More Israel settlers sneak into East Al Quds

More Jews are coming to Jerusalem.

And that's a bad thing, how?

I bless the Jews who resident in Jerusalem and that'll be any part of Jerusalem. Jerusalem is not under negotiation, and greetings to any Jew choosing to arrive and stay there.

If they came as visitors, then fine. But the come as invaders and colonialists in the dead of the night.
They come as Israelis and as Zionists.

So, yes. Its a bad thing.

Ah so Jews are "invaders" in Jerusalem. A city they have been living and praying to for 3000 year and central to their faith and existence.

More Islamic compost coming out of BeezleDumb. Ha ha ha.
This tactic has been used repeatedly by Zionists and is designed to further dispossess Palestinians. It really is utterly reprehensible. Israel and the US should be ashamed. And the EU too for not opposing it more strongly.

They're moving into homes that THEY BOUGHT LEGALLY. They own the property fair and square.

Why do you hate the idea of Jews living in Israel? Do you hate God's Chosen People for some reason?

For one thing if those are God's chosen people, he chose liars, thieves, and murderers, so I have no idea whose their god is. The Ot is not pretty.
I hate the Zionist stealing land that belongs to the Pals, and locking them in like cattle, and if you say that Hamas is terrorists, I will say to you, the IDf and Zionist are terrorist as well.

News flash to pinhead, in case you forgot, Jerusalem is now Israeli territory, they can what they please with this ancient Jewish city.
The owners of the buildings, Salah al-Rajabi and Imran al-Qawasmi, sold the properties to a Palestinian man identified as Shams al-Din al-Qawasmi, who in turn sold the buildings to Jewish settler groups, the center said.

The previous Palestinian tenants left the buildings over four months ago.

Link: Settlers take over 2 buildings in East Jerusalem Maan News Agency

And yes, that is from one of your favorites; The Ma'an News Agency.

This is what is happening. I guess if someone came to me and offered me 10-20 X what my property is worth and who knows what else, I might sell as well,

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM — Israeli guards quietly occupied two purchased residential buildings in a Palestinian district of East Jerusalem on Monday, expanding a Jewish settler project in defiance of US criticism.
Hoping to cement Israel's claim on all of Jerusalem, far-right Jews have been paying top dollar for Silwan properties, often through Arab middle-men to circumvent Palestinian taboos on such sales.
An estimated 500 settlers, armed or protected by paramilitary police, live in Silwan among 50,000 Palestinians. Israel's claim to all of Jerusalem as its capital is not recognised internationally.

Israelis quietly expand enclave in Palestinian district of Jerusalem The Jordan Times

Jews think money and weapons and sympathy can get them everything and well it is, weapons to kill the Pals with, money to buy our congressman, and sympathy from the evan Christians who they use , one of these days they will learn, and I hope its soon. They wonder the cause of anti jewism, look in the mirror.
The owners of the buildings, Salah al-Rajabi and Imran al-Qawasmi, sold the properties to a Palestinian man identified as Shams al-Din al-Qawasmi, who in turn sold the buildings to Jewish settler groups, the center said.

The previous Palestinian tenants left the buildings over four months ago.

Link: Settlers take over 2 buildings in East Jerusalem Maan News Agency

And yes, that is from one of your favorites; The Ma'an News Agency.

This is what is happening. I guess if someone came to me and offered me 10-20 X what my property is worth and who knows what else, I might sell as well...

So now you are admitting the Israelis BOUGHT the properties in question and even paid top dollar? Yeah, those Jooos are evil!
There was no theft and no sneaking into Jerusalem.
You anti-Israel/anti-Semitic twits are unashamed LIARS.
This tactic has been used repeatedly by Zionists and is designed to further dispossess Palestinians. It really is utterly reprehensible. Israel and the US should be ashamed. And the EU too for not opposing it more strongly.

They're moving into homes that THEY BOUGHT LEGALLY. They own the property fair and square.

Why do you hate the idea of Jews living in Israel? Do you hate God's Chosen People for some reason?

For one thing if those are God's chosen people, he chose liars, thieves, and murderers, so I have no idea whose their god is. The Ot is not pretty.
I hate the Zionist stealing land that belongs to the Pals, and locking them in like cattle, and if you say that Hamas is terrorists, I will say to you, the IDf and Zionist are terrorist as well.

