Mike Johnson: Problem Is the Human Heart, Not Guns

And that's the problem. Reading your posts, I can see you are an angry guy. Not as angry as Bob, that guy's a hate crime looking for a place to happen, but pretty angry.

All it takes sometimes is one bad day.
You don't know shit about me.

I am the most chill person in daily life you would ever meet.

And I like every other person on this planet I have had a lot more than just one bad day.

You are projecting your own propensity for violence on everyone else
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Reality is now racist, apparently.
Don't talk to me, talk to cops who still racially profile people.

I'm talking to racist psychopaths such as yourself, who argue that black people just can't help themselves, that they can't help behaving like violent subhuman criminal shit; and that it is “racist” to suppose that they are capable of, and should be expected to behave like human beings. Never mind that all of the black people with whom I have ever associated were every bit as capable of behaving like human beings as I am, and have consistently chosen to do so.

We have not changed. What has changed is the lethality of weapons

Muzzle loaders just don’t kill fast enough
Where when between 1791 and 1965 did a lone gunman use a gun to randomly kill a group of innocents? The capability of the weapons (eg rounds per second) is irrelevant. This is about human behavior.
What changed was that you didn't have a gun industry selling to people who shouldn't have guns.

For most of those 174 years, guns didn't fire fast enough to carry out a mass shooting. Can't do a mass shooting from a single-shot muzzle loader.

After Gangsters in the 1930s started using machine guns to kill each other, we imposed sensible gun laws.

What happened after 1965 is two things.

1) Hunting started falling out of fashion as a sport.
2) The Gun industry needed new markets and played on fears to sell them.

You see, before the 1970s, the NRA was actually FOR sensible gun laws. When the Black Panthers started openly carrying weapons in defiance of police, the NRA and Republican governors like Ronald Reagan passed strict new gun laws.
Regardless of the rounds per second capability of the guns, people did not pick up a single shot rifle or revolver and walk into a town square or village with the sole intention of killing people.
Again, when I got my Illinois FOID card, all I had to do was pinky swear I wasn't a criminal or mentally ill. No background check was done. They didn't talk to my family, my employer, or my friends.

And obviously they didn't read the kookiness you post on message boards either.

Now, by way of comparison.

When I applied for my mortgage- I received a thorough background check, I had to provide three years of tax records, had to account for every credit card in my name, despite the fact I had previously gotten three mortgages on two previous properties and had a credit score of 805.

When I applied for my current job, they did a credit check, interviewed former co-workers, former employers, made me piss in a bottle, did several thorough interviews, did a criminal background check.

I am currently trying to get my wife's immigration status changed from "work visa" to "Marriage Visa", and to do that, I have to provide my birth certificate, marriage certificate, pictures from our relationship, proof of insurance with her name, proof of bank accounts with both our names, (There are also documents she has to provide as well.)

And yet providing a simple ID to vote is just too much. Funny stuff.
What changed?
Many things.

The 24 hour news cycle and sensationalism of these acts.
Politicians all but telling people to stay pissed at one another and stay angry!
the elimination of mental institutions
the increase in population.
the increase in third worlder population

just to name a few.
Who isn’t acknowledging your beliefs? We all know there are a lot of people who believe in the “god did it” story.

What I won’t do is treat science and faith as equivalent. They aren’t. They don’t exist in the same space. It would be intellectually dishonest to say they could.
Had Maine pulled this guys guns YOU would have been screaming bloody murder.

How DARE. They take guns away from a Veteran who has never committed a crime!!

You know it and everyone else does too

Not Maine. Maybe the Military should police their own. They knew about him. They should hold him or disarm him if not fit for duty. Maybe not fit for human society too?
Regardless of the rounds per second capability of the guns, people did not pick up a single shot rifle or revolver and walk into a town square or village with the sole intention of killing people.

Shotguns could be found on gun racks in the back window of nearly every truck in the parking lot at my high school. Nobody gave it a second thought and nobody shot up the school. We have a serious behavioral problem in this country and it starts with people like JoeB who have an insatiable appetite to play the victim in every circumstance. Nothing is ever their fault and they lash out.
They “dropped the ball” because they were unwilling to face the backlash from people like you

As I said earlier.

Picture mental-midget CARE working in ME GOVT. Those are not solid humans you want making any decisions about others. Incapable, too stupid. GOVT fails at every step. The Country is destroyed. The MSM has made it so no one any good can risk getting into Politics. They will destroy anyone decent (like Trump). We are in an exponential decline. We have actual retards (Fetterman Obiden) actually in offices making decisions for millions.

