Migration Proves it; Blue States Suck


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
People are scrambling like hell to get out of most blue states and even some red ones that are too close or have too many Dhimmicrats anyway.

The states people really want to move to — and those they don’t

Nice try, but you're gonna have to do better than that... I ran a similar experiment under your standards and found that the population of flies is greater in red states, conclusion... Republicans smell like shit.

*I'm not anti-republican, just making a joke :)
Good. They can start turning those red states purple and start becoming productive.
That is so much bullshit on so many levels I'm not even going to bother, roflmao
Huh? Red states have the highest rate of food stamp and welfare participation and contribute less to the national GDP. This is good news for them, unless the migration is just retiring baby boomers looking to live somewhere cheap without much economic activity.
People are scrambling like hell to get out of most blue states and even some red ones that are too close or have too many Dhimmicrats anyway.

The states people really want to move to — and those they don’t


Looks to me like if anything there's a preference to get out of the cities and the Megalopolis. The internet and its attendant benefits like telecommuting, teleconferencing, Skype, eBay, Amazon etc etc have made some of that possible.

I did it myself. Had absolutely zero to do with "red" or "blue" states. I moved from a light-blue state to a red state to a purple state; nowhere in my considerations for a place to live did any of that even register.
Immigration will keep the red states well populated. It works for California.
Oregon and Washington are blue states.

As is Colorado.

Texas has a huge immigrant population.

Your theory is shit.

Oregon and Washington are taking in refugees from Caliphornica. As is Colorado to a lesser extent but also they are getting people from New Mexico.

Texas is just a wonderfully free country, regardless of the immigration which was my whole point, stupid fuck.
Looks to me like if anything there's a preference to get out of the cities and the Megalopolis. The internet and its attendant benefits like telecommuting, teleconferencing, Skype, eBay, Amazon etc etc have made some of that possible.

Hmm, not sure which megalopolis in Nebraska and South Dakota or Mississippi you might be referring to.

I did it myself. Had absolutely zero to do with "red" or "blue" states. I moved from a light-blue state to a red state to a purple state; nowhere in my considerations for a place to live did any of that even register.

Of course not, it is the policies and their practical effects that draw a person or drive them away and the policies of blue states tend to drive more people off than welcome them other than black market labor.

Reasonable post, Pogo. I hope you keep that up but alas, I doubt that you are made in such a way as to do it.
Looks to me like if anything there's a preference to get out of the cities and the Megalopolis. The internet and its attendant benefits like telecommuting, teleconferencing, Skype, eBay, Amazon etc etc have made some of that possible.

Hmm, not sure which megalopolis in Nebraska and South Dakota or Mississippi you might be referring to.

I did it myself. Had absolutely zero to do with "red" or "blue" states. I moved from a light-blue state to a red state to a purple state; nowhere in my considerations for a place to live did any of that even register.

Of course not, it is the policies and their practical effects that draw a person or drive them away and the policies of blue states tend to drive more people off than welcome them other than black market labor.

Reasonable post, Pogo. I hope you keep that up but alas, I doubt that you are made in such a way as to do it.

If there's one consistency you have it is illiteracy.

I just got done saying that NOWHERE --- as in does not exist --- in any of my moving was "red state/blue state" a factor. At all. Ever. Directly or indirectly. Nada. Zero. Bupkis. Sweet Fanny Adams.

I guess I have to spell out what that means for you -- it means that no, the "policies and pracitical effects" of whatever those states do had nothing (zero/bupkis) to do with why I would either want to go there or want to leave. See, I'm not swimming in the toxic soup that believes every time a butterfly flaps its wings it means something in "Democratic/Republican" terms. Because it doesn't.

What it does have to do with is opportunities (employment and living space), the culture of the region (the arts), and geography (what kind of land is available to either enjoy or be confned by, and the practicalities of travel).

Not a single one of those factors has jack squat to do with red, blue, purple, green, white, black, brown or orange.

In other words I moved away from the city because I *could*. Before that I stayed in the city because I *had to*.

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