Mitch McConnell chooses self-interest over having Republicans win (!) says Ted Cruz

In any given group of people, the Liberals will almost always all be idiots.
no.. they are always idiots, morally, intellectually..

They probably turn their brains to mush getting lost in their Iphones and their stupid sit coms produced by the same kind of people..

then they have the nerve to think they know enough to vote

something needs to be done
I knew that. I just don't know how many are g uilty of it

which reminds me

If conservatives don't do more evangelizing as I call it

we can count on more losses in the future. The dims are always always spouting off their insanity and pushing it on us.. So why aren't Rs more aggressive themselves?

This is one reason we are losing. That does not discount anything I have said heretofore about VOTE fraud which does exist and no one knows exactly how bad the problem is.. except maybe Mollie Hemingway (who was on Ingraham last night, though I was not able to watch)

A lot of it is that Democrats have changed (rigged) the system.
Not rigged the vote, rigged the system.
Having a systemically rigged system may not be cheating per se, but the Republicans have to adapt.
Prior to Trump, voting R meant your job would be off-shored or you would be replaced by a business visa.
yeh, this is one of the greatest things Trump did.. and he did tons of good things even though the lamestream media never told any of their viewers about it.. brought back jobs from overseas.

this *&^%$# we have now un-did all the good things Trump did and created a train wreck.

I can't even believe what is going on.. Part of me just can't even believe how abysmally STUPID some people in this country are (mostly in DC).. and now StUPID has reached the White House like never in our history

anyway.. thanks for reminding me about this great thing Trump did.. which I hadn't thought of in some time..

Hey, everyone can say that.. But once a month or so we ought to dig out the old List of Trump Accomplishments and read through it.. and gets others to do same
term limits

how are we going to ever get term limits when THEY vote on such?

ha ha.. it's like asking the dimrats in DC to vote for the poor little unborn children in the womb..

McConnell didn't spend any money on Blake Masters in AZ.

The Rs.. or McConnell, I should say.. apparently had $100 million to spend on the different R campaigns.. But they didn't spend it wisely.

I guess Masters had said in his primary race that he would vote against McConnell being leader..

what a selfish *&^%$#@

That assumes that more money for Masters would have mattered much. The election wasn't particularly close. Masters lost by 5 points.

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