Meanwhile at the 5th Circuit Court, we ALMOST won today


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
This was evidence of President Trump's judicial appointments. Close, but no cigar.

"President Trump’s impact on the federal courts was on display Friday when the Fifth Circuit appeals court fell shy of rehearing a case to strike down a federal gun control law, with a unanimous bloc of Trump judges calling the Second Amendment a “fundamental civil right” and suggesting that supporters of this gun-control law were plagued by “hoplophobia” – the medical term for the irrational fear of guns. The president is on the verge of making America’s first pro-MAGA court – but only if he fills its final open seat with another reliable conservative....

This leaves the Fifth Circuit only one vote shy of becoming a court that might reliably protect the Second Amendment, religious liberty, and other fundamental rights that President Trump promised to protect through his judicial appointments...."

Trump Judges Make Moves to Rescue Second Amendment in Appeals Court

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