Message to Cruz Lovers

Listening to Ronnie raygun is why the Republican party is soon fucked up today.

I disagree.
I'm not suprised.
You are always wrong.

Trump's the Nominee, not Cruz. Cruz should have handled it like a man and showed some class.
He did handle it like a man .
He stood up for his principles.
Since you are a vacillating nutjob asshole you have no idea what principles are.
Btw l hate everything about Ted Cruz but I give credit were credit is due.

Yes we know, you're voting for the corrupt witch and her rapist husband. So excuse me for not giving a fluck what you think. :)
Who's we paulie?
The voices in your head?
I disagree.
I'm not suprised.
You are always wrong.

Trump's the Nominee, not Cruz. Cruz should have handled it like a man and showed some class.
He did handle it like a man .
He stood up for his principles.
Since you are a vacillating nutjob asshole you have no idea what principles are.
Btw l hate everything about Ted Cruz but I give credit were credit is due.

Yes we know, you're voting for the corrupt witch and her rapist husband. So excuse me for not giving a fluck what you think. :)
Who's we paulie?
The voices in your head?

Well, you are voting for her, no? Am i wrong on that?
I'm disappointed in Cruz. He's jumped ship and headed over to the Bush-Establishment dark side. It could cost him in the future.
I don't know how anyone could support a man who accused Ted Cruz's father of being in on the JFK assassination, especially Ted Cruz.

No, Trump just needs to drop out and start more scam universities around the country.
Agreed, and not just insulted his father, but also his wife, Heidi. Cruz took it personal as would any man. Why he showed up at all is a surprise.
Hell you should love that concept, "the C*ntmouth donald" does it all the time and that makes you want to fall to your knees.

Are you trying to make an argument as to why Cruz should support Trump?

Not at all. I'm just sick to death of the "boo hoo poor Heidi's bad hair day picture was retweeted by Trump".

Cruz has played it to the hilt. It's old and it's bullshit compared to Trump's wife being accused of doing lesbian porn to politically turn off any evangelical support for Trump.

That's why Team Cruz did this shit.


Hell's bells typing as fast as I can. Raven's back teeth are singing anchors away she has to whizz so bad, but here's the link. It really freaked me out when Beck did this. Back in a bit.

Flashback: Glenn Beck Attacks Melania Trump as ‘Lesbian Porno’ Model


Last August, Glenn Beck attacked Melania Trump, the wife of GOP frontrunner Donald Trump, by accusing the former fashion model of “posing nude in lesbian porno shots.”
The accusation came as part of a lengthy Facebook post Beck wrote last summer criticizing the Trump candidacy. The talk radio host prefaced his comments by stating, “This is not an attack, this is an honest question.”

He then proceeded to list his issues with the New York billionaire, which included a swipe at the candidate’s wife. Beck claimed that in a Trump presidency “the First Lady would be the first to have posed nude in lesbian porno shots.”

Beck’s accusation, which as of yet is unverified by any credible source, was blasted by fellow radio talker Sean Hannity, who wrote in response: “I thought you were libertarian? Also I go back to the fact that you have changed. Trump’s wife is a mother and what she did in the past doesn’t make my top 10,000 list of problems we face as a country.”

Some would also argue that dredging up past indiscretions is a dangerous tactic for a former “morning zoo” shock jock whose on-air antics were famous for being excessively cruel even for that medium.

Beck was the first, but not the last Cruz surrogate to attack Trump’s wife. This week an online attack ad featured an image of the Slovenian-born fashion model from a GQ magazine photo shoot in 2000 before she was married to Trump. The ad reads: “Meet Melania Trump. Your next First Lady. Or, you could support Ted Cruz on Tuesday.”

Republican strategist Liz Mair, who runs the Super PAC responsible for the ad, claimed it was directed specifically at Mormon women in Utah. After facing blowback on Twitter for “slut-shaming” the GOP frontrunner’s wife, Mair tweeted, “I’m fine w Melania’s prior work. But I’m not a Mormon woman. I also want to defeat her husband.”

Flashback: Glenn Beck Attacks Melania Trump as ‘Lesbian Porno’ Model

And out of nowhere,

Glen Beck jumps in to derail the thread! Good work, drunkie.

Ah Carb. There you go again with name calling because you can't make a bona fide argument for Cruz. Look Beck was in the inner circle of the Cruz organization.

So much inside the Cruz organization that Cruz sat there with Heidi when Beck proclaimed that Ted was the anointed one to bring about the White Horse prophecy. It's a big deal in Mormon circles.

Beck was Ted's voice for the Mormons and to campaign for evangelicals. Beck's direct hit on Melania which was a lie reverberated in Mormon and evangelical circles which of course was the purpose for the lie.

If you are going to argue for Cruz you need to get up to speed.
Trump won, Cruz lost. Cruz should have handled it like a man. Instead, he acted like a poor sport little shit.

Trump won and Cruz lost. Trump should have displayed some magnanimity. Instead, he behaved like a petulant child when he didn't get Cruz's endorsement. He has continued to behave that way and his little merry band of supporters have chimed in similarly.

Cruz did the right thing and really the ONLY thing he could've done and not become a joke. He stood up there and unequivocally backed every single aspect of Trump's agenda. He called for party unity behind our core principles as both republicans and conservatives and called for us to vote our conscience and not the man, for who we felt would best uphold our constitutional values. The only thing he didn't do was use the words "I endorse Donald Trump as president of the United States." He said not one negative word about Trump, he didn't criticize him or raise any issue with the many unfounded accusations Trump lobbed at him and his family... didn't mention a bit of it.

Now you want to translate his speech into something it wasn't and pretend that he was being a sore loser and poor sport. NO... Trump is the poor sport and sore winner. He couldn't get over the fact that Cruz wouldn't endorse him and he has acted like a spoiled petulant child about that ever since. It's going to cost him this election.
Trump won, Cruz lost. Cruz should have handled it like a man. Instead, he acted like a poor sport little shit.

Trump won and Cruz lost. Trump should have displayed some magnanimity. Instead, he behaved like a petulant child when he didn't get Cruz's endorsement. He has continued to behave that way and his little merry band of supporters have chimed in similarly.

Cruz did the right thing and really the ONLY thing he could've done and not become a joke. He stood up there and unequivocally backed every single aspect of Trump's agenda. He called for party unity behind our core principles as both republicans and conservatives and called for us to vote our conscience and not the man, for who we felt would best uphold our constitutional values. The only thing he didn't do was use the words "I endorse Donald Trump as president of the United States." He said not one negative word about Trump, he didn't criticize him or raise any issue with the many unfounded accusations Trump lobbed at him and his family... didn't mention a bit of it.

Now you want to translate his speech into something it wasn't and pretend that he was being a sore loser and poor sport. NO... Trump is the poor sport and sore winner. He couldn't get over the fact that Cruz wouldn't endorse him and he has acted like a spoiled petulant child about that ever since. It's going to cost him this election.

Yeah, i've cooled down since. I actually have to respect the man. He stood his ground. He didn't sell out like Sanders did. I admit i was too harsh with my initial criticism. I got too caught up. In hindsight, he did what he thought was right. He wouldn't sell out. I can't fault him too much for that.

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