More Good News Coming From DOW/Futures/Jobs/Economic Forecast.Will Pelosi & Schumer Bring This Up?

Always amusing to watch the partisans out of power trying to downplay/deflect from positive economic news. Side irrelevant, they both do it.
God damn, you're one of the most biased people on this board. Quote from this thread where liberals are downplaying positive economic news.
Happy to!
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From this thread: GREAT: Jobs Report Crushes Expectations!...
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From this thread: 2.2 million jobs created since the election. Hooray USA! This is a good thing, right?
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That's just so far, three hours into the news!

By the way, I know these examples won't be "good enough" for you. That's how partisans play the game. Both ends. No proof is ever good enough.

But you're welcome anyway!

Yeah, rattling off a bunch of posts doesn't do it. Demonstrate how "partisans out of power trying to downplay/deflect from positive economic news".

This is a second request so, instead of stalling get to work.
slapped down like the bitch you are. wow.

How so? Show me an example of Mac's point.
why so you can say I didn't provide the material you requested? dude, you just lost all credibility or respect owed an answer.
Anyone watching Fox Business News Or CNBC? Hmm, all looks well for 2018. So much good news on every front of the current and future economy for the USA.
This has been going on all year. But have any of our Liberal Leaders brought up any of this good news before a crowd or on a cable news appearance?
Or are they all still crying like a bunch of three year old boys crying in their carriages because "Mommy Can't Afford To Buy Apple Jacks",,at their local grocers.
:crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby:

I don't recall you ever starting a topic to brag on Obama and the 300% climb in the Dow while he was President. And yet here you are bragging on Trump for a, what, 5% climb?

Nor do I recall you ever starting a topic to brag on Obama and the constantlyl declining unemployment and the millions of jobs created which occurred while he was President.

I have absolutely no memory of that at all.

Isn't that interesting?
God damn, you're one of the most biased people on this board. Quote from this thread where liberals are downplaying positive economic news.
Happy to!
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From this thread: GREAT: Jobs Report Crushes Expectations!...
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From this thread: 2.2 million jobs created since the election. Hooray USA! This is a good thing, right?
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That's just so far, three hours into the news!

By the way, I know these examples won't be "good enough" for you. That's how partisans play the game. Both ends. No proof is ever good enough.

But you're welcome anyway!

Yeah, rattling off a bunch of posts doesn't do it. Demonstrate how "partisans out of power trying to downplay/deflect from positive economic news".

This is a second request so, instead of stalling get to work.

Too funny. Did I call it, or did I call it?

You demanded examples, I provided several. Bing. Right away.

If you can't come up with some good spin, tough shit. I'm right.

You called it because you knew I was going to ask you to actually demonstrate your point rather than just listing a bunch of posts, many of them not by 'partisans out of power' either.

If you can't back up your point by explaining your position then you lose. But this is predictable.
15 examples aren't good enough for cowards & liars like you.

Great, claim victory, my point has been proven. Again.

How has your point been proven?

This is your example of partisans out of power downplaying economic news:

how many new jobs in 2017? 8.7 Million VS 2009? 0.42 Jobs under Obama?

It's the exact opposite moron.
Always amusing to watch the partisans out of power trying to downplay/deflect from positive economic news. Side irrelevant, they both do it.
God damn, you're one of the most biased people on this board. Quote from this thread where liberals are downplaying positive economic news.
Happy to!
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From this thread: GREAT: Jobs Report Crushes Expectations!...
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From this thread: 2.2 million jobs created since the election. Hooray USA! This is a good thing, right?
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That's just so far, three hours into the news!

By the way, I know these examples won't be "good enough" for you. That's how partisans play the game. Both ends. No proof is ever good enough.

But you're welcome anyway!

Yeah, rattling off a bunch of posts doesn't do it. Demonstrate how "partisans out of power trying to downplay/deflect from positive economic news".

This is a second request so, instead of stalling get to work.
slapped down like the bitch you are. wow, way to ignore the facts.

Nice try, but Good News = Bad News for shallow 'Party before Country' Democrats. They need the sky to fall. No matter what you say, they're gonna dutifully stay on-message. They're just programmed hate-bots at this point. But again, nice try. :)
Always amusing to watch the partisans out of power trying to downplay/deflect from positive economic news. Side irrelevant, they both do it.
God damn, you're one of the most biased people on this board. Quote from this thread where liberals are downplaying positive economic news.
Happy to!
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From this thread: GREAT: Jobs Report Crushes Expectations!...
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From this thread: 2.2 million jobs created since the election. Hooray USA! This is a good thing, right?
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That's just so far, three hours into the news!

