

Oct 15, 2008
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Just wanted to start a little debate with the supporters of McCain/Palin..I was undecided until Palin stepped into the picture. How can one support a ticket where the VP pick has never traveled outside North America until this past year?!..Obviously this pick was way more political, then it was a choice for what would be best for our country. The next president is going to have to focus most of his attention on restoring the American economy, therefore leaving the VP to concentrate more with foreign policy...Palin, concentrating on foreign policy....:eek:...I feel much more comfortable with Biden talking to foreign heads of state and dealing with serious international issues than Sarah Palin, who probably can't find Afghanistan on a globe. (I'm not even going to comment on her CBS interviews, besides the point that I believe she should have resigned as the VP nomination after that). As far as the VP Debate went, Sarah Palin even stated "I may not answer your questions the way you want me too...." Ya no $hit, because you have no answers, just the same slogans your advisors told you to repeat. As I started to learn more about McCain, I became quite shocked about what hasn't been said all that much in the media (I hear so much of a liberal media, but I rarely hear attacks about McCains history, compared to all this Obama pailing around with terrorists which I hear everyday.) So McCain was lucky as hell to get into the naval academy..almost got kicked out, and then graduated 894 out of 899!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1:eek::eek::eek:....then divorced his wife because she was disabled from an accident...after she waited for years for him to return from a vietnam pow camp??!! Don't get me wrong, I respect his service, but lets face it, he was lucky enough to even be fighting for our country because he should have been kicked out of the Naval Academy, let along graduate. The only legitimate attack on obama is his relationship with Ayers..As I looked into it however, they both taught at the same University, and met each other while working together on community projects in the Chicago area, nearly 30 years after his "terrorist" activities, which Obama has strongly opposed...Someone argue for McCain/Palin please :cuckoo:
Just wanted to start a little debate with the supporters of McCain/Palin..I was undecided until Palin stepped into the picture. How can one support a ticket where the VP pick has never traveled outside North America until this past year?!..Obviously this pick was way more political, then it was a choice for what would be best for our country. The next president is going to have to focus most of his attention on restoring the American economy, therefore leaving the VP to concentrate more with foreign policy...Palin, concentrating on foreign policy....:eek:...I feel much more comfortable with Biden talking to foreign heads of state and dealing with serious international issues than Sarah Palin, who probably can't find Afghanistan on a globe. (I'm not even going to comment on her CBS interviews, besides the point that I believe she should have resigned as the VP nomination after that). As far as the VP Debate went, Sarah Palin even stated "I may not answer your questions the way you want me too...." Ya no $hit, because you have no answers, just the same slogans your advisors told you to repeat. As I started to learn more about McCain, I became quite shocked about what hasn't been said all that much in the media (I hear so much of a liberal media, but I rarely hear attacks about McCains history, compared to all this Obama pailing around with terrorists which I hear everyday.) So McCain was lucky as hell to get into the naval academy..almost got kicked out, and then graduated 894 out of 899!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1:eek::eek::eek:....then divorced his wife because she was disabled from an accident...after she waited for years for him to return from a vietnam pow camp??!! Don't get me wrong, I respect his service, but lets face it, he was lucky enough to even be fighting for our country because he should have been kicked out of the Naval Academy, let along graduate. The only legitimate attack on obama is his relationship with Ayers..As I looked into it however, they both taught at the same University, and met each other while working together on community projects in the Chicago area, nearly 30 years after his "terrorist" activities, which Obama has strongly opposed...Someone argue for McCain/Palin please :cuckoo:

Most of the leftists on this board are going to be VERY DISAPPOINTED in what they get with Obama in the White House.

1) There will be no massive health care reform. There's no money to do it with. They gave it all to the banks in the bailout.....and blew it up in Iraq

2) There will be no massive pullout in Iraq or bringing any soldiers home. The few he will be able to gradually pull out of Iraq, he plans on using them in a massively beefed up Afghanistan.

3) There will be NO big tax cut. He's already told us that. Even he is smart enough to know you cannot raise taxes in a recession. And he could charge a 50% or 100% rate on capital gains, but in this market there will be NO GAINS TO TAX!!!!!

4) He's already agreed to open up unrestricted drilling and has given up opposing nuclear power rebuilding. No major new energy program is forthcoming again because there is no money for it.

5) NAFTA will not be renegotiated.

So basically, it will be hard to tell an Obama administration from a Bush administration. There's no money for any major domestic issue, and all he's going to do overseas is begin moving the focus of the War on Terror to a different place. And no real tax increase on anyone..... And any initiative that makes it to Congress will get filibustered to death in the Senate
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You will be able to tell the difference between the Bush administration and the Obama administration every time Obama speaks.

Bush is mildly retarded.

Obama is not.
You will be able to tell the difference between the Bush administration and the Obama administration every time Obama speaks.

Bush is mildly retarded.

Obama is not.

In an Obama adminstration you will be able to tell the difference when you look at your paystub, under the heading, Federal Income Tax. Expect a bigger number in that section...."Spread the Wealth"
You will be able to tell the difference between the Bush administration and the Obama administration every time Obama speaks.

