Mike Lindell suffers nervous breakdown in interview with liberal David Pakman, says he subpoenaed ex-CIA intelligence directors in lawsuit against FBI

Has everything to do with it....Any judge that would have done so much as entertain any of the Trump lawsuits would have had violent mobs surrounding their homes within hours....There's not of shred of doubt in my mind about it.
Nonsense. Mobs surrounded the Supremes because of abortion.

You see how despite what the Supreme Court thinks, women are going to show you this midterm. Despite inflation. You right wingers are a lot like the Iranian leaders. Kill a woman for wearing her head scarf wrong. Or put her in jail for life for getting an abortion. Not much difference.
Has everything to do with it....Any judge that would have done so much as entertain any of the Trump lawsuits would have had violent mobs surrounding their homes within hours....There's not of shred of doubt in my mind about it.
What would you do if you were Russian and Putin was rigging elections?
What would you do if Putin sent your kid to an illegal war?
What would you do if our government murdered your daughter for being obscene or gay?

So forgive me if Republicans and the politicized Supreme Court are trying to take women's freedom's away. What would you do if they took your guns away?

What if you thought they stole your election? You'd violently storm the Capitol we already know. Don't blame women for being upset.
What's that got to do with what I said? If the election were closer. If it were stealable or riggable, they would have gone along. Of course right wing judges would side with Trump if they could. They don't want to go down in history as insurrectionists so unless he has a better argument, sorry they can't help this time. Trump won't go down for cheating they will.
They are not worried about history. They are worried about their jobs, their families, and their social standing. The intimidation for speaking out against any part of the narrative is intense, to say the least.
What would you do if you were Russian and Putin was rigging elections?
What would you do if Putin sent your kid to an illegal war?
What would you do if our government murdered your daughter for being obscene or gay?

So forgive me if Republicans and the politicized Supreme Court are trying to take women's freedom's away. What would you do if they took your guns away?

What if you thought they stole your election? You'd violently storm the Capitol we already know. Don't blame women for being upset.
What would you assholes use for excuses if there was no Putin or Russia?
What would you do if you were Russian and Putin was rigging elections?
What would you do if Putin sent your kid to an illegal war?
What would you do if our government murdered your daughter for being obscene or gay?

So forgive me if Republicans and the politicized Supreme Court are trying to take women's freedom's away. What would you do if they took your guns away?

What if you thought they stole your election? You'd violently storm the Capitol we already know. Don't blame women for being upset.
Irrelevant, incoherent blabber.....Lay off the paint chips.
Nonsense. Mobs surrounded the Supremes because of abortion.
Mobs illegally surrounded their homes because they're fucking violent goons....They'd have done the same to any judge who entertained any of the Trump lawsuits, and you'd have to be a cement-headed dope to ignore the fact.

Oh yeah, that's right......

You see how despite what the Supreme Court thinks, women are going to show you this midterm. Despite inflation. You right wingers are a lot like the Iranian leaders. Kill a woman for wearing her head scarf wrong. Or put her in jail for life for getting an abortion. Not much difference.
I repeat; lay off the paint chips.
Mobs illegally surrounded their homes because they're fucking violent goons....They'd have done the same to any judge who entertained any of the Trump lawsuits, and you'd have to be a cement-headed dope to ignore the fact.

Oh yeah, that's right......
They didn't entertain them for one of two reasons.

1. They were without merit.

2. Like Al Gore had to take it like a man when he got screwed on technicalities by an opponent who was cheating, maybe Trump needed to suck it up and shut his mouth.

Al Gore got screwed in Florida. Kerry got screwed in Ohio. Trump did not get screwed in 5 states. He lost.
You can't say it was close when it wasn't. The only way Trump got screwed is we were in a pandemic so Democratic governors sent every citizen an absentee ballot. If you had to request an absentee ballot, most people are too lazy and wouldn't, and Trump would have won.

Democratic governors screwed Trump. But hey, we were in a pandemic. The pandemic screwed Trump. China screwed Trump.

Didn't he start a trade war with China? He lost Big League. LOL
They didn't entertain them for one of two reasons.

1. They were without merit.

2. Like Al Gore had to take it like a man when he got screwed on technicalities by an opponent who was cheating, maybe Trump needed to suck it up and shut his mouth.

Al Gore got screwed in Florida. Kerry got screwed in Ohio. Trump did not get screwed in 5 states. He lost.

That is all.
In bizarro world.

Trump won the 2020 election
Global Warming isn't real
Masks don't work
The pandemic was a hoax or we're all gonna die
Abortion is murder

What else?
All facts in the real world. Your world is propaganda and outright lies. Everyday more lies are exposed.
No, you were told he lied, and that is all you were told.
No I have a brain and I confirmed he is/was a big fat old liar. Why didn't you? Why don't you care? My brother tries to explain your mentality. Doesn't matter that Trump lied or is corrupt. You're sick of trannies in bathrooms and illegals and us trying to take your guns away and inflation. Someone has you worked up. You need to get woked up. LOL
Has everything to do with it....Any judge that would have done so much as entertain any of the Trump lawsuits would have had violent mobs surrounding their homes within hours....There's not of shred of doubt in my mind about it.
Let's listen to some testimony

Many in Trump’s circle knew about a plan to declare victory no matter what the actual election results were, according to testimonies to the Jan. 6 committee.

close advisers to Donald Trump called for him to declare victory on Election Day 2020, even before votes had been fully counted, as part of a strategy to claim victory no matter what happened.
Trump ultimately did just that, saying in a nighttime speech at the White House after polls closed, “Frankly, we did win this election.”

That pronouncement, and Trump’s call for his supporters to descend on Washington, D.C., ultimately led to the insurrection attempt on Jan. 6, 2021.

So premeditated or preemptively they decided no matter what the election results were, they were going to declare victory as part of a strategy to rig the 2020 election

The plan to simply declare victory before the actual election results were known was apparently circulating within the White House: Greg Jacob, Vice President Mike Pence’s chief counsel, testified that he heard from Marc Short, Pence’s chief of staff, that “there was a possibility that there would be a declaration of victory within the WH that some had pushed for, and this was prior to the election results being known.”
Campaign manager Bill Stepien said in a videotaped testimony played Thursday that “it was far too early to be making any calls like that; ballots were still going to be counted for days.”
But Trump went the opposite direction, declaring on election night, with millions of votes still uncounted: “We want all voting to stop.”

Sneaky yes clever know. But if he got away with it who knows. Thank god for all the RINO's.
No, you were told he lied, and that is all you were told.
Trump is a liar. Pathalogical. His plan to declare victory before all the votes were counted is a classic lie. And anyone who doesn't go along, is deemed a liar. By you liars. Or idiots. I think you are an idiot not a liar btw.
Trump is a liar. Pathalogical. His plan to declare victory before all the votes were counted is a classic lie. And anyone who doesn't go along, is deemed a liar. By you liars. Or idiots. I think you are an idiot not a liar btw.
I suppose, but the people who deny there was fraud are not getting arrested . The people who say there was fraud are. When was a law passed that says you cannot challenge an election?

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