You can't leave decisions like that open up to the clowns. It almost has to be a system setup that they follow. They can't be trusted. If you don't pass XYZ....then you can't do whatever. Not when "they" feel like harrassing you. Look at J6 or Trump associates.

We now live in a Deep State Police state. Your rights are gone...if they want to get you.
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Regardless of the rounds per second capability of the guns, people did not pick up a single shot rifle or revolver and walk into a town square or village with the sole intention of killing people.
See post 128

You have everything backwards

DBA sets you straight
Many things.

The 24 hour news cycle and sensationalism of these acts.
Politicians all but telling people to stay pissed at one another and stay angry!
the elimination of mental institutions
the increase in population.
the increase in third worlder population

just to name a few.
What you mentioned are catalysts or exacerbates to the core problem. My contention is that past peolle for all of their faults, did not go around shooting up innocents.,
Shotguns could be found on gun racks in the back window of nearly every truck in the parking lot at my high school. Nobody gave it a second thought and nobody shot up the school. We have a serious behavioral problem in this country and it starts with people like JoeB who have an insatiable appetite to play the victim in every circumstance. Nothing is ever their fault and they lash out.
That right there is a shining example as to how things have changed. 40-50 years ago, a student comes pulling into the HS parking lot with gun racks to go hunting after school. I’ll bet principals, coaches, and teachers who shared the same hunting interest walked out to see the guns and compare notes?

The culture has shifted. Mentally ill people who are motivated to kill innocents are not deterred.
I'm talking to racist psychopaths such as yourself, who argue that black people just can't help themselves, that they can't help behaving like violent subhuman criminal shit;

That's your characterization, and it reflects the mentality of a guy who belongs to a racist cult.

The problem isn't that blacks commit more crime, it's that the justice system treats them differently. Whites get probation, blacks get jail. Whites get rehab, blacks get jail. Felicity Huffman gets 11 days at a Club Fed, Tanyo McDowell gets 5 years in big-girl prison.

And obviously they didn't read the kookiness you post on message boards either.

Nor should they, since I don't advocate violence on these boards. I recognize it's going to happen, but I'd like to avoid it.

Not that I actually plan to get a gun. My wife is afraid of them (having grown up in a country where people don't own guns.)

And yet providing a simple ID to vote is just too much. Funny stuff.

Again, if you could kill someone with a vote, you MIGHT Have a point. Again, given the shit your part of the country pulled after the Civil War and are still trying to pull off to this very day, you should have no say in running your own elections. They should be monitored like we do for third-world countries.
The problem isn't that blacks commit more crime, it's that the justice system treats them differently.

This is patently false. Blacks do commit more crime per capita. You can say that water isn’t wet as often as you would like, but it doesn’t make it true.

Again, if you could kill someone with a vote, you MIGHT Have a point. Again, given the shit your part of the country pulled after the Civil War and are still trying to pull off to this very day, you should have no say in running your own elections. They should be monitored like we do for third-world countries.

Yeah, we should just let people like you run the country. We would fall in short order if for no other reason that pure stupidity and gullibility.

Since we are talking about guns, do you think things would have turned out at least somewhat different if the Israelis that Hamas attacked would have all been armed? Sure, some would have still been killed, but blazingly walking into someone’s home and shooting would have been a lot more dicey if the entire family was packing. At the rate that unaccounted for people are walking across our Southern border, it is not inconceivable that some of these are armed and that some of these are out to do harm to the US. I mean, seriously, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist(or a terrorist organization) to figure out that would be an easy way to infilterate our country, small group by small group. Imagine this happened and they are all activated by their leadership and start going house to house in these blue cities where only the criminals have guns, much like what happened in Israel. Can you say sitting ducks? Yeah, you guys just aren’t very bright. I applaud your eternal optimism that somehow we can make peace with these type people and that they would never do anything to harm us, but at some point the adults(Repulicans) have to protect you gullible imbeciles from yourselves. You can’t continue to “think” like spoiled 18 year olds if you want our country to continue to flourish.
This is patently false. Blacks do commit more crime per capita. You can say that water isn’t wet as often as you would like, but it doesn’t make it true.

It's only called a "crime" when someone is arrested.

When they get let off with a warning, amazingly, they have no criminal record.

Yeah, we should just let people like you run the country. We would fall in short order if for no other reason that pure stupidity and gullibility.

Actually, America had it pretty good from the years the Democrats ran things. We went from the abject poverty of the Great Depression to having a vibrant middle class. The "Leave it to Beaver" idealism you guys want to go back to was brought to you by New Deal policies.

