Mind of an idiot: Man tries to explain why cop killing is tit for tat..

Don't feel like watching a video... gimme the two-sentence Cliff's Notes version... what's the bottom line... what is the core of his message... what does he say?

That's essentially what the guy is saying. "It was a reaction". Nothing unusual about this, just read some of the comments in the Huffington Post, or here, for that matter.

The guy in the video isn't an idiot. The flames have been fanned for generations now, none of this can be surprising, nothing that happens in the future can be surprising.

Don't feel like watching a video... gimme the two-sentence Cliff's Notes version... what's the bottom line... what is the core of his message... what does he say?

"We have Mike Brown getting shot, the reaction is cops getting shot"
The cliff notes is, even when read Eric Holders own words saying that Mike Brown did not have his hands up, and Wilson's testimony is "thoroughly corroborated by physical and credible witness testimony, that the use of deadly force is consistent with constitutional use by a police officer"
The guy completely believes that is a lie, and he was shot while surrendering...so the fact these cops were shot is a result of that.

That's essentially what the guy is saying. "It was a reaction". Nothing unusual about this, just read some of the comments in the Huffington Post, or here, for that matter.

The guy in the video isn't an idiot. The flames have been fanned for generations now, none of this can be surprising, nothing that happens in the future can be surprising.


He is a moron. He can barely verbalize what he means, he meanders and rambles almost incoherently.

That's essentially what the guy is saying. "It was a reaction". Nothing unusual about this, just read some of the comments in the Huffington Post, or here, for that matter.

The guy in the video isn't an idiot. The flames have been fanned for generations now, none of this can be surprising, nothing that happens in the future can be surprising.


He is a moron. He can barely verbalize what he means, he meanders and rambles almost incoherently.
Give him a break, he's a young guy who's being interviewed on national television by a guy who interrupts him constantly.

In terms of his opinion, he was born and raised in an environment of division. He's the product of the race baiters.

That's essentially what the guy is saying. "It was a reaction". Nothing unusual about this, just read some of the comments in the Huffington Post, or here, for that matter.

The guy in the video isn't an idiot. The flames have been fanned for generations now, none of this can be surprising, nothing that happens in the future can be surprising.

Yup, them Negroes should totally accept that cops and neighborhood watch losers are going to gun down their children in cold blood for minor crimes of maybe no crime at all.

In MacWorld, people don't get upset unless someone TELLS them to get upset. Damned uppity Negroes!

That's essentially what the guy is saying. "It was a reaction". Nothing unusual about this, just read some of the comments in the Huffington Post, or here, for that matter.

The guy in the video isn't an idiot. The flames have been fanned for generations now, none of this can be surprising, nothing that happens in the future can be surprising.


He is a moron. He can barely verbalize what he means, he meanders and rambles almost incoherently.
Give him a break, he's a young guy who's being interviewed on national television by a guy who interrupts him constantly.

In terms of his opinion, he was born and raised in an environment of division. He's the product of the race baiters.


You should have heard the forty year old women they interviewed ...she was just as stupid.
The black community is screwed if this is what passes for intelligence among them.

That's essentially what the guy is saying. "It was a reaction". Nothing unusual about this, just read some of the comments in the Huffington Post, or here, for that matter.

The guy in the video isn't an idiot. The flames have been fanned for generations now, none of this can be surprising, nothing that happens in the future can be surprising.


He is a moron. He can barely verbalize what he means, he meanders and rambles almost incoherently.
Give him a break, he's a young guy who's being interviewed on national television by a guy who interrupts him constantly.

In terms of his opinion, he was born and raised in an environment of division. He's the product of the race baiters.


You should have heard the forty year old women they interviewed ...she was just as stupid.
The black community is screwed if this is what passes for intelligence among them.
Well, just try to remember what has been done to them for generations now, by those who claim to "care".

Every person is responsible for their own actions, skin color is irrelevant, but environment does play a role.


That's essentially what the guy is saying. "It was a reaction". Nothing unusual about this, just read some of the comments in the Huffington Post, or here, for that matter.

The guy in the video isn't an idiot. The flames have been fanned for generations now, none of this can be surprising, nothing that happens in the future can be surprising.


He is a moron. He can barely verbalize what he means, he meanders and rambles almost incoherently.
Give him a break, he's a young guy who's being interviewed on national television by a guy who interrupts him constantly.

In terms of his opinion, he was born and raised in an environment of division. He's the product of the race baiters.


You should have heard the forty year old women they interviewed ...she was just as stupid.
The black community is screwed if this is what passes for intelligence among them.
Well, just try to remember what has been done to them for generations now, by those who claim to "care".

Every person is responsible for their own actions, skin color is irrelevant, but environment does play a role.


That may be true,but that doesnt explain the total lack of knowledge concerning the case.
You would think if they were going to go to these lengths to protest something they would want to make damn sure they were well informed before risking getting their dumb asses shot.
The guy even tried to argue that MB didnt strong arm rob the convenience store when all he had to do is watch a video.
That they can be so easily led is pathetic.
I've never seen such a thing! I've never witnessed a person suggest that an entire group of people ought to be held responsible and slaughtered for the actions of a few. Never.

The kid is an idiot. He does not represent the people of Ferguson.

The people holding that vigil for the slain officers last night are more representative of the people of Ferguson.

Hey Mac.......was that vigil also the result of decades of flame fanning?
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That's essentially what the guy is saying. "It was a reaction". Nothing unusual about this, just read some of the comments in the Huffington Post, or here, for that matter.

