- Oct 15, 2008
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Just wanted to start a little debate with the supporters of McCain/Palin..I was undecided until Palin stepped into the picture. How can one support a ticket where the VP pick has never traveled outside North America until this past year?!..Obviously this pick was way more political, then it was a choice for what would be best for our country. The next president is going to have to focus most of his attention on restoring the American economy, therefore leaving the VP to concentrate more with foreign policy...Palin, concentrating on foreign policy....
...I feel much more comfortable with Biden talking to foreign heads of state and dealing with serious international issues than Sarah Palin, who probably can't find Afghanistan on a globe. (I'm not even going to comment on her CBS interviews, besides the point that I believe she should have resigned as the VP nomination after that). As far as the VP Debate went, Sarah Palin even stated "I may not answer your questions the way you want me too...." Ya no $hit, because you have no answers, just the same slogans your advisors told you to repeat. As I started to learn more about McCain, I became quite shocked about what hasn't been said all that much in the media (I hear so much of a liberal media, but I rarely hear attacks about McCains history, compared to all this Obama pailing around with terrorists which I hear everyday.) So McCain was lucky as hell to get into the naval academy..almost got kicked out, and then graduated 894 out of 899!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

....then divorced his wife because she was disabled from an accident...after she waited for years for him to return from a vietnam pow camp??!! Don't get me wrong, I respect his service, but lets face it, he was lucky enough to even be fighting for our country because he should have been kicked out of the Naval Academy, let along graduate. The only legitimate attack on obama is his relationship with Ayers..As I looked into it however, they both taught at the same University, and met each other while working together on community projects in the Chicago area, nearly 30 years after his "terrorist" activities, which Obama has strongly opposed...Someone argue for McCain/Palin please