McCarthy Admits Benghazi Designed to Flatten Hillary Poll Numbers

McCarthy said no such thing. It's the interpretation of what McCarthy said by an angry lesbian activist who pretends to be a political analyst.
I'm not disputing that, but the Speaker says otherwise. I'm only addressing the lefts spin doctors trying to make this into a "gotcha!" moment. The establishment-both parties- are nothing but dirty fucking lying rats and a majority of American's are sick of them. kinda is a "gotcha!" moment. The future Speaker of the House goes on live television and states that a congressional investigation that is supposed to be partisan-neutral (paid for with taxpayer money....) is being utilized to throw mud at Hillary Clinton.

Do you not find ANYTHING corrupt about that whatsoever???? Is that good government to you?????

The entire purpose of the Select Committee is to find out what happened in Benghazi, not to find out how Hillary is guilty.

They go hand in hand don't you think? I mean she is/was the Secretary of State at the time.

No they don't at all....otherwise every single investigation of any attack on any embassy would be focused from the start on incriminating the current Secretary of State.

That really is what you're saying...and it's obviously, blatantly, false.

A non-partisan investigation should be a non-partisan investigation.

Every investigation into an attack on any embassy should be focused on the following things. Could it have been prevented? Did we respond appropriately when it took place? Did we learn from any mistakes we made so that it won't happen again?

Those questions are not "partisan". They may very well be ones that the party in power doesn't want to answer but that doesn't mean that they shouldn't be asked and answered truthfully.
Did you know that, Hillary hates gays? Hillary Clinton’s Email About Gay Parents Should Seriously Trouble Her LGBT Supporters But she loves Ellen DeGenerezzz Why does Hillary hate gays? Liberals need to whip this question out.........and NOW

Doesn't it disturb you to be wrong so many, many, many times? Here are Hillary Clinton's opinions of gays:

  • I re-evaluated & changed my mind on gay marriage. (Jun 2014)
  • We have all evolved on gay marriage since 1990s. (Jun 2014)
  • DOMA discrimination holds us back from a more perfect union. (Jun 2013)
  • I support gay marriage personally and as law. (Mar 2013)
  • Telling kids about gay couples is parental discretion. (Sep 2007)
  • Positive about civil unions, with full equality of benefits. (Aug 2007)
  • Let states decide gay marriage; they’re ahead of feds. (Aug 2007)
  • GLBT progress since 2000, when I marched in gay pride parade. (Aug 2007)
  • Supports DOMA, which Bill Clinton signed. (Jul 2007)
  • Don’t ask don’t tell was an important transition step. (Jun 2007)
  • 2004:defended traditional marriage; 2006:voted for same-sex. (May 2007)
  • Federal Marriage Amendment would be terrible step backwards. (Oct 2006)
  • Gay soldiers need to shoot straight, not be straight. (Nov 2003)
  • End hate crimes and other intolerance. (Sep 2000)
  • Gays deserve domestic partnership benefits. (Feb 2000)
  • Military service based on conduct, not sexual orientation. (Dec 1999)
House Republicans repudiate McCarthy comments on Benghazi probe

CNN ^ | 10/01/2015 | Manu Raju
House Republicans on Wednesday sharply repudiated Rep. Kevin McCarthy's comments that suggested the Benghazi oversight committee had succeeded by tarnishing Hillary Clinton, saying it undermined their party's messaging on a key issue and raised questions about his ability to be the GOP's top communicator. The California Republican, who is the leading contender to become the next speaker of the House, said Tuesday night that the GOP-led Congress had succeeded by bringing down Clinton's poll numbers because of the long-runninig investigation into the 2012 terror attack that killed four Americans. "Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right?" McCarthy said on Fox...

Whatdafuk you expect them to do? We still have the video and you'll have to live with it for a very very long time.
McCarthy said no such thing. It's the interpretation of what McCarthy said by an angry lesbian activist who pretends to be a political analyst.

The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Guardian, The Los Angeles Times and just about every other major newspaper says you're flat wrong, he did say that.
House Republicans repudiate McCarthy comments on Benghazi probe

CNN ^ | 10/01/2015 | Manu Raju
House Republicans on Wednesday sharply repudiated Rep. Kevin McCarthy's comments that suggested the Benghazi oversight committee had succeeded by tarnishing Hillary Clinton, saying it undermined their party's messaging on a key issue and raised questions about his ability to be the GOP's top communicator. The California Republican, who is the leading contender to become the next speaker of the House, said Tuesday night that the GOP-led Congress had succeeded by bringing down Clinton's poll numbers because of the long-runninig investigation into the 2012 terror attack that killed four Americans. "Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right?" McCarthy said on Fox...

