Media is selectively sinister


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Editorial Dispatch: Media is selectively sinister

13 Jul 2020 ~~By Tom Shattuck
Last week, in their nightly crossover, CNN’s Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo entertained themselves by mocking conservatives and Trump-friendly media for using what they consider scare tactics to alarm the American people and get them to vote for the GOP candidate in November.
The two anchors got into character, affecting blustery, overwrought voices as Lemon lampooned reports that “Democratic cities are in chaos right now,“ to which Cuomo sarcastically responded, “Crime is rising.”
“Oh my God it’s so bad,” Lemon, clearly enjoying himself, smirkingly declared.
The entire exchange was a comedy roast meant to belittle anyone not fully embracing the aftermath of the George Floyd protests as simple-minded opportunists or worse.
The pair of cable news journalists slapped away contentions that “crime is rising as they defund the police” as Chris Cuomo joked as empty suppositions, not worthy of a serious airing.
Let us do what the two marquee stars of the “most Trusted Name in News” channel did not do: look at the facts.
Many in the media, like those who laugh off the suggestion that their cheerleading for lawlessness may have had dire consequences, will try to continue to ignore the tragic condition on the streets and instead celebrate the public demonstrations that can be triangulated on Chyrons and in their teleprompters into attacks on President Trump and Republicans more broadly.
This may be a pleasurable exercise for those members of the press but it is a grave disservice to those Americans suffering at the hands of this current crime spree. Those victims need the storytellers in news studios to tell their stories more than ever.

Many in the leftist media, like those who laugh off the suggestion that their cheerleading for lawlessness may have had dire consequences, will try to continue to ignore the tragic condition on the streets and instead celebrate the public demonstrations that can be triangulated on Chyrons and in their teleprompters into attacks on President Trump and Republicans more broadly.
This may be a pleasurable exercise for those members of the press but it is a grave disservice to those Americans suffering at the hands of this current crime spree. Those victims need the storytellers in news studios to tell their stories more than ever.
They fail to report the truth, especially those innocent children kille by these thugs goaded on by the taking heads of of the PMS/DSA Left.
Cable news and their representatives need to be boycotted. As it is the viewing public has done so as can be seen by their viewership. If it wasn't for the TV's in airports CNN would have been shut down years ago.

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