Memorial day

Mr. P

VIP Member
Aug 5, 2004
Reaction score
South of the Mason Dixon
Okay, I’ve been thinking....Yeah, I know I could get hurt doing that.

I’ve been thinking of posting something in honor of Memorial day and our fallen. I’ve looked and just can’t find anything I really like.

So, I’ve decided to just say, Let’s have one for all the Veterans, past and present, active, those fallen and those not. Let’s have one today, one or two tomorrow, and the same on Monday. In their Honor...


Thanks Guys!:beer: :beer: :beer:
Mr. P said:
Okay, I’ve been thinking....Yeah, I know I could get hurt doing that.

I’ve been thinking of posting something in honor of Memorial day and our fallen. I’ve looked and just can’t find anything I really like.

So, I’ve decided to just say, Let’s have one for all the Veterans, past and present, active, those fallen and those not. Let’s have one today, one or two tomorrow, and the same on Monday. In their Honor...


Thanks Guys!:beer: :beer: :beer:

Didn't you list all the board vets last year? Or was that for Veterans Day?
Better than words - Let's get pics of us either pourin' one or drinkin' one for the men and women who have given so much.

I'll post up tonite.
dmp said:
Better than words - Let's get pics of us either pourin' one or drinkin' one for the men and women who have given so much.

I'll post up tonite.

Me too... in the photo section?
Pale Rider said:
Me too... in the photo section?
Do er right here. Post away.

Edit: Heres our Vet list....

USMB Veterans and Active Duty members.



Branch: United States Army

Date/s: Active Duty Army:
May 92 - May 95
Apr 97 - Jul 00

Nat'l Guard
May 95 - Apr 97

Rank: SGT/E5

Unit: 5-3 Air Defense Artillery, Wackerneim Germany; HHC 1 Armored Div, Bad Kruetznach Germany; HHC 81st Infantry Brigade, Seattle WA; 52nd MP Co, Camp Carroll, Waegwon South Korea; HHC I Corps, Fort Lewis, WA
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Branch: United States Army

Date/s: 1968- 2002 (six year break between 1983 and 1989)

1968-1983 Active US Army
1989-2002 Army National Guard

Rank: Command Sergeant Major E-9


Other info: (retired) A little over 28 years of honorable service

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Branch: United States Army

Date/s: Feb 1985 - Apr 1992

Rank: SGT/E5


Other info: MOS: 11H - Infantry Anti-Tank (TOW)

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Branch: United States Navy

Date/s: 1979-1984

Rank: Photographers Mate 3rd class


Other info:

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Branch: United States Army

Date/s: 30 May 1998 - 29 May 2003

Rank: 2LT, 30 May 1998; 1LT, 1 Dec 1999, CPT, 1 Dec 2001.

Unit: 593rd Corps Support Group, Fort Lewis, WA, Nov 1998-Mar 2000; 3rd Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division (The first Stryker Brigade), Fort Lewis, WA, Apr 2000-May 2003

Other info:

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Branch: United States Air Force

Date/s: 9 Jul 76 - 11 Apr 88.

Rank: SSgt (E-5)


Other info:
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Branch: United States Army

Date/s: ETS Date (official) 04 OCT 04
Still inactive reserve.

Rank: E-5

Unit: 7th Infantry Division

Other info: Intelligence Analyst. 40% disabled vet of war!!!

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Frm Jarhead

Branch: United States Marine Corps

Date/s: 83-87

Rank: Cpl

Unit: 3rd MAW MAG 13 VMA 211 Wake Island Avengers

Other info:

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Branch: United States Army/ United States Air Force

Date/s: July 66 to July 68 (Army)
Sept 1973 to Sept 1977 (Air force)

Rank: spec 4 (Army)/ Sgt. (Air force)

Unit: 196th Light Infantry Brigade Dec 24 66 to Dec 23 67 Vietnam (Army)
SAC (Air force)

Other info: drafted (Army)/ Enlisted Air Force

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Pale Rider

Branch: United States Air Force

Date/s: 10/79 to 8/87

Rank: TSgt

Unit: 474th Tactical Fighter Wing, Nellis AFB, Las Vegas, Nv
61st Tactical Fighter Training Wing, MacDill AFB, Tampa, FL

Other info: Integrated Avionics Instrumentation/Flight Controls Systems Specialist, F-4, F-16
60% Service Connected Disabled Veteran

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Branch: United States Navy

Date/s: Active, August 2002 - present.

