Mom who’s daughter was killed by illegal is suing DHS for 100M

el midgetron

Platinum Member
Jun 21, 2023
I have mixed feelings about this. I think the mom absolutely deserves 100M. The only real job of the government is to protect us. They failed this woman just like they are failing us all at the southern boarder. However, I don’t think these sell-out politicians really care about a lawsuit, it’s not going to influence them in the slightest. There could be an 10M lawsuits for 100M, it wouldn’t change anything. Ultimately, the tax payers would bare the responsibility for the settlements and it will be business as usual.

I like the sentiment but she's suing a morally bankrupt kleptocracy.

They're all going to have that 1000-yard drooling, fucktard stare and when they realize there's no 10% kickback in it, she'll get nothing.

You can vote for an 80-year old stammering puddle of piss and shit to acquire one more opulent mansion.... or like you're grandkids quality of life depends on it. Your choice.

GRAPHIC WARNING: Mother Of Daughter Killed By Illegal Immigrant Shares Heart-Wrenching Story​

(Full Hearing.)

US House Hearing on Border Security​

The lawsuits should really be paid by the Homeland Security and HHS secretaries as well Slow Joe Biden, its their policies, not those of the taxpayers who caused this problem.
I want Biden personally sued for the death of her daughter by allowing millions of illegals into our country.
I want Biden personally sued for the death of her daughter by allowing millions of illegals into our country.

Both Biden as well as the Border tsarina, Kamala should be charged criminally in the case as accessories to the murder.
I have mixed feelings about this. I think the mom absolutely deserves 100M. The only real job of the government is to protect us. They failed this woman just like they are failing us all at the southern boarder. However, I don’t think these sell-out politicians really care about a lawsuit, it’s not going to influence them in the slightest. There could be an 10M lawsuits for 100M, it wouldn’t change anything. Ultimately, the tax payers would bare the responsibility for the settlements and it will be business as usual.

good luck with that one
Whether you agree with the case or not, that is just fucked up. You used to be better than this.

Partisanship kills everything it touches.

I feel bad for this woman that she is being used by the alarmists... but um, no. This girl wasn't capable of taking care of herself, and she got put into the worst possible situation

This is another case where the facts are being distorted.
feel bad for this woman that she is being used by the alarmists...

indeed she is.

but um, no. This girl wasn't capable of taking care of herself, and she got put into the worst possible situation

she was autistic, that does not equate to not being able to care for oneself. She was also 20, as in an adult who made her own choices.
she was autistic, that does not equate to not being able to care for oneself. She was also 20, as in an adult who made her own choices.

She was living in a seedy trailer park, and let someone into her home who killed her. Doesn't sound like she was capable of taking care of herself to me. the only reason we are hearing about it is that the person who killed her was granted asylum.

In 1930's Germany, Dr. Goebbels issued a "Criminal Jew Report". This kind of reminds me of that. let's not address the broken aslum system, let's just demonize immigrants.
She was living in a seedy trailer park, and let someone into her home who killed her. Doesn't sound like she was capable of taking care of herself to me.

More than 1000 women a year are killed by their male partners, I guess none of them should were capable of taking care of themselves and should have had their mother looking out for them.

the only reason we are hearing about it is that the person who killed her was granted asylum.

this is true, but still no reason to denigrate the mother or the victim.
More than 1000 women a year are killed by their male partners, I guess none of them should were capable of taking care of themselves and should have had their mother looking out for them.

This wasn't a "male partner" as far as I know. It was a kid who lived in a neighboring trailer with a relative. Of course, we don't know all the details of this case because it's a minor involved, but that won't keep the Repukes from being alarmist about it. If she was in a relationship with this kid, then it was her own damned fault.

Never going to feel bad for a woman who has bad choices in men. Learned that lesson in my 20s.

this is true, but still no reason to denigrate the mother or the victim.

If she let's herself be used in this way, my sympathy kind of goes out the window. She didn't die because of immigration policy, she died because she was living in an unsafe area. What little we do know is that this kid did not have face tats, (He did have a gang tat on his stomach) and he had a relative living in this country who was willing to sponsor him.
This wasn't a "male partner" as far as I know. It was a kid who lived in a neighboring trailer with a relative. Of course, we don't know all the details of this case because it's a minor involved, but that won't keep the Repukes from being alarmist about it. If she was in a relationship with this kid, then it was her own damned fault.

Never going to feel bad for a woman who has bad choices in men. Learned that lesson in my 20s.

According to the article the victim was living with the person that killed her.

The victim was 20, she did not live long enough to learn that lesson. But hey, fuck her right, she should have known better.

If she let's herself be used in this way, my sympathy kind of goes out the window. She didn't die because of immigration policy, she died because she was living in an unsafe area.

As do a lot of people as they do not have the means to get out of said area. But fuck them right, it is their own fault for being poor.
According to the article the victim was living with the person that killed her.

The victim was 20, she did not live long enough to learn that lesson. But hey, fuck her right, she should have known better.

So this is domestic violence? Even less sympathy, then.

As do a lot of people as they do not have the means to get out of said area. But fuck them right, it is their own fault for being poor.
She could have kept living with her mother, who probably should have checked on her living conditions, and who she was staying with.
Wow, you are a real piece of shit.

Why, because I don't feel bad for people who make bad relationship choices (if that's what actually happened here.)

Sorry, I just don't. I've watched too many stupid women go back to guys who abuse them.

Now, if it were a relative of mine, I'd resolve the problem. My resolution would probably involve a shovel. But I just can't feel bad for women who get involved with bad guys.
Why, because I don't feel bad for people who make bad relationship choices (if that's what actually happened here.)

Yep, that is why.

Sorry, I just don't. I've watched too many stupid women go back to guys who abuse them.

And often they are not given the chance to go back because they are fucking dead. But hey, who gives a shit about that, it was their own damn fault for not having perfect judgment at the age of 20

Now, if it were a relative of mine, I'd resolve the problem. My resolution would probably involve a shovel.

That just rings hollow after all your other post.

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