Mexican Citizen Sentenced To 8 Years In Prison For Voter Fraud In TX - YES, She VOTED

This just illustrates why voter fraud is so very rare.

There's a decent chance of being caught, the penalty is severe, and the reward is infinitesimal.

That's why you'd have to be stupid to even try it.

Whattheliteralfuck? That is an absurd sentence. Just defer her sentence & DEPORT HER ASS. If she returns 10 years automatic.
Illegals voting in US elections are part of the 'undermining the pillars on which our democracy rests' thing Hillary talked about.
8 years is retarded. I am a felon and only get 5 years if caught with a gun. The sentence is a miscarriage of justice.
With Motor Voter Registration, and granting Illegals Driver's Licenses which alone is a violation of US Immigration Code and is a Felony, Illegals have been Voting, No Doubt.

Motor Voter Registration Legitimizes Voter Fraud, and once you give an Illegal a Driver's License and automatically register him to vote, you cannnot tell the difference between a LEGAL VOTER and an ILLEGAL VOTER in any Voter Registration System.

This is why THE DEM PARTY advocates for Motor Voter Registration in every state, and advocates for granting Illegals Driver's Licenses.

These 12 States & DC Should Be Prosecuted Under Federal Law for violating Immigration Law, and the politicians that are allowing the issuance of driver's licenses to illegals, and allowing them to register to voter through Motor Voter registration need to be brought up on charges.

12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration -

How many illegals were registered to vote? Well, simply count up the number of Driver's Licenses that these states are willing to admit were issued to illegals.

Here maybe this will help. Multiply these numbers by 13 in the areas that allow this and you will get a rough estimate of how many illegals are registered to vote.

Who has the answer?

Nearly half of California's driver's licenses went to undocumented in program's first year

Approximately 830,000 undocumented applicants have sought the licenses since Jan. 2, 2015, the first day they were available following passage of a law, Assembly Bill 60, that was supported by immigrants and their advocates and some traffic safety experts, and reviled by those opposed to illegal immigration.

In California, home to an estimated 2.4 million undocumented immigrants, the nation’s largest such group, the Department of Motor Vehicles prepped for the onslaught. Among other things, the agency hired about 1,000 temporary employees, extended office hours and opened four Driver License Processing Centers, including one in Stanton.

“This was a major undertaking and never before had the department implemented a program such as this one,” said Artemio Armenta, spokesman for the Department of Motor Vehicles.

In all, undocumented drivers accounted for slightly less than half of all the new non-commercial licenses – about 1.4 million – issued by the DMV in 2015.
Found ONE? Where are the other 3-5 million?
RW, I bet you were one of the snowflakes who declared 'There are NO WMD in Iraq', and once they found those grenade launcher shell-heads filled with chemical weapons suddenly changed your argument to, 'Not ENOUGH WMD found!'


Earlier in another thread some snowflake was declaring, 'There is not ONE proven case of illegals voting'. :p I provided him with links to quite a few. This one was just an added 'bonus'.

There were no WMDs in Iraq

The shit that was found was ancient munitions hardly worth deactivating

"Now that the leftist claim that no WMDs were found in Iraq has become untenable, they are moving the goalposts again. They say these pre-Gulf War era WMDs don’t count, even though Saddam’s continued possession of these older ones was clearly used as a justification for war.

When Saddam said he destroyed all his WMDs from the Gulf War, we knew he was lying and still had stockpiles, and we were proven right when we found the thousands The New York Times reported. The left has now conveniently changed to saying that no NEW WMDs were found. As if the “old” chemical weapons that were found couldn’t have been put into the wrong hands by Saddam and used in a terrorist attack!

The bottom line is: Weapons of mass destruction WERE found in Iraq. Debate the Iraq War all you want, but this should no longer be a point of contention."

Read more: BOMBSHELL: New York Times Reports WMDs WERE Found in Iraq! - The Political Insider
Found ONE? Where are the other 3-5 million?
RW, I bet you were one of the snowflakes who declared 'There are NO WMD in Iraq', and once they found those grenade launcher shell-heads filled with chemical weapons suddenly changed your argument to, 'Not ENOUGH WMD found!'


Earlier in another thread some snowflake was declaring, 'There is not ONE proven case of illegals voting'. :p I provided him with links to quite a few. This one was just an added 'bonus'.