Whatdafuk you expect them to do? We still have the video and you'll have to live with it for a very very long time.

And we still have a lying, fucking murderer running for president... BTW, how was McCarthy involved with the Benghazi hearings?...Was he part of the committee, or just expressing his stupid opinion?
McCarthy said no such thing. It's the interpretation of what McCarthy said by an angry lesbian activist who pretends to be a political analyst.

The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Guardian, The Los Angeles Times and just about every other major newspaper says you're flat wrong, he did say that.

Ever notice they ALL have the same talking points.... Face it, they are better liars, cheats, and frauds than Republicans!
McCarthy said no such thing. It's the interpretation of what McCarthy said by an angry lesbian activist who pretends to be a political analyst.

McCarthy: "Everyone said Hillary was unbeatable"
"Well we started the Benghazi investigation.....and look at her poll numbers now."

It's pretty fking hard to misinterpret that.
Jesus, Wry...have a little self respect! Anyone with even a dollop of common sense knows by now that the "GOP cut the budget" trial balloon was shot out of the sky almost as soon as Clinton's people launched it...and yet all this time later people like you and Sallow are STILL pushing that narrative? That's pathetic. Seriously.

Yet it must pain you to see Rice vindicated as she was.

Susan Rice? How was she ever "vindicated"? At best she could possibly be portrayed as a "dupe" of those above her in the Administration. At worst she went along with the lies knowingly.

She didn't lie.
The CIA which generally lies, didn't lie.
The State Department didn't lie.

7 Investigations all found there was no wrong doing. really ARE here trying to pretend that the Obama White House didn't deliberately attempt to mislead the American people when they sent Susan Rice out to all those Sunday morning talk shows to push the "protest turned violent" narrative that they KNEW was a lie!

Tell me what the FBI investigation uncovered about Benghazi, Sallow! I'd like to know. They were the ones that were investigating this for the Obama White House. So what did they find out? Did they even DO an investigation? Did they even GO to Libya? There were network news crews broadcasting from the burned out consulate while the FBI was claiming it was "too dangerous" for them to be there conducting an investigation. "Susie Microphone" from CNN is there but nobody from the Holder Justice Department dares!


No they didn't try or pretend or anything.

What happened was the United States had an consulate attacked by people that were in the midst of turmoil and very angry that the United States was making fun of their religion and holding insurgents in an Annex.

Then you had an Anti American Right wing treacherous bunch of despicable assholes make it into an election issue.

And they are still doing it. that's what you people on the Left are calling terrorists these days? People that are "in the midst of turmoil and very angry..."?

If it WASN'T an election issue then the Obama White House wouldn't have gone to such lengths to lie about it! Why would they possibly send Susan Rice out to every Sunday morning news show to spout that nonsense about a You Tube video when they knew days before that there was no protest that turned violent? The truth is that they DID think it was an election issue and that it WOULD hurt them if they leveled with the American people how badly they'd screwed the pooch with security in Benghazi and their response to the attacks.
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McCarthy said no such thing. It's the interpretation of what McCarthy said by an angry lesbian activist who pretends to be a political analyst.

McCarthy: "Everyone said Hillary was unbeatable"
"Well we started the Benghazi investigation.....and look at her poll numbers now."

It's pretty fking hard to misinterpret that.

No, it's not... 2 separate thoughts, nothing there stating the investigation was done specifically to lower her poll numbers.... besides, her E-MAIL FRAUD, LYING and CORRUPTION did that more so than anything Benghazi could have done!

the party of death (progressive/democrat party) comes to Hillary's rescue again. the hell with Mr. Stevens an INNOCENT American civilian who was KILLED because of her and Obama Screw ups

Too bad you don't care about the 4,000 American soldiers KILLED in Iraq because of Bush's and Cheney's screw-ups. Which is...let's see...4,000 times worse than the death of one person. Quite interesting how you're not nearly as passionate about that.

You're a stupid Repug hack, bitch.
Yet it must pain you to see Rice vindicated as she was.

