MITT ROMNEY: Contender for Presidency?

MITT ROMNEY for President?

  • No way in hell!!!!

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • I'll need a lot more convincing.

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • I'm interested and want to know more.

    Votes: 5 41.7%
  • Yes!!! Let's elect him.

    Votes: 2 16.7%

  • Total voters


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
Mitt Romney came in at second place in the recent CPAC straw poll with a strong 23% of the votes when you consider the front runner, Ron Paul, netted only 30% of the votes. I think we can safely say the race is still wide open.

But evaluating comments on several message board forums, Romney is generating a good deal of attention and should most likely be considered a front runner at this time.

I couldn't find a good youtube version of the whole speech, but here's a good clip showing the flavor of his remarks that have so far been well received:


If somebody has a link to the whole speech with good sound quality, I would appreciate your posting it.

So what do you think? Is Romney a viable choice? Bad choice? Or something in between?
I liked the guy in 2008 and I like him now. HOWEVER, Romneycare is what Obamacare was based on. It will sink him.

Herman Cain for me!
I liked the guy in 2008 and I like him now. HOWEVER, Romneycare is what Obamacare was based on. It will sink him.

Herman Cain for me!

I disagree. Did you listen to the clip? Romney is opposed to federalizing healthcare. If we Conservatives promote States Rights versus a Centralized Federal Government in those issues that belong to the states, then Romneycare should not be all that damning a concept. Apparently those stuck with it aren't that thrilled with it, but I sort of think Romney is paying attention to that and would not repeat the same mistakes twice.

I also am watching Cain too though and admit I am intrigued. He is going to need a whole lot more name recognition to get a campaign off the ground though. I think I'll start a thread on him too though. Please chime in there.
Mitt is an exceptionally smart guy. I like him. I liked him in last time around and, probably, would have voted GOP if he'd been the candidate. I'd like to see him with a real 'out of left field' VP pick. Cain would be an excellent running mate.
Here's my prediction;

Obamacare gets passed, Romney becomes president in 2016, Obamacare is expandad, this becomes another huge government program that everyone accepts without questioning and just accepts the facts that both parties approve of it like welfare and social security.

Who's on board?
Mitt is an exceptionally smart guy. I like him. I liked him in last time around and, probably, would have voted GOP if he'd been the candidate. I'd like to see him with a real 'out of left field' VP pick. Cain would be an excellent running mate.

That would be interesting wouldn't it. The LDS church has changed its previously racist policies and views and openly embraces minorities these days. But as is always the case, some of the old reputation lingers on. It would be a fascinating concept that a candidate associated with the LDS would choose a black running mate.

But lordy lordy I hope the GOP picks SOMEBODY with a brain and decent values/insights who is electable this time.
Here's my prediction;

Obamacare gets passed, Romney becomes president in 2016, Obamacare is expandad, this becomes another huge government program that everyone accepts without questioning and just accepts the facts that both parties approve of it like welfare and social security.

Who's on board?

LOL!!! Kind of easy to "predict" something that's already happened.
Here's my prediction;

Obamacare gets passed, Romney becomes president in 2016, Obamacare is expandad, this becomes another huge government program that everyone accepts without questioning and just accepts the facts that both parties approve of it like welfare and social security.

Who's on board?

I hope you're wrong since Romney is campaigning on getting rid of Obamacare. He's going to look really REALLY bad if he expanded it after he is elected.
Here's my prediction;

Obamacare gets passed, Romney becomes president in 2016, Obamacare is expandad, this becomes another huge government program that everyone accepts without questioning and just accepts the facts that both parties approve of it like welfare and social security.

Who's on board?

LOL!!! Kind of easy to "predict" something that's already happened.

Lol soon I'll be coming out with predictions for the green bay-pittsburgh super bowl.

But I stick to the other 2 predictions.
Here's my prediction;

Obamacare gets passed, Romney becomes president in 2016, Obamacare is expandad, this becomes another huge government program that everyone accepts without questioning and just accepts the facts that both parties approve of it like welfare and social security.

Who's on board?