There were no WMDs in Iraq

The shit that was found was ancient munitions hardly worth deactivating

"Now that the leftist claim that no WMDs were found in Iraq has become untenable, they are moving the goalposts again. They say these pre-Gulf War era WMDs don’t count, even though Saddam’s continued possession of these older ones was clearly used as a justification for war.

When Saddam said he destroyed all his WMDs from the Gulf War, we knew he was lying and still had stockpiles, and we were proven right when we found the thousands The New York Times reported. The left has now conveniently changed to saying that no NEW WMDs were found. As if the “old” chemical weapons that were found couldn’t have been put into the wrong hands by Saddam and used in a terrorist attack!

The bottom line is: Weapons of mass destruction WERE found in Iraq. Debate the Iraq War all you want, but this should no longer be a point of contention."

Read more: BOMBSHELL: New York Times Reports WMDs WERE Found in Iraq! - The Political Insider
There were no WMDs in Iraq The shit that was found was ancient munitions hardly worth deactivating

You know you just contradicted yourself in your own post.

1. Yes, WMD WAS found in Iraq.

2. Yes, it was 'old' yet still lethal. To be specific, the warheads found contained chemical weapons, AND the serial numbers on the weapons matched the weapons on the list of WMD Hussein reported to the UN as already having been destroyed.

This proved that Hussein LIED to the UN, that Hussein did NOT destroy all of the WMD he SAID he did. The 'There was no WMD in Iraq' crowd want to brush this FACT off as some insignificant anomaly and STILL take the lying 'Butcher of Baghdad's word that this was the ONLY WMD he failed to destroy as reported. Well, of course - if you can't take the word of a man nicknamed the 'Butcher of Baghdad'. known for gassing his own people in the past, who just was caught lying to you, then who can your trust, right?! :p

It's like Liberals arguing nearly to the death about how 'illegals don't vote in US elections' and declare no one can find one case of it. When you find a case they then shift the argument to 'That's the only one' you point out more...and their 'line in the sand' changes again, but they keep declaring 'it doesn't happen' - people who illegally came into our country wouldn't break US laws like that.

WHY do liberals so naturally and rabidly defend the criminals, the dictators, and the terrorists. Obama was constantly defending terrorists, threatening US citizens with legal action if they exercised their Right of Free Speech by talking negatively about Islamic Extremists...defending illegals who have robbed, raped, stolen, murdered, committed pedophilia, etc...Libs have, like you, have defended Hussein, claiming he was / his trustworthy and was telling the truth. HE WASN'T. HE LIED. Those chemical-filled grenade heads were proof.

"The Central Intelligence Agency, working with American troops during the occupation of Iraq, repeatedly purchased nerve-agent rockets from a secretive Iraqi seller, part of a previously undisclosed effort to ensure that old chemical weapons remaining in Iraq did not fall into the hands of terrorists or militant groups, according to current and former American officials.

The extraordinary arms purchase plan, known as Operation Avarice, began in 2005 and continued into 2006, and the American military deemed it a nonproliferation success. It led to the United States’ acquiring and destroying at least 400 Borak rockets, one of the internationally condemned chemical weapons that Saddam Hussein’s Baathist government manufactured in the 1980s but that were not accounted for by
United Nations inspections mandated after the 1991 Persian Gulf war.

The effort was run out of the
C.I.A. station in Baghdad in collaboration with the Army’s 203rd Military Intelligence Battalion and teams of chemical-defense and explosive ordnance disposal troops, officials and veterans of the units said. Many rockets were in poor condition and some were empty or held a nonlethal liquid, the officials said. But others contained the nerve agent sarin, which analysis showed to be purer than the intelligence community had expected given the age of the stock."

BOMBSHELL: New York Times Reports WMDs WERE Found in Iraq! - The Political Insider

"From 2004 to 2011, American and American-trained Iraqi troops repeatedly encountered, and on at least six occasions were wounded by, chemical weapons remaining from years earlier in Saddam Hussein’s rule.

In all, American troops secretly reported finding roughly 5,000 chemical warheads, shells or aviation bombs, according to interviews with dozens of participants, Iraqi and American officials, and heavily redacted intelligence documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act."
This just illustrates why voter fraud is so very rare.