Republicans have spent the last 50 years busting unions, rolling back worker's rights, and redistributing the wealth back to the top. And you wonder why we are in the state we are in now.

Since we are talking about guns, do you think things would have turned out at least somewhat different if the Israelis that Hamas attacked would have all been armed? Sure, some would have still been killed, but blazingly walking into someone’s home and shooting would have been a lot more dicey if the entire family was packing.

Actually, until the attack, all I heard from the Ammosexuals is how they wished that we were more like Israel as they showed pictures of hot ladies carrying M16s. Until the Zionists got their sorry asses handed to them with homemade drones, and then it's "Oh, Boo-hoo, if only we had more weapons" after we've spent 50 years arming these cocksuckers to the teeth.

At the rate that unaccounted for people are walking across our Southern border, it is not inconceivable that some of these are armed and that some of these are out to do harm to the US. I mean, seriously, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist(or a terrorist organization) to figure out that would be an easy way to infilterate our country, small group by small group.

Yes, yes, yes, you guys have been singing this song for the last 20 years, and those imaginary Muslim Prayer Rugs they've littered the desert with, supposedly.

And you know what, everyone who has attacked us either came here on a valid Visa or was born here and radicalized through social media. When a homegrown nut like the Pulse nightclub shooter can walk into a store and buy an AR-15, why would they need to sneak someone across the border?

Imagine this happened and they are all activated by their leadership and start going house to house in these blue cities where only the criminals have guns, much like what happened in Israel.

Which cities are these, exactly? Most of the sensible gun laws that cities like DC and Chicago had were struck down by the Heller and McDonald Decisions. Not surprisingly, after McDonald struck down the very sensible gun law that had been in place since 1984, the murder rate in Chicago jumped from 432 a year in 2010 to 784 in 2016, and then spiked again to 772 in 2020.

With friends like the NRA, who needs enemies like Hamas?

I applaud your eternal optimism that somehow we can make peace with these type people and that they would never do anything to harm us, but at some point the adults(Repulicans) have to protect you gullible imbeciles from yourselves. You can’t continue to “think” like spoiled 18 year olds if you want our country to continue to flourish.

I'm sorry, we've seen 20 years of Republicans "protecting" us from the meanyhead Muslims. How is that working out for us? I mean, I know we have veterans' hospitals full of guys missing body parts and permanent psychological damage. (There but by the grace of a non-existent God go I). We've pissed away Trillions of dollars in the Middle East with nothing to show for it. I mean, hooray, Iran beat ISIS for us, but now we are all worried about Iran.

Our policy - and it's both parties, unfortunately, not just the Republicans - is one of sticking our hands in a hornet's nest and bitching about getting stung. If we didn't support the Zionist Squatters, if we didn't keep trying to play politics in the Middle East, if we didn't keep giving them fresh grievances, we wouldn't have an issue.

Hey, did you hear about the Muslim attack on Japan? No. There wasn't one. Why? Japan minds her own fucking business! We need to do that.
You don't know shit about me.

I am the most chill person in daily life you would ever meet.

And I like every other person on this planet I have had a lot more than just one bad day.

You are projecting your own propensity for violence on everyone else
You are anything but chill on this forum.

So you either save all your bile for this a anonymous venue or you are a dishonest fuck.
You are anything but chill on this forum.

So you either save all your bile for this a anonymous venue or you are a dishonest fuck.

Yes I disagree with you so I'm just full of bile.

Grow a set
Yes I disagree with you so I'm just full of bile.

Grow a set
I disagree with several conservative posters on this site without resorting to angry rhetoric from them or myself.

You however cast those who disagree with you as the evil enemy.

So there’s that
I disagree with several conservative posters on this site without resorting to angry rhetoric from them or myself.

You however cast those who disagree with you as the evil enemy.

So there’s that

Yeah well you have a penchant for making shit up and when I ask you to quote the post where I have said these things you claim I said you never do.

And tell you what why don't you quote a post where I cast people as the "evil enemy"

I know for a fact that I never call anyone "evil" because the word is meaningless subjective tripe.
Yeah well you have a penchant for making shit up and when I ask you to quote the post where I have said these things you claim I said you never do.

And tell you what why don't you quote a post where I cast people as the "evil enemy"

I know for a fact that I never call anyone "evil" because the word is meaningless subjective tripe.
Tell ya what. I’m not going to back searching through your garbage posts.

More productively , going forward, let’s see what your posts are like..

If you remain civil you have my apologies.

If not.. well…

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