I hope you're wrong since Romney is campaigning on getting rid of Obamacare. He's going to look really REALLY bad if he expanded it after he is elected.

Not really, Bush said he wouldn't nation-build and that he'd cut spending in 2000, Republicans still love him.

Obama promised things like cutting earmarks, that certainly hasn't happened, pushing for legalized gay marriage, was slower than the Bush pullout lined out for Iraq, Gitmo is open, none of these things have really affected how Democrats view Obama.

The most important thing to Republicans is that Romney is a Republican, the most important thing to Democrats is that Obama is a Democrat.
Mitt is an exceptionally smart guy. I like him. I liked him in last time around and, probably, would have voted GOP if he'd been the candidate. I'd like to see him with a real 'out of left field' VP pick. Cain would be an excellent running mate.

That would be interesting wouldn't it. The LDS church has changed its previously racist policies and views and openly embraces minorities these days. But as is always the case, some of the old reputation lingers on. It would be a fascinating concept that a candidate associated with the LDS would choose a black running mate.

But lordy lordy I hope the GOP picks SOMEBODY with a brain and decent values/insights who is electable this time.

I'd like to see Cain as a VP pick.... mainly because I'm not convinced he's ready for POTUS and four years in the WH would be a great learning curve. Also, I think it would help Romney's rep if he gets the nomination to pick a minority... they need someone to counter the 'GOP are old white guys' rants from the left.
Here's my prediction;

Obamacare gets passed, Romney becomes president in 2016, Obamacare is expandad, this becomes another huge government program that everyone accepts without questioning and just accepts the facts that both parties approve of it like welfare and social security.

Who's on board?

LOL!!! Kind of easy to "predict" something that's already happened.

Lol soon I'll be coming out with predictions for the green bay-pittsburgh super bowl.

But I stick to the other 2 predictions.

Fair enough. :)

(Of course you've posted early enough in this thread we can find the post to gently poke fun at if you're wrong. And you can easily find it if you are right. :))
Here's my prediction;

Obamacare gets passed, Romney becomes president in 2016, Obamacare is expandad, this becomes another huge government program that everyone accepts without questioning and just accepts the facts that both parties approve of it like welfare and social security.

Who's on board?

I hope you're wrong since Romney is campaigning on getting rid of Obamacare. He's going to look really REALLY bad if he expanded it after he is elected.

Not really, Bush said he wouldn't nation-build and that he'd cut spending in 2000, Republicans still love him.

Obama promised things like cutting earmarks, that certainly hasn't happened, pushing for legalized gay marriage, was slower than the Bush pullout lined out for Iraq, Gitmo is open, none of these things have really affected how Democrats view Obama.

The most important thing to Republicans is that Romney is a Republican, the most important thing to Democrats is that Obama is a Democrat.

Love him the person? Yes. A lot do.

Would most Republicans re-elect him now? Nope. Not unless he was running against somebody like a Barack Obama.

And thanks to efforts of the Tea Partiers and Tax Reform groups and 9/12ers over the last couple of years, I think most Republicans are looking for a true Conservative this time around and they won't be as easily fooled as they were in President Bush who turned out not to be much of a Conservative.
Romney did come out at the top in a recent poll, he led Palin by one % point.

Do you remember which poll? That surprises me as Palin has been consistently polling in the subterranean range these days while Mitt has been holding his own.
Nope do not remember the poll I think Yahoo news had it featured, but not sure.
Newt polled at 6 or 7% if I recall corectly.
Nope do not remember the poll I think Yahoo news had it featured, but not sure.
Newt polled at 6 or 7% if I recall corectly.

Oh geez Newt. I wonder if I should start a Presidential Contender thread for him? So far all have accomplished some pretty civil debate pro and con. I'm not sure a thread devoted to Newt would remain civil for long. :)
I wish the 'no way in hell' voters up there would give their reasons.

One thing I am finding interesting is that on the boards I'm watching, the Romney threads are all generating a lot of interest. Threads for other candidates only somewhat and not so much. When I started this thread a little while ago, it got quicker attention than any of the other 'GOP contender' threads.

Not sure if that is significant. But it is interesting. :)

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