There's a decent chance of being caught, the penalty is severe, and the reward is infinitesimal.

That's why you'd have to be stupid to even try it.

The woman did not commit fraud

She openly admitted it. She went to register to vote in a new community and openly said she was not a citizen. When denied the right to vote, she said....I used to vote all the time in Dallas
Liberals have a HUGE problem letting go of issues from the past that just HAUNT them....

The Bush/Gore Florida Election
WMDs in Iraq
Hillary's Loss to Trump

The cost of therapy alone for al lof this, if they ever go, must be astronomical... :p
California claims to only have 2.4 Million Illegals in it's state. Yet 830,000 illegals applied for Driver's Licenses the minute they were allowed to. So those numbers don't add up when you consider, people that don't want identified, people that already have illegal Drivers Licenses, and Children. 830,000 applied in the first few months this law allowed them to get Drivers Licenses?

And that made up HALF of the Entire State of California's TOTAL number of Drivers Licenses Issued for that year?

California has a population of nearly 40 million people. So that 830,000 applying for Driver's Licenses represents near 20% of California's Population, yet was 50% of all Drivers Licenses Issued for The Year.

Conclusion? There are more than 2.4 Million Illegals in CA, and more than 830,000 illegals are registered to vote there.

Nice that CA also illegal registers them to vote at the same time.

Liberals: Not one of them has ever seen a law they weren't willing to break to advance their dark socialist dystopian agenda.
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There were no WMDs in Iraq The shit that was found was ancient munitions hardly worth deactivating

You know you just contradicted yourself in your own post.

1. Yes, WMD WAS found in Iraq.

2. Yes, it was 'old' yet still lethal. To be specific, the warheads found contained chemical weapons, AND the serial numbers on the weapons matched the weapons on the list of WMD Hussein reported to the UN as already having been destroyed.

This proved that Hussein LIED to the UN, that Hussein did NOT destroy all of the WMD he SAID he did. The 'There was no WMD in Iraq' crowd want to brush this FACT off as some insignificant anomaly and STILL take the lying 'Butcher of Baghdad's word that this was the ONLY WMD he failed to destroy as reported. Well, of course - if you can't take the word of a man nicknamed the 'Butcher of Baghdad'. known for gassing his own people in the past, who just was caught lying to you, then who can your trust, right?! :p

It's like Liberals arguing nearly to the death about how 'illegals don't vote in US elections' and declare no one can find one case of it. When you find a case they then shift the argument to 'That's the only one' you point out more...and their 'line in the sand' changes again, but they keep declaring 'it doesn't happen' - people who illegally came into our country wouldn't break US laws like that.

WHY do liberals so naturally and rabidly defend the criminals, the dictators, and the terrorists. Obama was constantly defending terrorists, threatening US citizens with legal action if they exercised their Right of Free Speech by talking negatively about Islamic Extremists...defending illegals who have robbed, raped, stolen, murdered, committed pedophilia, etc...Libs have, like you, have defended Hussein, claiming he was / his trustworthy and was telling the truth. HE WASN'T. HE LIED. Those chemical-filled grenade heads were proof.

Save it

They uncovered some worthless old shit. Hardly weapons of MASS destruction
There were no WMDs in Iraq The shit that was found was ancient munitions hardly worth deactivating

You know you just contradicted yourself in your own post.

1. Yes, WMD WAS found in Iraq.

2. Yes, it was 'old' yet still lethal. To be specific, the warheads found contained chemical weapons, AND the serial numbers on the weapons matched the weapons on the list of WMD Hussein reported to the UN as already having been destroyed.

This proved that Hussein LIED to the UN, that Hussein did NOT destroy all of the WMD he SAID he did. The 'There was no WMD in Iraq' crowd want to brush this FACT off as some insignificant anomaly and STILL take the lying 'Butcher of Baghdad's word that this was the ONLY WMD he failed to destroy as reported. Well, of course - if you can't take the word of a man nicknamed the 'Butcher of Baghdad'. known for gassing his own people in the past, who just was caught lying to you, then who can your trust, right?! :p

It's like Liberals arguing nearly to the death about how 'illegals don't vote in US elections' and declare no one can find one case of it. When you find a case they then shift the argument to 'That's the only one' you point out more...and their 'line in the sand' changes again, but they keep declaring 'it doesn't happen' - people who illegally came into our country wouldn't break US laws like that.