Susan Rice? How was she ever "vindicated"? At best she could possibly be portrayed as a "dupe" of those above her in the Administration. At worst she went along with the lies knowingly.

She didn't lie.
The CIA which generally lies, didn't lie.
The State Department didn't lie.

7 Investigations all found there was no wrong doing. really ARE here trying to pretend that the Obama White House didn't deliberately attempt to mislead the American people when they sent Susan Rice out to all those Sunday morning talk shows to push the "protest turned violent" narrative that they KNEW was a lie!

Tell me what the FBI investigation uncovered about Benghazi, Sallow! I'd like to know. They were the ones that were investigating this for the Obama White House. So what did they find out? Did they even DO an investigation? Did they even GO to Libya? There were network news crews broadcasting from the burned out consulate while the FBI was claiming it was "too dangerous" for them to be there conducting an investigation. "Susie Microphone" from CNN is there but nobody from the Holder Justice Department dares!


No they didn't try or pretend or anything.

What happened was the United States had an consulate attacked by people that were in the midst of turmoil and very angry that the United States was making fun of their religion and holding insurgents in an Annex.

Then you had an Anti American Right wing treacherous bunch of despicable assholes make it into an election issue.

And they are still doing it. that's what you people on the Left are calling terrorists these days? People that are "in the midst of turmoil and very angry..."?

If it WASN'T an election issue then the Obama White House wouldn't have gone to such lengths to lie about it! Why would they possibly send Susan Rice out to every Sunday morning news show to spout that nonsense about a You Tube video when they knew days before that there was no protest that turned violent? The truth is that they DID think it was an election issue and that it WOULD hurt them if they leveled with the American people had badly they'd screwed the pooch with security in Benghazi and their response to the attacks.
House Republicans repudiate McCarthy comments on Benghazi probe

CNN ^ | 10/01/2015 | Manu Raju
House Republicans on Wednesday sharply repudiated Rep. Kevin McCarthy's comments that suggested the Benghazi oversight committee had succeeded by tarnishing Hillary Clinton, saying it undermined their party's messaging on a key issue and raised questions about his ability to be the GOP's top communicator. The California Republican, who is the leading contender to become the next speaker of the House, said Tuesday night that the GOP-led Congress had succeeded by bringing down Clinton's poll numbers because of the long-runninig investigation into the 2012 terror attack that killed four Americans. "Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right?" McCarthy said on Fox...

Whatdafuk you expect them to do? We still have the video and you'll have to live with it for a very very long time.

And we still have a lying, fucking murderer running for president... BTW, how was McCarthy involved with the Benghazi hearings?...Was he part of the committee, or just expressing his stupid opinion?

McCarthy is the number 2 man in Congress he is in the know.
McCarthy said no such thing. It's the interpretation of what McCarthy said by an angry lesbian activist who pretends to be a political analyst.

McCarthy: "Everyone said Hillary was unbeatable"
"Well we started the Benghazi investigation.....and look at her poll numbers now."

It's pretty fking hard to misinterpret that.

No, it's not... 2 separate thoughts, nothing there stating the investigation was done specifically to lower her poll numbers.... besides, her E-MAIL FRAUD, LYING and CORRUPTION did that more so than anything Benghazi could have done!


Well since there are no charges for that I can safely say you're living in Fantasyland until there are.
the party of death (progressive/democrat party) comes to Hillary's rescue again. the hell with Mr. Stevens an INNOCENT American civilian who was KILLED because of her and Obama Screw ups

Too bad you don't care about the 4,000 American soldiers KILLED in Iraq because of Bush's and Cheney's screw-ups. Which is...let's see...4,000 times worse than the death of one person. Quite interesting how you're not nearly as passionate about that.

You're a stupid Repug hack, bitch.

Those words are much too kind for our resident toe sucker.
the party of death (progressive/democrat party) comes to Hillary's rescue again. the hell with Mr. Stevens an INNOCENT American civilian who was KILLED because of her and Obama Screw ups

Too bad you don't care about the 4,000 American soldiers KILLED in Iraq because of Bush's and Cheney's screw-ups. Which is...let's see...4,000 times worse than the death of one person. Quite interesting how you're not nearly as passionate about that.

You're a stupid Repug hack, bitch.