Hitler is proud of you.
My goodness, Jews bought a house? What is WRONG with those people, anyway?

Why can't they strap a suicide belt to their children like our brave freedom fighters, anyway?
The owners of the buildings, Salah al-Rajabi and Imran al-Qawasmi, sold the properties to a Palestinian man identified as Shams al-Din al-Qawasmi, who in turn sold the buildings to Jewish settler groups, the center said.

The previous Palestinian tenants left the buildings over four months ago.

Link: Settlers take over 2 buildings in East Jerusalem Maan News Agency

And yes, that is from one of your favorites; The Ma'an News Agency.

This is what is happening. I guess if someone came to me and offered me 10-20 X what my property is worth and who knows what else, I might sell as well...

So now you are admitting the Israelis BOUGHT the properties in question and even paid top dollar? Yeah, those Jooos are evil!
There was no theft and no sneaking into Jerusalem.
You anti-Israel/anti-Semitic twits are unashamed LIARS.

And they'll never admit that Jerusalem was majority Jewish population in the late 1800's.
This tactic has been used repeatedly by Zionists and is designed to further dispossess Palestinians. It really is utterly reprehensible. Israel and the US should be ashamed. And the EU too for not opposing it more strongly.

They're moving into homes that THEY BOUGHT LEGALLY. They own the property fair and square.

Why do you hate the idea of Jews living in Israel? Do you hate God's Chosen People for some reason?

For one thing if those are God's chosen people, he chose liars, thieves, and murderers, so I have no idea whose their god is. The Ot is not pretty.
I hate the Zionist stealing land that belongs to the Pals, and locking them in like cattle, and if you say that Hamas is terrorists, I will say to you, the IDf and Zionist are terrorist as well.

The Jews didn't steal. They bought.
Am I the only one here starting to suspect that Beezel is really an Israel supporter who is acting as a POE trying to make the Pallywooders look really, really stupid?

I mean, really now -- the article that says flat out that the house was purchased and all......goodness gracious sakes alive as my Grandmother used to say.
Am I the only one here starting to suspect that Beezel is really an Israel supporter who is acting as a POE trying to make the Pallywooders look really, really stupid?

I suspect a few may be provocateurs because their stupidity seems contrived, as if they want to appear stupid, but then I remember who and what they support and ... well ... there it is.
Am I the only one here starting to suspect that Beezel is really an Israel supporter who is acting as a POE trying to make the Pallywooders look really, really stupid?

I mean, really now -- the article that says flat out that the house was purchased and all......goodness gracious sakes alive as my Grandmother used to say.

Buy the house - ok
Steal the sovereignty - not ok
Am I the only one here starting to suspect that Beezel is really an Israel supporter who is acting as a POE trying to make the Pallywooders look really, really stupid?

I mean, really now -- the article that says flat out that the house was purchased and all......goodness gracious sakes alive as my Grandmother used to say.

Buy the house - ok
Steal the sovereignty - not ok
Fight and lose, and still claim sovereignty - maybe.

Run away and hide - abandoning your lands - and still claim sovereignty - not so much.

The moral of the story of the Great Arab Skeddaddle of 1948 ?

"He who pisses his pants, then runs away, lives to regret it, for many a day."
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Am I the only one here starting to suspect that Beezel is really an Israel supporter who is acting as a POE trying to make the Pallywooders look really, really stupid?

I mean, really now -- the article that says flat out that the house was purchased and all......goodness gracious sakes alive as my Grandmother used to say.

Buy the house - ok
Steal the sovereignty - not ok

And exactly when in the last 700 years did Arabs have sovereignty over the land?
Am I the only one here starting to suspect that Beezel is really an Israel supporter who is acting as a POE trying to make the Pallywooders look really, really stupid?

I mean, really now -- the article that says flat out that the house was purchased and all......goodness gracious sakes alive as my Grandmother used to say.

