Michelle O's School lunch nightmare, Obama kids school NOT INCLUDED

Whats next for a low for leftists??? Inspecting kids underwear as they enter school for skidmarks?
"Hey Little Johnny, open your lunch bag now and pull down your pants while you're at it.. you may be hiding a hostess twinkie down there." LEFTISTS ARE NUTS
Maybe leftists will bring in the same scanners the FAA uses and strip search our kids for Now or Laters.
Same school all the presidents' kids go to zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Same stuff that's been going on in schools forever, except obesity and processed food contracts to big food had gotten out of control under Booosh....
Which Presidents have forced Publik Skrool Serf kids to eat slop while their spoiled privileged kids dined on gourmet food????? NONE .. oh wait.. ONE.. BARACK INSANE OBAMA


  • Tyrannylunch.jpg
    11.9 KB · Views: 46
Obama Girls Enjoy Best School Lunch in America Public Schoolers Lament Let s Move Meals CNS News

This link shows you what the spoiled and pampered Obama kids have for lunch.

This link : This is the public school Serf lunch..
Michelle O s Lunch Rules Sour First Day Of School Student Fighting Back Politics

Who elected this woman to any office to FORCE children to eat a bunch of batshyt crazy vegan shit? I don't recall her being up for election.. If she wants to step in to the political limelight she had best be prepared for what's going to come her way. How come her kids aren't included in this slop being served to the Public school serfs?

What do Obama's girls have to do with this? They go to a private school,. and yes they are privileged compared to everyday kids, as are the children of most wealthy people. I mean, maybe you want more of a communist society where everyone gets the same thing and is treated exactly the same and whose parents earn exactly the same. I'm not sure, but I thought you were against that. Regardless, Communism doesn't work.

What the fuck does it matter if they go to a snobby elite private school when it's UNCONSTITUTIONAL in the first place to force anyone to eat what one person demands using the heavy arm of the Fed Gov.. so who fucking cares?? If he's tearing apart the Constitution, why not force every damn kid in this country??? BECAUSE HIS KIDS are treated differently than the commoner serf kids thanks to you leftist Nazi food police types..

Evidently you have no idea what is going on in every school...


  • chicagolandNAZIS.jpg
    49.4 KB · Views: 59
Uht oh.,. dear leader is stuffing his face with unapproved food.. Where are the Fascist liberal police??


    41.2 KB · Views: 52
OR ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • MichelleLunch.png
    60.4 KB · Views: 53
Where's Smarter than the Average dipshit? I'm waiting for his link to show us where in the US Constitution his messiah has the right to shove slop down kids throats?

You're fairly stupid aren't you.

Let's try this.

Where in the COTUS are kids entitled to a school provided lunch at all? Oh that's right they aren't now.

So now that that is out of the way, please show me one example of a kid being FORCED to eat his or her lunch. Until you show me that , none of your BS about kids having food crammed down their throat matters.

Kids have a choice

School lunch
Lunch from home
No lunch

The entity who SUPPLIES the meals , which by the way you do NOT have a right to, gets to decide what is IN those meals. See how that works

Oh, and since you are obviously stupid, let me reiterate, I did not vote for Obama either time, however I am also not so partisan and or stupid as to believe that every fucking thing he or his wife do is wrong or evil.

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