Rank: E-4


Other info: Hello Mr. P,
I am an e-4, US Navy Active, August 2002-now. You'll be seeing me on a boat until January 2008.
Have a good day, may I please go on liberty now?


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Branch: United States Army

Date/s: active service Jun 1966 - Sep 1973
Alabama National Guard May 1975 - Sep 1994.

Rank: CW4 (Chief Warrant Officer)


Other info:

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Branch: Army National Guard

Date/s: '83-89

Rank: E3

Unit: 5th ptn 26th MP Co, 26th Inf (Yankee ) Div, MARNG

Other info:

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Branch: United States Air Force

Date/s: Served from 86 to 91.

Rank: Senior Airman


Other info:

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Branch: United States Army

Date/s: 1992 - 1997

Rank: Sergeant E-5


Other info:
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Branch: United States Navy

Date/s: July 1989 - July 1993

Rank: Petty Officer Third Class


Other info: Cryptologic Technician (Interpretive - Russian Language)
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Sailor Man

Branch: United States Navy

Date/s: 1969 - 1989

Rank: Lt. Commander


Other info:
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Branch: United States Marine Corps

Date/s: 1981-2003

Rank: Master Sergeant


Other info:


Branch: Army National Guard (Wisconsin)

Date/s: June 30, 2005-present

Rank: PV2

Unit: 32nd MP Company (currently attending monthly drill at Co.C RSP, until ship for BCT)

Other info: MOS: 31b

Branch: United States Air Force

Date/s: 1981 - 1994

Rank: Master Sergeant (E-7)


Other info: 20270 - Radio Intercept Analysis Technician
20770 - Communications Collection/Systems
20771 - Morse Systems Supervisor
20772 - Printer Systems Supervisor

Kelly AFB, Texas - 1981
Keelsler AFB, MS - 1981-1982
Clark AB, Phillippines - 1982 - 1988
San Vito Air Station, Italy - 1988-1994

Branch: United States Army

Date/s: August 1990- October 1999

Rank: Cpl


Other info: Military Police (95B)

Branch: United States Army

Date/s: 1964-1968

Rank: Sp E-5/ Sgt E-5/ OCS 2nd Lt


Other info: resigned commission went back to E-5 to be with the guys...being a 2nd Lt was like being a Pvt...the brass ignored ya as well as the enlisted...was 11 Echo 40 tank commander...and armor intell...and

Branch: United States Marine Corps

Date/s: 80 - 2000

Rank: GySgt


Other info: 0369

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Branch: United States Air Force

Date/s: 1999-2003

Rank: Staff Sergeant


Other info: 3C2(TechControl)

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Branch: United States Air Force

Date/s: Nov '79 to Jul '00

Rank: Master Sergeant


Other info: Missile Maintenance


Branch: United States Army

Date/s: 1966- 1967

Rank:Sgt E-5

Unit: 1st Cav Div

Other Info: 100% disabled by the VA.


Mr. P

Branch: United States Army

Date/s: 7/73 - 12/77

Rank: CW2 (Chief Warrant Officer)

Unit: C troop 1/17 Air Cavalry, 82nd Airborne Division

Other info: Helicopter Pilot.
Unit Chemical, Biological, Radiological warfare Officer
Sincere and deepest gratitude to all who gave their utmost for this country...past and present/alive and dead
I raise my toast to all who have served, fought and died in the service of their country, the United States of America... salute...


And to my brother, God rest his soul, for his two tours in Viet Nam, who could no longer fight the demons in his memory, and took his own life...


An early picture of me pulling my Barracks Gaurd Duty, Nov, 1979, Lackland AFB, 3711 BMTS, Flt 411.

Pale Rider said:
I raise my toast to all who have served, fought and died in the service of their country, the United States of America... salute...


And to my brother, God rest his soul, for his two tours in Viet Nam, who could no longer fight the demons in his memory, and took his own life...


An early picture of me pulling my Barracks Gaurd Duty, Nov, 1979, Lackland AFB, 3711 BMTS, Flt 411.

Pale, thank you for your service. Thanks to your brother too, God rest his soul.
:cry: :salute:

On Memorial Day, remember the families of our fallen heroes
Knight Ridder Newspapers
Lucas Salie, 6, son of David J. Salie, holds the flag that draped his father's coffin after the funeral at Fort Benning, GA.
MICHELLE YEE, Columbus Ledger-Enquirer
Lucas Salie, 6, son of David J. Salie, holds the flag that draped his father's coffin after the funeral at Fort Benning, GA.