But all but 13 DemocRAT senators signed onto the bill for Iraq, you spinning piece of shit... Need You tubes of Blow Job Clinton, his wife, and that asshole Kerry stating they want to go to Iraq... just ask, and I'll be happy to continue bitch slapping a moronic subversive!
McCarthy said no such thing. It's the interpretation of what McCarthy said by an angry lesbian activist who pretends to be a political analyst.

McCarthy: "Everyone said Hillary was unbeatable"
"Well we started the Benghazi investigation.....and look at her poll numbers now."

It's pretty fking hard to misinterpret that.

No, it's not... 2 separate thoughts, nothing there stating the investigation was done specifically to lower her poll numbers.... besides, her E-MAIL FRAUD, LYING and CORRUPTION did that more so than anything Benghazi could have done!


Well since there are no charges for that I can safely say you're living in Fantasyland until there are.

Of course there isn't asshole, they are STILL INVESTIGATING.... what a dumbass!
McCarthy said no such thing. It's the interpretation of what McCarthy said by an angry lesbian activist who pretends to be a political analyst.

McCarthy: "Everyone said Hillary was unbeatable"
"Well we started the Benghazi investigation.....and look at her poll numbers now."

It's pretty fking hard to misinterpret that.

No, it's not... 2 separate thoughts, nothing there stating the investigation was done specifically to lower her poll numbers.... besides, her E-MAIL FRAUD, LYING and CORRUPTION did that more so than anything Benghazi could have done!


Well since there are no charges for that I can safely say you're living in Fantasyland until there are.

Of course there isn't asshole, they are STILL INVESTIGATING.... what a dumbass!

LOL, that's why you're in Fantasyland until there are charges. worm.
McCarthy said no such thing. It's the interpretation of what McCarthy said by an angry lesbian activist who pretends to be a political analyst.

McCarthy: "Everyone said Hillary was unbeatable"
"Well we started the Benghazi investigation.....and look at her poll numbers now."

It's pretty fking hard to misinterpret that.

No, it's not... 2 separate thoughts, nothing there stating the investigation was done specifically to lower her poll numbers.... besides, her E-MAIL FRAUD, LYING and CORRUPTION did that more so than anything Benghazi could have done!


Well since there are no charges for that I can safely say you're living in Fantasyland until there are.

Of course there isn't asshole, they are STILL INVESTIGATING.... what a dumbass!

LOL, that's why you're in Fantasyland until there are charges. worm.

No, it's called INVESTIGATION on the PREMISE she did a felony... you know NOTHING of the law, do you child?
It was actually in March of 2015 that The New York Times pointed out Hillary was using a private server.

Which is pretty fricking obvious considering all her emails came from It doesn't take a congressional investigation to figure that out.

But PERJURY does require an investigation. Hillary declared under oath that she did NOT use a personal e-mail....then when it was discovered said she only used 1...then it was revealed 2...'but only on 1 device'...then 2...then 3. Yes, she had a personnel sever that was adequately encrypted...and then THAT turned out to be false...then they found she had been hacked...found her server in a bathroom....then discovered how she said she never sent or received anything marked classified...and we know THAT was a lie...

Yet with every new revelation Libs continue their B$ mantra: 'Nothing found, no need for an investigation...let's forget the whole thing'. At some point it becomes more than pathetic delusion but instead borders complicit ignorance and borderline treason!
Tis you who is delusional if you truly believe the bull crud you have posted. I guess it's easier to believe your right wing hate sites than the unadulterated, untainted truth? Stop being so lazy, and search for truth, you'll find it, underneath all the bull crud....
McCarthy: "Everyone said Hillary was unbeatable"
"Well we started the Benghazi investigation.....and look at her poll numbers now."

It's pretty fking hard to misinterpret that.

No, it's not... 2 separate thoughts, nothing there stating the investigation was done specifically to lower her poll numbers.... besides, her E-MAIL FRAUD, LYING and CORRUPTION did that more so than anything Benghazi could have done!


Well since there are no charges for that I can safely say you're living in Fantasyland until there are.

Of course there isn't asshole, they are STILL INVESTIGATING.... what a dumbass!

LOL, that's why you're in Fantasyland until there are charges. worm.

No, it's called INVESTIGATION on the PREMISE she did a felony... you know NOTHING of the law, do you child?
Or, when Republicans do it, it's called inventing scandals with no basis in reality.

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