Buy the house - ok
Steal the sovereignty - not ok

But that isn't what you've been saying in this thread now is it? It turns out those Israelis stole nothing so all of a sudden it's about sovereignty. Typical lying skank.
Here's a tip for you: Jerusalem is the united and indivisible capital of Israel. Get used to it. :biggrin:
Am I the only one here starting to suspect that Beezel is really an Israel supporter who is acting as a POE trying to make the Pallywooders look really, really stupid?

I mean, really now -- the article that says flat out that the house was purchased and all......goodness gracious sakes alive as my Grandmother used to say.

Buy the house - ok
Steal the sovereignty - not ok

But that isn't what you've been saying in this thread now is it? It turns out those Israelis stole nothing so all of a sudden it's about sovereignty. Typical lying skank.
Here's a tip for you: Jerusalem is the united and indivisible capital of Israel. Get used to it. :biggrin:
It's called 'Moving the Goal Posts' . Rather foolhardy, to expect that wouldn't be caught, fairly easily and quickly.
Number of Jewish Silwan residents doubles in overnight mission
Dozens of settlers move into two buildings in the predominantly Arab neighborhood of East Jerusalem.

Dozens of Israeli settlers moved into two homes in the predominantly Arab neighborhood of Silwan in East Jerusalem overnight Sunday. The move effectively doubled the number of Jews living in the central part of Silwan, where relatively few Jewish families had lived before.

The settlers bought the homes from S.K., a Palestinian resident of East Jerusalem who is rumored to have served as a straw buyer. His identity is not being revealed as he could not be reached for comment. However, in a meeting last week between him and other Palestinian residents in the area, he denied plans to sell the homes to a third party.

The settlers are said to be affiliated with Ateret Cohanim, a religious Zionist organization that buys properties in the Old City and elsewhere in East Jerusalem to settle Jews. Members of the group accompanied the settlers as they moved in overnight.

The buildings were purchased in the last year by foreign companies prompted by the Committee for the Renewal of the Yemenite Village in Shiloah ("Shiloah" is Hebrew for Silwan). The structures are several hundred meters apart from one another; one of the homes can accommodate four families while the second can house five families.
"The entrance of additional settlers into Silwan is another step that closes the door to a diplomatic solution," said Oshrat Maimon, the policy advocacy director at Ir Amim, a non-profit group that "seeks to render Jerusalem a more equitable and sustainable city for the Israelis and Palestinians who share it."

Such actions "are always carried out with the sponsorship and support of the authorities – whether directly or by way of millions of shekels from the state budget and turning a blind eye," Maimon said. "The residents of Silwan are once again waking up to a gross intrusion into their neighborhood," which undermines the peace process and quality of life for both peoples, she said.

President Reuven Rivlin on Sunday addressed the increasing violence between Jews and Arabs in East Jerusalem. "The violence between Jews and Arabs in Israel has reached new heights and relations between the groups have reached a new low," Rivlin said at a conference on xenophobia organized by the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities.

The wave of violence isn't limited to one group or another and permeates all of Israeli society, Rivlin said.

"There is violence on soccer pitches and in academia," he said. "There is violence on social networks and in daily discourse, in hospitals and schools. It's time to admit honestly that Israeli society is sick – and this sickness must be treated."

Number of Jewish Silwan residents doubles in overnight mission - National Israel News Haaretz

Dear dear.

This tactic has been used repeatedly by Zionists and is designed to further dispossess Palestinians. It really is utterly reprehensible. Israel and the US should be ashamed. And the EU too for not opposing it more strongly.
I will advise to jews not to trap your self in difficult situation because time is not in your favor and plese get the freedom for Palestinian, kind to others Allah SWT kind to you.
Am I the only one here starting to suspect that Beezel is really an Israel supporter who is acting as a POE trying to make the Pallywooders look really, really stupid?

I mean, really now -- the article that says flat out that the house was purchased and all......goodness gracious sakes alive as my Grandmother used to say.

Buy the house - ok
Steal the sovereignty - not ok

But that isn't what you've been saying in this thread now is it? It turns out those Israelis stole nothing so all of a sudden it's about sovereignty. Typical lying skank.
Here's a tip for you: Jerusalem is the united and indivisible capital of Israel. Get used to it. :biggrin:
Would you??? When Palestinian take over the control of Bait ul Mukadus (Jerusalem), you dumb.

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