Bush is mildly retarded.

Obama is not.

Once more, a mild retard with degrees from Yale and Harvard. How does that work?
The only one who's going to benefit from either administration is Joe the Plummer!! I wonder how many interviews he'll get this week?...the vast majority of americans are going to see tax cuts under obama since most of us are making around 50-70k a year. And these companies who are going to have increased taxes "like obama said", are making millions-billions/year in profit..I love how McCain says gov't has grown by 40% in the last 8 years..ya, with a republican administration!!!...who McCain has mostly supported in the past 8 years, and has approved most of his budgets
Just wanted to start a little debate with the supporters of McCain/Palin..I was undecided until Palin stepped into the picture. How can one support a ticket where the VP pick has never traveled outside North America until this past year?!..Obviously this pick was way more political, then it was a choice for what would be best for our country. The next president is going to have to focus most of his attention on restoring the American economy, therefore leaving the VP to concentrate more with foreign policy...Palin, concentrating on foreign policy....:eek:...I feel much more comfortable with Biden talking to foreign heads of state and dealing with serious international issues than Sarah Palin, who probably can't find Afghanistan on a globe. (I'm not even going to comment on her CBS interviews, besides the point that I believe she should have resigned as the VP nomination after that). As far as the VP Debate went, Sarah Palin even stated "I may not answer your questions the way you want me too...." Ya no $hit, because you have no answers, just the same slogans your advisors told you to repeat. As I started to learn more about McCain, I became quite shocked about what hasn't been said all that much in the media (I hear so much of a liberal media, but I rarely hear attacks about McCains history, compared to all this Obama pailing around with terrorists which I hear everyday.) So McCain was lucky as hell to get into the naval academy..almost got kicked out, and then graduated 894 out of 899!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1:eek::eek::eek:....then divorced his wife because she was disabled from an accident...after she waited for years for him to return from a vietnam pow camp??!! Don't get me wrong, I respect his service, but lets face it, he was lucky enough to even be fighting for our country because he should have been kicked out of the Naval Academy, let along graduate. The only legitimate attack on obama is his relationship with Ayers..As I looked into it however, they both taught at the same University, and met each other while working together on community projects in the Chicago area, nearly 30 years after his "terrorist" activities, which Obama has strongly opposed...Someone argue for McCain/Palin please :cuckoo:

Nobody is saying either one of them is perfect but McCain has way way way more experience then Obama Sarah has ACTUALLY ran a government she even has more experience then Obama. Obama is the MOST liberal Democrat we have. All I heard out of Obama is spend spend spend. You think we are going to get a tax break really Dorothy click your heels and come back home. Obama is delusional or a flat out liar. Who does he think is going to pay for all those ideas of his?

Oh wait he is going to jack up the rich people's taxes. Let me just tell you how that it going to pan out. Most of the rich people are running our business. Let me see obama raises my taxes how can I make that money up hmmmm sing it with me lay off lay off lay off off off. Oh one more thing if that don't quite make up my money I will jack up the price of my products. Who gets to eat up that higher tax Joe plumber that is who. We may not be handing it directly to the government but we will hand it out I promise you that.

I don't know why Obama thinks we are that stupid. He will say or promise us unrealistic crap just to get into office. He cannot deliver what he has promised THEIR IS NO MONEY? Remember the $750 BILLION dollar bail out?

BTW Obama wants to take credit for implementing the oversight of that money. HMmm I wonder if he attended the $440,000 party AGI had with our tax dollars? You think he got one of those spa treatments? Great job on that one Obama.

Change he said he wants change really is that why he picked a good ole white boy to be his running mate that has been in Washington as long as McCain?

McCain came out with change he picked a total outsider. Yep the media has has big fun ripping her to shreds. Is she stupid you tell me she sold Alaska's jet on ebay and gave the money back to the people. She was elected mayor then governor of Alaska in a predominately male society then she got picked to run for VP that just don't sound all the dumb to me. So she tripped up in a few interviews yeah sure she has no idea where Iraq is yeah right. Stupid she ain't but that is what the media wants us to think. See behind the liberal media they are a pack of wolves and we all know it. They are only after ratings they could care less about us.

Sarah took on the big oil companies and got results. I say give her a shot at it. I dare say the white men and black men of this country have pretty much run it in the ground almost bankrupted us put us in almost another depression.

Yeah we got rocket scientist in Washington. Sarah just might be a breath of fresh air. I liked it when she told Biden huh I am just not used to you guys yet one minute you are for something the next you are not. She called him on it good for her. Wake up and smell the coffee you want change jump on it and let Sarah have it.