The guy in the video isn't an idiot. The flames have been fanned for generations now, none of this can be surprising, nothing that happens in the future can be surprising.


He is a moron. He can barely verbalize what he means, he meanders and rambles almost incoherently.
Give him a break, he's a young guy who's being interviewed on national television by a guy who interrupts him constantly.

In terms of his opinion, he was born and raised in an environment of division. He's the product of the race baiters.


You should have heard the forty year old women they interviewed ...she was just as stupid.
The black community is screwed if this is what passes for intelligence among them.
Well, just try to remember what has been done to them for generations now, by those who claim to "care".

Every person is responsible for their own actions, skin color is irrelevant, but environment does play a role.


That may be true,but that doesnt explain the total lack of knowledge concerning the case.
You would think if they were going to go to these lengths to protest something they would want to make damn sure they were well informed before risking getting their dumb asses shot.
The guy even tried to argue that MB didnt strong arm rob the convenience store when all he had to do is watch a video.
That they can be so easily led is pathetic.
I would like to think that, if I were born and raised into that environment, if I were told every single day by everyone around me that someone is out to get me and that someone has to be punished and that only the government could help me, that I would be able to rise about all that -- holy crap, I can't honestly say that.

Again, I'm not excusing behavior, I'm just saying that generations of conditioning will take its toll on anyone, skin color irrelevant.

I've never seen such a thing! I've never witnessed a person suggest that an entire group of people ought to be held responsible and slaughtered for the actions of a few. Never.

The kid is an idiot. He does not represent the people of Ferguson.

The people holding that vigil for the slain officers last night are more representative of the people of Ferguson.

Hey Mac.......was that vigil also the result of decades of fan flaming?

Unfortunately he does represent the intelligence of the citizens of ferguson.
The forty year old women was just as stupid.
I would like to think that, if I were born and raised into that environment, if I were told every single day by everyone around me that someone is out to get me and that someone has to be punished and that only the government could help me, that I would be able to rise about all that -- holy crap, I can't honestly say that.

Again, I'm not excusing behavior, I'm just saying that generations of conditioning will take its toll on anyone, skin color irrelevant.

I think maybe the reason why these folks think the cops are out to get them is because the cops are out to get them. When you have three warrants for every resident of the town, most for petty offenses to raise money, maybe they think the cops really are out to get them.

That's essentially what the guy is saying. "It was a reaction". Nothing unusual about this, just read some of the comments in the Huffington Post, or here, for that matter.

The guy in the video isn't an idiot. The flames have been fanned for generations now, none of this can be surprising, nothing that happens in the future can be surprising.


He is a moron. He can barely verbalize what he means, he meanders and rambles almost incoherently.
Give him a break, he's a young guy who's being interviewed on national television by a guy who interrupts him constantly.

In terms of his opinion, he was born and raised in an environment of division. He's the product of the race baiters.


You should have heard the forty year old women they interviewed ...she was just as stupid.
The black community is screwed if this is what passes for intelligence among them.
Well, just try to remember what has been done to them for generations now, by those who claim to "care".

Every person is responsible for their own actions, skin color is irrelevant, but environment does play a role.


That may be true,but that doesnt explain the total lack of knowledge concerning the case.
You would think if they were going to go to these lengths to protest something they would want to make damn sure they were well informed before risking getting their dumb asses shot.
The guy even tried to argue that MB didnt strong arm rob the convenience store when all he had to do is watch a video.
That they can be so easily led is pathetic.

Nutters are so upset that the negroes adopted the "hands up, don't shoot" chant. Bbbbbbbbbbutttttt!! It never happened that way!!! It's a lllllliiiiieeeee!

Think about it as a nutter bumper sticker. "You didn't build that!" Just because something isn't true doesn't mean it can't be used to rally people to act.
He is a moron. He can barely verbalize what he means, he meanders and rambles almost incoherently.
Give him a break, he's a young guy who's being interviewed on national television by a guy who interrupts him constantly.

In terms of his opinion, he was born and raised in an environment of division. He's the product of the race baiters.


You should have heard the forty year old women they interviewed ...she was just as stupid.
The black community is screwed if this is what passes for intelligence among them.
Well, just try to remember what has been done to them for generations now, by those who claim to "care".

Every person is responsible for their own actions, skin color is irrelevant, but environment does play a role.


That may be true,but that doesnt explain the total lack of knowledge concerning the case.
You would think if they were going to go to these lengths to protest something they would want to make damn sure they were well informed before risking getting their dumb asses shot.
The guy even tried to argue that MB didnt strong arm rob the convenience store when all he had to do is watch a video.
That they can be so easily led is pathetic.
I would like to think that, if I were born and raised into that environment, if I were told every single day by everyone around me that someone is out to get me and that only the government could help me, that I would be able to rise about all that -- holy crap, I can't honestly say that.

Again, I'm not excusing behavior, I'm just saying that generations of conditioning will take its toll on anyone, skin color irrelevant.


I get what you're saying,and agree there is some truth to it but come on!!
These people dont have any desire to know the truth? They're like petulant children for Gods sake.
I've never seen such a thing! I've never witnessed a person suggest that an entire group of people ought to be held responsible and slaughtered for the actions of a few. Never.

The kid is an idiot. He does not represent the people of Ferguson.

The people holding that vigil for the slain officers last night are more representative of the people of Ferguson.

Hey Mac.......was that vigil also the result of decades of fan flaming?

Unfortunately he does represent the intelligence of the citizens of ferguson.
The forty year old women was just as stupid.


The singular form of that word has an "a".....not an "e". You illiterate imbecile.

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