Military Skeptical about Bush


Jun 29, 2004

"Even though they support George W. Bush’s handling of the situation in Iraq in general,
America’s military service members and their families are convinced that the Administration
underestimated the number of troops it needed in Iraq and put too much of a burden on
inadequately trained and equipped National Guard and reserve forces"

"On these issues and many others, there were no meaningful differences between regular military
respondents and those who served in the guard and reserves. But family members of both
categories were more critical of the Administration.
For example, 68 percent of the service members but only 55 percent of the family members
approve of Bush’s handling of the war in Iraq.
Similarly, 62 percent of the military sample said the Administration had underestimated the
number of troops needed in Iraq, a view held by 58 percent of the actual service members and 66
percent of the family members.
Fifty-nine percent of the military sample said too much of a burden had been put on the guard and
the reserves when regular forces should have been expanded instead. Fifty-six percent of service
members and 64 percent of family members held that opinion. So did 60 percent of the general
Hmm perhaps they have questions about Bush's decisions but they have overwhelmingly decided Bush is the better choice over Kerry.

Troops in survey back Bush 4-to-1 over Kerry
By Dave Moniz, USA TODAY
An unscientific survey of U.S. military personnel shows they support President Bush for re-election by a 4-to-1 ratio. Two-thirds of those responding said John Kerry's anti-war activities after he returned from Vietnam make them less likely to vote for him.

Survey's and polls can be done to say anything anyone wants to. So i dont put much into them. Especially presidential polls.
MJDuncan1982 said:
America’s military service members and their families are convinced that the Administration
underestimated the number of troops it needed in Iraq and put too much of a burden on
inadequately trained and equipped National Guard and reserve forces"

Why are the family members polled on how troops are deployed and trained?
As far as service members, they know alot more than I do about what's going on over there. I'm sure their superiors know alot more than what they know, and on up the chain. So if some of these service members polled are Buck Privates and they're feeling like they're overworked, then that's what I want to know. If these service members polled are actually service members that see the whole picture not just a skirmish in certain areas, then I'd like to know that too.
Sorry, I just like more details.
The US Army knows why we are there....the US Army believes in the Cause...The US Army by a wide margin is conservative, and republican. The link in this thread - the first post, is complete bullshit. :)
-=d=- said:
The US Army knows why we are there....the US Army believes in the Cause...The US Army by a wide margin is conservative, and republican. The link in this thread - the first post, is complete bullshit. :)

The Annenberg Survey is very respectable.

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