By the way, I know these examples won't be "good enough" for you. That's how partisans play the game. Both ends. No proof is ever good enough.

But you're welcome anyway!

Yeah, rattling off a bunch of posts doesn't do it. Demonstrate how "partisans out of power trying to downplay/deflect from positive economic news".

This is a second request so, instead of stalling get to work.
slapped down like the bitch you are. wow, way to ignore the facts.
I get this all the time.

I'm used to it.

You get what? People asking you to prove your point and then you follow through by not doing that?
Happy to!
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From this thread: GREAT: Jobs Report Crushes Expectations!...
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From this thread: 2.2 million jobs created since the election. Hooray USA! This is a good thing, right?
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That's just so far, three hours into the news!

By the way, I know these examples won't be "good enough" for you. That's how partisans play the game. Both ends. No proof is ever good enough.

But you're welcome anyway!

Yeah, rattling off a bunch of posts doesn't do it. Demonstrate how "partisans out of power trying to downplay/deflect from positive economic news".

This is a second request so, instead of stalling get to work.

Too funny. Did I call it, or did I call it?

You demanded examples, I provided several. Bing. Right away.

If you can't come up with some good spin, tough shit. I'm right.

You called it because you knew I was going to ask you to actually demonstrate your point rather than just listing a bunch of posts, many of them not by 'partisans out of power' either.

If you can't back up your point by explaining your position then you lose. But this is predictable.
15 examples aren't good enough for cowards & liars like you.

Great, claim victory, my point has been proven. Again.

How has your point been proven?

This is your example of partisans out of power downplaying economic news:

how many new jobs in 2017? 8.7 Million VS 2009? 0.42 Jobs under Obama?

It's the exact opposite moron.
How many examples did you ignore to use that one?

God damn, you're one of the most biased people on this board. Quote from this thread where liberals are downplaying positive economic news.
Happy to!
  • Post 2
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From this thread: GREAT: Jobs Report Crushes Expectations!...
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From this thread: 2.2 million jobs created since the election. Hooray USA! This is a good thing, right?
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That's just so far, three hours into the news!

By the way, I know these examples won't be "good enough" for you. That's how partisans play the game. Both ends. No proof is ever good enough.

But you're welcome anyway!

Yeah, rattling off a bunch of posts doesn't do it. Demonstrate how "partisans out of power trying to downplay/deflect from positive economic news".

This is a second request so, instead of stalling get to work.
slapped down like the bitch you are. wow, way to ignore the facts.
I get this all the time.

I'm used to it.

You get what? People asking you to prove your point and then you follow through by not doing that?
well he did. you ignored it. no more to say, you lose credibility by saying he didn't when he did. We all can see he did. You have no platform to stand on any longer on the subject.
Yeah, rattling off a bunch of posts doesn't do it. Demonstrate how "partisans out of power trying to downplay/deflect from positive economic news".

This is a second request so, instead of stalling get to work.

Too funny. Did I call it, or did I call it?

You demanded examples, I provided several. Bing. Right away.

If you can't come up with some good spin, tough shit. I'm right.

You called it because you knew I was going to ask you to actually demonstrate your point rather than just listing a bunch of posts, many of them not by 'partisans out of power' either.

If you can't back up your point by explaining your position then you lose. But this is predictable.
15 examples aren't good enough for cowards & liars like you.

Great, claim victory, my point has been proven. Again.

How has your point been proven?

This is your example of partisans out of power downplaying economic news:

how many new jobs in 2017? 8.7 Million VS 2009? 0.42 Jobs under Obama?

It's the exact opposite moron.
How many examples did you ignore to use that one?


I'm just asking you to explain one so I picked the first one on your list. Why did you include it?

Too funny. Did I call it, or did I call it?

You demanded examples, I provided several. Bing. Right away.

If you can't come up with some good spin, tough shit. I'm right.

You called it because you knew I was going to ask you to actually demonstrate your point rather than just listing a bunch of posts, many of them not by 'partisans out of power' either.

If you can't back up your point by explaining your position then you lose. But this is predictable.
15 examples aren't good enough for cowards & liars like you.

Great, claim victory, my point has been proven. Again.

How has your point been proven?

This is your example of partisans out of power downplaying economic news:

how many new jobs in 2017? 8.7 Million VS 2009? 0.42 Jobs under Obama?

It's the exact opposite moron.
How many examples did you ignore to use that one?


I'm just asking you to explain one so I picked the first one on your list. Why did you include it?
Be happy Joy. The economy improving is a good thing.

Too funny. Did I call it, or did I call it?

You demanded examples, I provided several. Bing. Right away.

If you can't come up with some good spin, tough shit. I'm right.

