Mike Pence, the establishment's nominee

Considering that a Trump Presidency will not last even a year, whether due to impeachment, him getting bored and stepping down, or, God forbid, the inevitable assassination attempt, the GOP establishment found a workaround to stealing the nomination from him at the convention.

A brokered convention, or changing the rules to boot out Trump, would have pissed off too many GOP voters. So dumb ol' Reince Preibus, working the long con (I didn't think he had it in him), found a way to get the establishment their man.

Enter Mike Pence. He is a religious kook, he wants to increase our prison population, he wants to go to war in the middle east, he wants to destroy civil rights, he supports unrestricted free trade like CAFTA and the TPP, and he will certainly reverse the massive numbers of tariffs Trump plans on imposing... he is EVERYTHING the establishment wants. And they know they'll only have to wait a few months before he's calling the shots. This is a big win for Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell.

Terrible move by Trump. He might as well paint a bulls-eye on his forehead. We dodged the Lyin' Ted bullet after Trump destroyed and humiliated him in front of the nation, but now we have an equal threat in potential future President Mike Pence. This could be Dubya all over folks. Tread carefully.
If Trump wins Pence will run the country
Donald Jr. wanted to make him an offer nonetheless: Did he have any interest in being the most powerful vice president in history?

When Kasich’s adviser asked how this would be the case, Donald Jr. explained that his father’s vice president would be in charge of domestic and foreign policy.

Donald Trump Planning To Just Let Mike Pence Run The Country, Apparently
That's what I figured. Trump will work on his 2 or 3 major projects like the wall, and will delegate everything else. He will probably step down before the first 100 days are over if he can complete all of his projects.
But pence doesn't agree with tariffs
Mike Pence is a nice polite family man and yes a Christian cinsevative. Tim Kaine is a fake Catholic closet fag.

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