McCarthy Admits Benghazi Designed to Flatten Hillary Poll Numbers

It certainly was a legit investigation. Four Americans were killed and it was important enough for those who were indirectly responsible to coverup their failure. That's a warrant for an investigation if ever there was one.

hmmm, how about a warrant issued for the deaths of 4,500 Americans based on the lies by George W, Bush, Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld and the rest of the neo conservatives?

Yet again the partisan omission of the Democrats who did it arm in arm with them

It's a tossup, is this ^^^ a lie, a half-truth or ignorance? Given the record I lean toward a lie but even Kaz deserves a chance to clarify this post.

The D's did not vote in lock-step on the resolution to use force,

Iraq Resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

with a few exceptions the Republicans did. Thus your comment is at best a half-truth. Writing the D's voted arm in arm (aka in lock-step) with the R's is an attempt to deceive the readers.

Of course maybe you actually believe what you wrote, which would not entirely surprise me. You've never shown the acumen necessary to explore matters which might challenge the biases you hold.

You don't hold the Democrats who did it with the Republicans accountable, only Republicans

Calling it a fiasco holds the leaders - regardless of party - accountable, though some were fooled by the lies of Cheney and the bumbler Rumsfeld. As time went on, the numbers of causalities grew it became apparent we had once more created a SNAFU going in unprepared, as infamously said by Rumsfeld:

"As you know, you go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time."

Having a myopic SecDef and an equally foolish VP, " I really do believe that we will be greeted as liberators. I’ve talked with a lot of Iraqis in the last several months myself, had them to the White House....The read we get on the people of Iraq is there is no question but what they want to get rid of Saddam Hussein and they will welcome as liberators the United States when we come to do that."

Where were the Congressional Investigations? 4,500 Americans died and countless others suffered terrible wounds. Anyone who thinks Benghazi needs to have nearly a dozen investigations is a fool, and those members of Congress who continue this witch hunt are despicable miscreants.

Clinton was impeached in such a witch hunt, and it is likely Congress and the Executive were so focused on that witch hunt important matters, foreign and domestic suffered.

Today we see the same shit, investigations by a Congress which has done nothing productive at a high cost to the taxpayers. Only a fool will vote for a Republican in 2016, for doing the same thing again and expecting anything productive from them is worse than being a fool, it is insane.

leaders to you are like the rest of them. you only hold the republican ones responsible.

From the above link:
As the attack in Benghazi was unfolding a few hours later, Mr. Abu Khattala told fellow Islamist fighters and others that the assault was retaliation for the same insulting video, according to people who heard him.

In an interview a few days later, he pointedly declined to say whether an offensive online video might indeed warrant the destruction of the diplomatic mission or the killing of the ambassador. “From a religious point of view, it is hard to say whether it is good or bad,” he said.

So based on the BIASED NYT article it would appear "according to people" "WHAT people"???
But in a specific interview he declined to blame the video.

So RATHER then WASTE the political imagery i.e. "blame the video" rather then THE FACT it was a planned terrorist attack and Mr. Khattala had been involved daily in terrorist attacks Rice/Hillary immediately blamed the video!
Because it was less then 7 weeks from Obama's re-election.
You would think that rather then coming out with an immediate reaction "blame the video", why couldn't the WH wait till the FACTS were known?
BECAUSE of these bumper stickers which shows success in the War on Terror!
View attachment 51169

There were protests and violence all over the middle east over a video made by a criminal who never should have posted it as a result of his release.

Yet you folks CONTINUE to deny it had anything to do with what happened in Libya, as if they somehow missed it.

You folks also DIRECTLY link Al Qaeda to the attack although much of the leadership of Al Qaeda was decimated at the time.

And you folks put up a man as a candidate, who while the attack was on going, was criticizing the sitting commander in chief and trying to make the attack an election issue. Something that was unprecedented, entirely

unique and a very dangerous thing to do.

Now? After 7 investigations we have a GOP leader ADMIT, it was ENTIRELY a political ploy.

What do you do? Back to square one.


Perhaps you can share with us the source of this quote? "The nature of the evidence is irrelevant; it's the seriousness of the charge that matters."?

You understand what a non-sequitur is, correct?

Because you just engaged in one.

And it's complete bullshit.

From the above link:
As the attack in Benghazi was unfolding a few hours later, Mr. Abu Khattala told fellow Islamist fighters and others that the assault was retaliation for the same insulting video, according to people who heard him.

In an interview a few days later, he pointedly declined to say whether an offensive online video might indeed warrant the destruction of the diplomatic mission or the killing of the ambassador. “From a religious point of view, it is hard to say whether it is good or bad,” he said.

So based on the BIASED NYT article it would appear "according to people" "WHAT people"???
But in a specific interview he declined to blame the video.

So RATHER then WASTE the political imagery i.e. "blame the video" rather then THE FACT it was a planned terrorist attack and Mr. Khattala had been involved daily in terrorist attacks Rice/Hillary immediately blamed the video!
Because it was less then 7 weeks from Obama's re-election.
You would think that rather then coming out with an immediate reaction "blame the video", why couldn't the WH wait till the FACTS were known?
BECAUSE of these bumper stickers which shows success in the War on Terror!
View attachment 51169

There were protests and violence all over the middle east over a video made by a criminal who never should have posted it as a result of his release.

Yet you folks CONTINUE to deny it had anything to do with what happened in Libya, as if they somehow missed it.

You folks also DIRECTLY link Al Qaeda to the attack although much of the leadership of Al Qaeda was decimated at the time.

And you folks put up a man as a candidate, who while the attack was on going, was criticizing the sitting commander in chief and trying to make the attack an election issue. Something that was unprecedented, entirely

unique and a very dangerous thing to do.

Now? After 7 investigations we have a GOP leader ADMIT, it was ENTIRELY a political ploy.

What do you do? Back to square one.


Perhaps you can share with us the source of this quote? "The nature of the evidence is irrelevant; it's the seriousness of the charge that matters."?

You understand what a non-sequitur is, correct?

Because you just engaged in one.

And it's complete bullshit.

And you know I did not, you are just trying to avoid the hypocrisy that knowing the source of the quote would reveal.

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