Maybe some are listening, per this article: Biden to Join First-Ever ‘Quad’ Leaders Meeting, Morrison Says


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
As I've predicted, there is going to be a massive shift in global influence and these nations in particular MUST be drawn into the U.S camp. Wisely, America, with Biden a part of the meeting, is getting the "Quad" nations together. That being India, Australia, Japan and the U.S. Canada and the U.K have sadly fallen off, though Boris Johnson has been more outspoken of late after the major loss of face and influence after China walked into HK.

I'm glad to hear this, the U.S must reinforce relationships here along with military and public words among these nations. I would definitely go one nation further and include Taiwan. The line in the sand has to be drawn. If not, we will have another Germany but one with far more power, and a strong potential military ally in Russia.

The world can send the message to China "you took Hong Kong, we are going to recognize Taiwan and include them going forward" and just as China wins wars without firing a shot, the world can do the same in recognizing Taiwan. Let China yell and scream, in my opinion, the SCS and Taiwan is worth going to bat for, even as I admit I don't have my own skin on the line.

This expansion must be confronted now, before there is no such option.

Australian PM Morrison says Biden will join first-ever 'Quad' meeting

© Aaron Schwartz

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison on Friday said that President Biden will be joining him, as well as the leaders of Japan and India, in a first-ever “Quad” bloc virtual summit.

Morrison told reporters in Sydney about the plans, saying that the pact between the countries “will become a feature of Indo-Pacific engagement,” according to Bloomberg.

“It will be four leaders, four countries, working together constructively for the peace, prosperity and stability of the Indo-Pacific,” Morrison said, though he did not provide any additional details on when the meeting will be held.

The Quad, a security dialogue between the four nations first established in 2007, has increasingly gained support in recent years as a method to counter China’s growing influence in the Indo-Pacific region.

Bloomberg reported that Morrison added Friday, “the Quad is very central to the United States and our thinking about the region, and looking at the Indo-Pacific also through the prism of our ASEAN partners and their vision of the Indo-Pacific,” referencing the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations.

Axios first reported the summit plans late Thursday, citing people familiar with the matter.

While Biden has spoken with the leader of each of the Quad nations individually, a group summit would signal a further strengthening of the dialogue, which some have said could develop into an Asian version of NATO.
The White House declined to confirm the upcoming meeting between Biden and the other Quad leaders when asked by Axios.
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though Boris Johnson has been more outspoken of late after the major loss of face and influence after China walked into HK.

China walked into HK in 1997 ... Britain handed them the keys.

Yes, but the agreement was until 1999 anyways, they received HK two years early, in exchange for autonomy until 2047.

China just said "we know you are weak", and they walked in, arrested, imprisoned and basically eliminated the democrat party. All in front of the world who remained like mice.
Good to hear. I hope that these allies can be a bulwark against Russia and China. I love Australia and Japan. And we need to continue to create growth in India as their people join the "middle-class" of the world.

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