Mike Lindell says he's financing a 'full feature film' titled "Selection Code" premiering in July to prove Trump's claims that he won 2020 election


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Mike Lindell says he’s going to release a film next month about the 2020 election that will get Trump reinstated.

It’ll probably be as legit as his pillows.

I applaud a true patriot who uses his money and talent to go against the massive leftwing-Marxist propaganda machine to educated the public. You KNOW he will be hammered every step of the way by the leftwing media just like Trump is.

I want objective people to think about this: In a country founded on free speech and debate on ideas, citizens are not even allowed to bring up the notion that the 2020 election was illegitimate, even though there have been many proven examples of voter fraud, and zero refutation of the facts. If they do, they are severely punished. We just saw what happened to Jack Del Rio. Fined $100,000 for voicing an opinion, probably the majority of Americans have, namely, where the hell are the investigations of the murderous violent destructive 2020 riots, and why the exaggerated focus on a minor event at the Capitol in which no weapons were involved and protesters killed no one.

Keep in mind, no evidence of the stolen election has EVER been heard in a court of law. Nothing has EVER been disproven, and yet any suggestion otherwise is condemned as a conspiracy. Never mind all the witch hunts against Trump have proven to be exactly that. False conspiracy theories.

America is gravely corrupt right now, the media, and the leftwing politicians, and they are bamboozling so many stupid lazy uninformed people. The Communists in charge are doing what they always do. Tell you up is down, and disbelieve your own lying eyes.

81 million votes for the worst most inept candidate in modern history? My ASS! And everybody knows it.
Well, I'm glad we're finally getting a truly objective, accurate, intellectually honest and comprehensive gathering of facts that has reviewed and confirmed its information from all angles, and will stand up to public scrutiny and challenges in court.

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Mike Lindell says he’s going to release a film next month about the 2020 election that will get Trump reinstated.

It’ll probably be as legit as his pillows.

Mike Lindell says he’s going to release a film next month about the 2020 election that will get Trump reinstated.

It’ll probably be as legit as his pillows.

When some guy named Al Gore Rhythm votes 20 million times, it's a rigged election.
Hell, it was proven The DNC Rigged Clinton's Primary in 2016.
Rigging a National Election is just the next step in that process.
The FBI is completely corrupt and should be abolished and replaced with something else.

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