at what age levels should each subject be taught at. We use to know these things, so what the heck has happened ??
And how accurate.For example is one to believe a
Doris Kearns Goodwin when she maintains that
L.B.J. was The Best of America's Modern Presidents.
Or what Douglas Brinkley's interpretations historically
can muster.Popularity among those of the Leftist
MSNBC/CNN bent.Same with Jon Meacham.
In the third type you would include the US? In my scale, it would fall into a presidential republic.
For a broader understanding of things:

I'm the author, Micheal Rawlings. Click on the document to adjust the font size, to scroll, etcetera.
Oh boy, is this yet another attack on the Bible here ?

Ok, so if you actually read the book, then you would see that the word's that it reads are telling the story of sin, and of sins consequences. Sure the book is full of knowledgeable things, and one would expect that you would know what to do with those knowledgeable things.

Even the Bible is taught in stages, otherwise you wouldn't teach certain things while in the children's bible studies, otherwise not until they become of a certain age, then it would be appropriate for them to know.
No, not an attack. Just pointing out what is in the books they find offensive and troubling is also in the Bible. Those things are bad things but children shouldn't be hidden from children but taught why it's a bad and why we are against these things.
No, not an attack. Just pointing out what is in the books they find offensive and troubling is also in the Bible. Those things are bad things but children shouldn't be hidden from children but taught why it's a bad and why we are against these things.
Context is important, and the whole story is to be told in appropriate ways. No authored books in the past or of today has ever come close to the Bible. Like I said once before, that the Bible is taught in stages, otherwise at appropriate ages that are suitable within the stages that are to be taught at, otherwise within the appropriate times or levels of teaching within each section.

The same should go for any books, but sadly that isn't always the case these days. Agenda's and grooming the minds seem to supercede common sense and decency anymore, and somehow the handle must be returned in order to stop this crazy train that has since past the station.
Oh boy, is this yet another attack on the Bible here ?

Ok, so if you actually read the book, then you would see that the word's that it reads are telling the story of sin, and of sins consequences. Sure the book is full of knowledgeable things, and one would expect that you would know what to do with those knowledgeable things.

Even the Bible is taught in stages, otherwise you wouldn't teach certain things while in the children's bible studies, otherwise not until they become of a certain age, then it would be appropriate for them to know.
You know it, the bible is full of incest, adulty and genocide and you know it.
As a formerly active Force Recon Marine, I know a thing or two about opposition and resilience. The reason for my exasperation for some goes to their black-and-white think.

The issue ultimately comes down to the liberty of parental consent and authority. I'll decide for my children what is true and good and beautiful, indeed, what is decent and age-appropriate. My wife and I homeschool, and my eldest will attend a private prep school next year. We can afford to do this. Most parents can't.

In the meantime, the state schools are destroying and traumatizing innocence with the degeneracy of cultural Marxism, churning out increasingly vicious, intolerant, nose-bleeding weaklings and statist bootlicks. Dumbdowned conformists!

The only way we'll burn this ship around is with the competition of universal school choice. Liberty is the way to excellence in education. We need a system wherein parents educate their children as they see fit--at home or a school of their choice.

A Wall of Babble | US Message Board 🦅 Political Discussion Forum

Revisions and Divisions | US Message Board 🦅 Political Discussion Forum
Context is important, and the whole story is to be told in appropriate ways. No authored books in the past or of today has ever come close to the Bible. Like I said once before, that the Bible is taught in stages, otherwise at appropriate ages that are suitable within the stages that are to be taught at, otherwise within the appropriate times or levels of teaching within each section.

The same should go for any books, but sadly that isn't always the case these days. Agenda's and grooming the minds seem to supercede common sense and decency anymore, and somehow the handle must be returned in order to stop this crazy train that has since past the station.

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