"Modern" Toronto Policing


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
See, "Stasi circa 1972" this is abound across Canada. Notice the falsely show them in uniform...right,.it is all covert and plain cothed Operation Creep. If you want to understand how the system works in this country, read the fine print of "community policing" etc. This involved getting friends and family to "watch, inflluence and inform" on you. This means reaching our to employers to block employment, or, to send some under skilled undercovers into the workplace as they refer to anyone who assists in violating your Rights as "Partners". They work to enforce an unaccountable dead economy caste system for their own benefit, the biggest loser is Canadas reputation and economy. 5 Modern Policing in Toronto- Toronto Police Service
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See, "Stasi circa 1972, this is abound across.Canada. Notice the falsely show them.in uniform...right,.it is all covert and plain cothed Operation Creep. If you want to understand how the system works in this country, read the fine print of "community policing" etc. This involved getting friends and family to "watch, inflluence and inform" on you. This means reaching our to employers to block employment, or, to send some under skilled undercovers into the workplace as they refer to anyone who assists in violating your Rigts as "Partners". They work to enforce an unaccountable.dead economy caste system for their own benefit, the biggest loser is Canadas reputation and economy. 5 Modern Policing in Toronto- Toronto Police Service
Although you don't mention your own personal issues, there's little doubt that everything you say is only related to your struggle. A struggle with mental illness, I will just add.

And so you're backsliding into the Mr. Hyde personality type again.

Are you prepared to go all in with it now, or are you going to try to stop yourself short of the temptation?

Take a few minutes to decide. There's no rush on this board on account of there's no sympathy coming for you in any case.
Although you don't mention your own personal issues, there's little doubt that everything you say is only related to your struggle. A struggle with mental illness, I will just add.

And so you're backsliding into the Mr. Hyde personality type again.

Are you prepared to go all in with it now, or are you going to try to stop yourself short of the temptation?

Take a few minutes to decide. There's no rush on this board on account of there's no sympathy coming for you in any case.
Does "all in" mean exposing the names and types of "characters" being employed? That ship sailed already, from U.S to Japan it is well known where it needs to be known. somewhat difficult to reject my informatioin when I can name them and even where they lived in their youth. Someone has to uphold and respect the sacrifices made by REAL heroes, our soldiers who died on European soil for our liberties that rarely existed and have become even more minute over time. I didn't aak to be persecuted, nor to have a security industrial complex protect predos and child abusers, your cult did. Those violations are always prefaced before I provide other specifics. Be a Mensch, not a mouse....
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See, "Stasi circa 1972" this is abound across Canada. Notice the falsely show them in uniform...right,.it is all covert and plain cothed Operation Creep. If you want to understand how the system works in this country, read the fine print of "community policing" etc. This involved getting friends and family to "watch, inflluence and inform" on you. This means reaching our to employers to block employment, or, to send some under skilled undercovers into the workplace as they refer to anyone who assists in violating your Rights as "Partners". They work to enforce an unaccountable dead economy caste system for their own benefit, the biggest loser is Canadas reputation and economy. 5 Modern Policing in Toronto- Toronto Police Service
the leftists leaders in the US promoted informing on neighbors that had what they considered large gatherings like birthday parties, wedding receptions, ect during the pandemic ... in the same timeline the left encouraged, promoted, and applauded, mobs of violent marxist homosexuals rioting and rampaging across the country in 2020 .
Does "all in" mean exposing the names and types of "characters" being employed? I didn't aak to be persecuted, nornto have a security industrisl complex pretend predos and child abusers, your cult did. Those violations are always prefaced before I provide other specifics.
Yes, that's enough to show that you intend to go all in on your personal mental illness issue.

And again, all that is missing is your erroneous claim that you can name specifics.

Just in case you ever decide to name names or present false evidence against Toronto police officers, be very careful of finding yourself liable for some serious police action against you.
the leftists leaders in the US promoted informing on neighbors that had what they considered large gatherings ...birthday parties wedding receptions ect during the pandemic ... in the same timeline the left encouraged, promoted, and applauded, mobs of violent marxist homosexuals rioting and rampaging across the country in 2020 .
We are lucky, all political parties in our caste system support and encourage such police "activities" here.
Yes, that's enough to show that you intend to go all in on your personal mental illness issue.

And again, all that is missing is your erroneous claim that you can name specifics.

Just in case you ever decide to name names or present false evidence against Toronto police officers, be very careful of finding yourself liable for some serious police action against you.
You mean above and beyond the 40 years I have experienced? Or the deaf ear/permanent tinnitus I have lived with for 32 years and counting? Thanks for the reminder Comrade.
My "all in" is thoroughly dependent on the further llegal crimes.commited against me and they would then be addressed in a court that THEY chose, not me. I was just a humble follower of G_d before they applauded my destruction and I just wanted to live my life in peace. Your cults abuses is precisely why a woman committed suicide.
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