PS When McCain was in that POW camp they offered to let him go he refused to leave his men behind and was brutally beaten. What does that say about his character?
I assure you that Palin was purely a political choice, and not the person who McCain thought could best run this country if something were to happen to him (Can you honestly disagree with me on this???...hillary clinton votes)...Obama picked a much better VP candidate who I could honestly imagine being President. I can't even imagine the type of chaos that could occur should Palin take over the presidency

You talk about spending ideas by Obama...McCain made quite a few promises about different programs and tax cuts he wants to make and his tax plan actually costs over 200 billion more...then after all the promises he made, he proposed a spending freeze?? he needs to make up his mind
Most of the leftists on this board are going to be VERY DISAPPOINTED in what they get with Obama in the White House.

Well we know for sure that we got screwed with 8 years of Bush.

It would be hard to be any worse than him.

But you're right on one thing, he has messed up our economy so bad, it will take years to even get back on somewhat of an even keel.

When Obama is elected, expect to start hearing the right complain that he isn't fixing Bush's screwups quick enough.
You will be able to tell the difference between the Bush administration and the Obama administration every time Obama speaks.

Bush is mildly retarded.

Obama is not.

Well we know for sure that we got screwed with 8 years of Bush.

It would be hard to be any worse than him.

But you're right on one thing, he has messed up our economy so bad, it will take years to even get back on somewhat of an even keel.

When Obama is elected, expect to start hearing the right complain that he isn't fixing Bush's screwups quick enough.

No, you'll hear the right complain that he's trying to instill socialist policies in the White House, and that he lied to the people when he claimed not to be sympathetic to those who hate America.

You'll hear the right complain that he is reducing the level of safety in the US, and putting our soldiers at risk elsewhere.

Essentially, you'll hear the right complain about the same things they claim about him now. Only if he becomes president, instead of just hearing us complain about the potential, you'll be hearing us complaining about the actual events.
Ali, your hero Bush Boy partially socializes our Banks and you bitch about Obama. Fucking Yawn

It was dishonest, cynical men who put forward a clueless young woman for national office, hoping to juice up the ticket, hoping she could skate through two months of chaperoned campaigning, but the truth emerges: The lady is talking freely about matters she has never thought about. The American people have an ear for B.S. They can tell when someone's mouth is moving and the clutch is not engaged. When she said, "One thing that Americans do at this time, also, though, is let's commit ourselves just every day, American people, Joe Sixpack, hockey moms across the nation, I think we need to band together and say never again. Never will we be exploited and taken advantage of again by those who are managing our money and loaning us these dollars," people smelled gas.

Some Republicans adore her because they are pranksters at heart and love the consternation of grown-ups. The ne'er-do-well son of the old Republican family as president, the idea that you increase government revenue by cutting taxes, the idea that you cut social services and thereby drive the needy into the middle class, the idea that you overthrow a dictator with a show of force and achieve democracy at no cost to yourself — one stink bomb after another, and now Gov. Palin.

She is a chatty sportscaster who lacks the guile to conceal her vacuity, and she was John McCain's first major decision as nominee. This troubles independent voters, and now she is a major drag on his candidacy. She will get a nice book deal from Regnery and a new career making personal appearances for 40 grand a pop, and she'll become a trivia question, "What politician claimed foreign policy expertise based on being able to see Russia from her house?" And the rest of us will have to pull ourselves out of the swamp of Republican economics.

Americans' B.S. detectors off charts with Palin - St. Petersburg Times
No, you'll hear the right complain that he's trying to instill socialist policies in the White House, and that he lied to the people when he claimed not to be sympathetic to those who hate America.

You'll hear the right complain that he is reducing the level of safety in the US, and putting our soldiers at risk elsewhere.

Essentially, you'll hear the right complain about the same things they claim about him now. Only if he becomes president, instead of just hearing us complain about the potential, you'll be hearing us complaining about the actual events.

Yeah...Our country is much safer now..after the bush administration, along with McCain, convinced us that Iraq had WMD's and were part of the 9/11 attacks. With McCains short temper I don't even want to know what kind of foreign policy plans he has. I do know that its time we have a more diplomatic president who wishes to talk to other countrys before we invade and take them over
In an Obama adminstration you will be able to tell the difference when you look at your paystub, under the heading, Federal Income Tax. Expect a bigger number in that section...."Spread the Wealth"

I hope they tax the shit out of you.

Soak the rich.
I assure you that Palin was purely a political choice, and not the person who McCain thought could best run this country if something were to happen to him (Can you honestly disagree with me on this???...hillary clinton votes)...Obama picked a much better VP candidate who I could honestly imagine being President. I can't even imagine the type of chaos that could occur should Palin take over the presidency

You talk about spending ideas by Obama...McCain made quite a few promises about different programs and tax cuts he wants to make and his tax plan actually costs over 200 billion more...then after all the promises he made, he proposed a spending freeze?? he needs to make up his mind

Yep we are not in Chaos right now nooooo yes we are wake up. I can't imagine how Sarah could make this any worse. I stand by my statement the white and black men in Washington have tore this country apart yes they are soooo freaking brilliant. So yes I think Sarah could not do any worse I am betting she could do better. Don't be such a sexist just because she is good looking and tripped up on a few speeches does not make her incapable or stupid.
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