Oh real republican right here

Whitman compared Trump to Hitler and Mussolini.[68]

Whitman said that Arizona's approach to illegal immigration with Arizona SB 1070 is wrong and that there are better ways to solve the problem.[74] She said that, if she had lived in California in 1994, she would have voted against Proposition 187 concerning illegal immigrants.[75] In an op-ed during her gubernatorial campaign, Whitman wrote, "Clearly, when examining our positions on immigration, there is very little over which Jerry Brown and I disagree".[76]

YAWN! Typical RINO
I suspect there will be more GOP'ers outing themselves....Trump has done great things for the Republican Party in his short tenure....

The very definition of a RINO outing RINOs. The GOP is nothing more or less than completely absurd.
In 2009, Whitman called for "a path to legalization" of illegal immigrants.[75] In a 2010 interview on television station KTLA, Whitman said, "I want to hold employers accountable for hiring only documented workers."[80]

Oh more true republican stances!

Whitman supports abortion rights.[84]

And more
whose executives donated $100,000 to the Whitman campaign, manages a part of Whitman's fortune. As CEO of eBay, Whitman earned approximately $1.78 million resulting from a practice known as spinning whereby executives who did business with Goldman Sachs could reap profits by getting early deals before the public on hot IPOs offered by the bank. Whitman later resigned from the Goldman Sachs board after some expressed concern over her receiving shares from Goldman. In commenting on Whitman’s resignation from the Goldman board, eBay spokesman Henry Gomez told the Wall Street Journal at the time that, "If we wanted to use Goldman's services, she doesn't want there to be even the slightest perception of any conflict. She's doing this because she thinks quite highly of the firm."[113] While Whitman was on Goldman’s board, she served on the compensation committee, which approved multimillion-dollar bonus packages for then-CEO Henry Paulsonand his top aides. Public domain documents reveal that Whitman has a multimillion-dollar stake in 21 investment funds managed by Goldman.[45] Given Goldman's major investments in California state finances, all these ties to Goldman Sachs led to considerable controversy during the gubernatorial campaign.[45] In response, Whitman vowed to eliminate any potential conflicts of interest, and publicly stated that she would immediately sell her Goldman stock and put her Goldman-managed investments in a blind trust if elected governor.

See also

Lmao! Hillary and Meg political whores!

GOP Heavyweight Meg Whitman To Fundraise For Clinton To Take Down ‘Demagogue’ Trump

Go Meg!
Oh real republican right here

Whitman compared Trump to Hitler and Mussolini.[68]

Whitman said that Arizona's approach to illegal immigration with Arizona SB 1070 is wrong and that there are better ways to solve the problem.[74] She said that, if she had lived in California in 1994, she would have voted against Proposition 187 concerning illegal immigrants.[75] In an op-ed during her gubernatorial campaign, Whitman wrote, "Clearly, when examining our positions on immigration, there is very little over which Jerry Brown and I disagree".[76]

YAWN! Typical RINO

Says he man who brags about being a rino to support Trump.
I suspect there will be more GOP'ers outing themselves....Trump has done great things for the Republican Party in his short tenure....

The very definition of a RINO outing RINOs. The GOP is nothing more or less than completely absurd.
I love how the RINOs hate Trump....

I love how you guys have embedded yourselves into a political party that I disagree with and have rotted it from the inside. You should totally throw out half your party because they don't agree with you on absolutely everything. Wingnuts vs pussies, sounds awesome, Democrats win.
It's just pussy power.

I am sure Carly will say and do the same.

Madeline Albright was right.
I suspect there will be more GOP'ers outing themselves....Trump has done great things for the Republican Party in his short tenure....

The very definition of a RINO outing RINOs. The GOP is nothing more or less than completely absurd.
I love how the RINOs hate Trump....

I love how you guys have embedded yourselves into a political party that I disagree with and have rotted it from the inside. You should totally throw out half your party because they don't agree with you on absolutely everything. Wingnuts vs pussies, sounds awesome, Democrats win.
We control 75 pct of the political landscape. Apparently America doesn't share your view.
Not really going to influence anyone
As a blind partisan republican you of course miss the point.

This has nothing to do with ‘influencing’ anyone.

It has to do with the fact that if there are republicans who refuse to support Trump, there are that many more weak democrats and democratic-leaning independents who likewise won’t support Trump; weak democrats and democratic-leaning independents any republican candidate needs to win the WH.
I suspect there will be more GOP'ers outing themselves....Trump has done great things for the Republican Party in his short tenure....

The very definition of a RINO outing RINOs. The GOP is nothing more or less than completely absurd.
I love how the RINOs hate Trump....

I love how you guys have embedded yourselves into a political party that I disagree with and have rotted it from the inside. You should totally throw out half your party because they don't agree with you on absolutely everything. Wingnuts vs pussies, sounds awesome, Democrats win.
We control 75 pct of the political landscape. Apparently America doesn't share your view.

75%? To rephrase a popular NRA line. Acres don't pull the lever, people pull the lever.

As of now those 'evil skewed' polls show what lever those people are pulling.
I suspect there will be more GOP'ers outing themselves....Trump has done great things for the Republican Party in his short tenure....

Yes losing the white house, house and Senate to the Democrats is great for the party
Getting rid of you GOP'ers has been the best thing for the party since Lincoln....

Love it-----love it that Republicans want to shrink the size of their tent - good on you! good for the United States!
I suspect there will be more GOP'ers outing themselves....Trump has done great things for the Republican Party in his short tenure....

Yes losing the white house, house and Senate to the Democrats is great for the party
Getting rid of you GOP'ers has been the best thing for the party since Lincoln....

Love it-----love it that Republicans want to shrink the size of their tent - good on you! good for the United States!

yep, you can have the plutocracy and oligarchy you've always wanted.
Nobody knows or cares who Meg Whitman is, or who she is endorsing. So it was weird to see this democrat talking point like it was "breaking news" with all the Crooked Hillary scandals ignored by the MSM.
I suspect there will be more GOP'ers outing themselves....Trump has done great things for the Republican Party in his short tenure....

The very definition of a RINO outing RINOs. The GOP is nothing more or less than completely absurd.
I love how the RINOs hate Trump....

I love how you guys have embedded yourselves into a political party that I disagree with and have rotted it from the inside. You should totally throw out half your party because they don't agree with you on absolutely everything. Wingnuts vs pussies, sounds awesome, Democrats win.
I'm not a GOP'er.....but one thing is for sure, you fascist liberals will absolutely,despise the Republican Party after were finished fixing it....:lol:

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