"Maybe we should start all over with the electrical college"


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles

The way the founders set up the country every first vote, for president, was expected to go to the representative from the state, and the second choice would be for someone else.

What state loyalty do we have these days? I'd vote for Buckwheat from Moosejaw a million times before I would vote for Fienstein from California.

Everyone votes for the guy from their state, and the second choice would actually win. The highest count would win President and the second highest would win VP.

At first they didn't want political parties at all, but afterwards, a VP could be from a different party then the president.

The founders had to come up with the electoral system , because the most populist state was expected to vote for their state, and therefor, dominate the federal government. They created electoral votes to equalize the states.

These days , California has created the same problem. For every million Mexicans they bring here, the state gets more electoral votes. The last census they were very militant about correct information "YOU'RE NOT GOING TO BE DEPORTED! TELL US HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE IN THE HOUSE.


Back when the nation was created , the federal government was not involved in your life, the presidency was more of a figurehead department that handled treaties, and policy only for the federal government.

The federal government didn't have police agencies, and the federal government was not more powerful than individual states

It was in later years they created departments that got involved in every aspect of your life. Now we have the post office buying ammo ...no one knows what the hell is going on.


The electoral process have been changed numerous times , and state gerrymandering has always been a problem. It's not accurate to say the founders created this system.

By the time the second president John Adams was in office, people were already complaining the president over-stepped his bounds. Jefferson overturned his policy.
the issue with the faithless electors is state by state. Only 24 states require their electors to vote the way of their districts. It can be required very easily . Our politicians are waiting for a problem before they do something.

(2 electors in Washington voted for Sanders)

once again, this is from a time when Presidents didn't have much effect on the daily lives of the public.

The government was created so your local politicians were more important to you

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