You called it because you knew I was going to ask you to actually demonstrate your point rather than just listing a bunch of posts, many of them not by 'partisans out of power' either.

If you can't back up your point by explaining your position then you lose. But this is predictable.
15 examples aren't good enough for cowards & liars like you.

Great, claim victory, my point has been proven. Again.

How has your point been proven?

This is your example of partisans out of power downplaying economic news:

how many new jobs in 2017? 8.7 Million VS 2009? 0.42 Jobs under Obama?

It's the exact opposite moron.
How many examples did you ignore to use that one?


I'm just asking you to explain one so I picked the first one on your list. Why did you include it?
I goofed. 14 more to go. Next!
You called it because you knew I was going to ask you to actually demonstrate your point rather than just listing a bunch of posts, many of them not by 'partisans out of power' either.

If you can't back up your point by explaining your position then you lose. But this is predictable.
15 examples aren't good enough for cowards & liars like you.

Great, claim victory, my point has been proven. Again.

How has your point been proven?

This is your example of partisans out of power downplaying economic news:

how many new jobs in 2017? 8.7 Million VS 2009? 0.42 Jobs under Obama?

It's the exact opposite moron.
How many examples did you ignore to use that one?


I'm just asking you to explain one so I picked the first one on your list. Why did you include it?
Be happy Joy. The economy improving is a good thing.

Who said it wasn't?
You called it because you knew I was going to ask you to actually demonstrate your point rather than just listing a bunch of posts, many of them not by 'partisans out of power' either.

If you can't back up your point by explaining your position then you lose. But this is predictable.
15 examples aren't good enough for cowards & liars like you.

Great, claim victory, my point has been proven. Again.

How has your point been proven?

This is your example of partisans out of power downplaying economic news:

how many new jobs in 2017? 8.7 Million VS 2009? 0.42 Jobs under Obama?

It's the exact opposite moron.
How many examples did you ignore to use that one?


I'm just asking you to explain one so I picked the first one on your list. Why did you include it?
Be happy Joy. The economy improving is a good thing.
Not if it's not what you want.
You called it because you knew I was going to ask you to actually demonstrate your point rather than just listing a bunch of posts, many of them not by 'partisans out of power' either.

If you can't back up your point by explaining your position then you lose. But this is predictable.
15 examples aren't good enough for cowards & liars like you.

Great, claim victory, my point has been proven. Again.

How has your point been proven?

This is your example of partisans out of power downplaying economic news:

how many new jobs in 2017? 8.7 Million VS 2009? 0.42 Jobs under Obama?

It's the exact opposite moron.
How many examples did you ignore to use that one?


I'm just asking you to explain one so I picked the first one on your list. Why did you include it?
I goofed. 14 more to go. Next!

How is this downplaying the economy?

ALL "LOOKED WELL" for about 7 years now, please STFU about someone not talking about good news :rolleyes:



15 examples aren't good enough for cowards & liars like you.

Great, claim victory, my point has been proven. Again.

How has your point been proven?

This is your example of partisans out of power downplaying economic news:

how many new jobs in 2017? 8.7 Million VS 2009? 0.42 Jobs under Obama?

It's the exact opposite moron.
How many examples did you ignore to use that one?


I'm just asking you to explain one so I picked the first one on your list. Why did you include it?
I goofed. 14 more to go. Next!

How is this downplaying the economy?

ALL "LOOKED WELL" for about 7 years now, please STFU about someone not talking about good news :rolleyes:



It's changing the subject.


Are you serious?
How has your point been proven?

This is your example of partisans out of power downplaying economic news:

It's the exact opposite moron.
How many examples did you ignore to use that one?


I'm just asking you to explain one so I picked the first one on your list. Why did you include it?
I goofed. 14 more to go. Next!

How is this downplaying the economy?

ALL "LOOKED WELL" for about 7 years now, please STFU about someone not talking about good news :rolleyes:



It's changing the subject.


Are you serious?

By comparing the last 7 years to this year is changing the subject? No, it's called perspective.

But that still doesn't explain why you describe this post as 'downplaying the economy' when clearly it's not. Unless you'd like to point out specifically where that is happening.
15 examples aren't good enough for cowards & liars like you.

Great, claim victory, my point has been proven. Again.

How has your point been proven?

This is your example of partisans out of power downplaying economic news:

how many new jobs in 2017? 8.7 Million VS 2009? 0.42 Jobs under Obama?

It's the exact opposite moron.
How many examples did you ignore to use that one?


I'm just asking you to explain one so I picked the first one on your list. Why did you include it?
Be happy Joy. The economy improving is a good thing.

Who said it wasn't?
You seem very unhappy Joy. Perhaps you should change your name. I see you joined during the Obama administration.

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