WHY do liberals so naturally and rabidly defend the criminals, the dictators, and the terrorists. Obama was constantly defending terrorists, threatening US citizens with legal action if they exercised their Right of Free Speech by talking negatively about Islamic Extremists...defending illegals who have robbed, raped, stolen, murdered, committed pedophilia, etc...Libs have, like you, have defended Hussein, claiming he was / his trustworthy and was telling the truth. HE WASN'T. HE LIED. Those chemical-filled grenade heads were proof.

We went to Iraq because of stories of active WMD programs, Yellowcake acquisitions and Mushroom clouds.

This is what there actually was:


No sane person tries to argue WMD claims war was started on turned true, especially not BUSH HIMSELF:

It's a decade past the time for rightwingers to let this myth die already.
The woman did not commit fraud. She openly admitted it. She went to register to vote in a new community and openly said she was not a citizen. When denied the right to vote, she said....I used to vote all the time in Dallas

Nice try, but WRONG:

"When she told them she had already been voting in Dallas County, that’s when investigators started looking into her case. Defense attorney Clark Bidsall said his client’s case has been politicized and now Ortega has a difficult road ahead even after her sentence."

You even pointed out that she admitted to having voted ILLEGALLY 'in Dallas County all the time'...

Illegals are NOT allowed to vote in US elections.
Found ONE? Where are the other 3-5 million?
RW, I bet you were one of the snowflakes who declared 'There are NO WMD in Iraq', and once they found those grenade launcher shell-heads filled with chemical weapons suddenly changed your argument to, 'Not ENOUGH WMD found!'


Earlier in another thread some snowflake was declaring, 'There is not ONE proven case of illegals voting'. :p I provided him with links to quite a few. This one was just an added 'bonus'.

Where did they find the nukes? The nuclear program? Where did they find the thousands of Iraqis who would have had to have been working on all the WMD programs that the Bush administration claimed Saddam had?

Where did they find the mobile labs in the fake pictures Colin Powell took to the UN?
They uncovered some worthless old shit. Hardly weapons of MASS destruction
WMD - established, proven, YOU LOSE!
lol, are you calling GW Bush a liar?
No, just pointing out RW is wrong. He is trying to use his opinion that 'old WMD' is not the same as 'WMD', specifically WMD Hussein had reported as having already been destroyed.

What is it about Liberals that makes them want to rally around and defend lying tyrants / liars, anyway?
The woman did not commit fraud. She openly admitted it. She went to register to vote in a new community and openly said she was not a citizen. When denied the right to vote, she said....I used to vote all the time in Dallas

Nice try, but WRONG:

"When she told them she had already been voting in Dallas County, that’s when investigators started looking into her case. Defense attorney Clark Bidsall said his client’s case has been politicized and now Ortega has a difficult road ahead even after her sentence."

You even pointed out that she admitted to having voted ILLEGALLY 'in Dallas County all the time'...

Illegals are NOT allowed to vote in US elections.

So you really think 5 million illegals risked major PRISON TIME to vote in the last election.
Found ONE? Where are the other 3-5 million?
RW, I bet you were one of the snowflakes who declared 'There are NO WMD in Iraq', and once they found those grenade launcher shell-heads filled with chemical weapons suddenly changed your argument to, 'Not ENOUGH WMD found!'


Earlier in another thread some snowflake was declaring, 'There is not ONE proven case of illegals voting'. :p I provided him with links to quite a few. This one was just an added 'bonus'.

Where did they find the nukes? The nuclear program? Where did they find the thousands of Iraqis who would have had to have been working on all the WMD programs that the Bush administration claimed Saddam had?

Where did they find the mobile labs in the fake pictures Colin Powell took to the UN?
Good DO realize that bio/chemical weapons ARE 'WMD' as well, right?!

Oh, and it wasn't JUST the Bush administration, my friend - Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Al Gore, and more of the top DNC 'all-stars' stood up before Congress and declared Iraq DOES have WMD, Hussein DOES pose a threat, and it imperative for the US to affect a regime change.

Don't be so modest, snowflake - stand up proudly and defend your party's leaders! :p

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