WASHINGTON - Memorial Day is hard upon us, and hard on us as well.

While most Americans celebrate the holiday as the first long weekend of summer, the rest of us will be honoring the sacrifice of countless American lives during 230 years of our nation's history. Winning our independence was bloody work; defending our freedom has been even bloodier.

We are a nation at war this year, just as we have been for the last five years since the terror attacks on innocent American citizens on Sept. 11, 2001. We are at war, but who among us knows the true cost of war, and who pays the price?

The answer to that question is, of course, our living veterans of wars.

All but 50 of the 5 million veterans of World War I are gone from among us. Only about 3.5 million of 16 million American veterans of World War II are still alive. Some 3.2 million veterans of the Korean War are still alive. About 2.5 million of the 3.4 million who served in the Vietnam War theater are still living.

They surely know the true cost of war.

The knowledge of that cost is borne even more keenly by the widows and children, fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters of those who gave their lives in battle in our country's wars.

There are so many of them, and more coming with each passing day in the wars we are fighting now.

The children of war, especially, have so large a claim on our hearts. They have lost fathers, and now even their mothers, in today's wars. The estimate is that Iraq alone has left 3,000 children without one parent or with no parent at all.

This Memorial Day I will be thinking particularly of the five children of the two Army pilots of a Kiowa Warrior helicopter shot down in Mosul, Iraq, on Jan. 13. Their fathers, CWO3 Mitchell K. Carver Jr., 31, of Charlotte, N.C., and CWO2 Kyle E. Jackson, 28, of Sarasota, Fla., were flying cover for a small three-vehicle patrol of Stryker armored vehicles at the time.

I was riding in one of those Strykers at the time and was at the crash site within minutes. I watched their broken bodies were gently eased out of the shattered helicopter - Carver already dead, Jackson alive but barely. He died on the way to the hospital.

At that moment I knew that within a matter of a few hours Army sedans with a chaplain and a casualty notification officer would be pulling up outside houses bearing the news that would shatter happy lives. I knew that those young children would carry holes in their hearts all their lives - holes where a father was supposed to dwell.

This Memorial Day I will also think of the four children of my friend SFC David Salie of the 3rd Infantry Division who was killed a year ago on Valentine's Day, who was in Iraq precisely four days before he was killed in an IED explosion on his first combat tour in that war. Salie had parachuted into Panama with the 82nd Airborne, fought in the Persian Gulf War and deployed in Haiti.

His daughter is a budding writer and poet. Her mother, Deanna, shares some of Chyna's writing with me from time to time. I keep photos of Carver and Jackson, and David Salie and his family on my wall to remind me of them - to remind me of what wars cost - every day.

My friend Karen Spears Zacharias lost her father, Sgt. David Spears, in Vietnam in 1966 when she was 9. She's written a book about what that one death among 58,250 in that war did to the lives of her mother, her two siblings and herself. It's out in paperback with a new title: "After the Flag Has Been Folded."

She travels around the country talking to new widows and their heart-broken children. She knows their pain firsthand. She tries to help them understand that they are not alone. If nothing else she can cry with them over all they have lost.

So this Memorial Day think of all our fallen servicemen in America's wars. But think especially of those innocents they left behind - so filled with pride, so filled with grief, so filled with pain. They are there in many American cities and towns.

Reach out to them. Tell them you thank them for their family's great sacrifice. Tell them we grieve with them. Offer them any help they need. Tell them they are not alone.


Joseph L. Galloway is the senior military correspondent for Knight Ridder Newspapers and co-author of the national best-seller "We Were Soldiers Once ... and Young." Readers may write to him at
Mr. P said:

So watcha got goin' there in that stien Mr. P? Don't tell me something like.... Budwieser... :puke:
Pale Rider said:
So watcha got goin' there in that stien Mr. P? Don't tell me something like.... Budwieser... :puke:
Bud? Yuke!!!!! Never did like that stuff. It's cheap Natural Light.
Mr. P said:
Bud? Yuke!!!!! Never did like that stuff. It's cheap Natural Light.

Nasty Light!! Every poor college students 5th food group!!
A huge GOD BLESS YOU guys and gals, our guardians on the front, the pride of our great country! You will always have my utter respect and too Bully! I salute you today and every day.

Sorry about your brother Pale, now I know where that thunder comes from, that's him riding his big scooter across the sky....God bless him.

And to my Dad, thank you for your many sacrifices and the 29 years you gave to your country, enjoy flying that F-86 forever, hope to join you one day.
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