Maui Burning

Do you always comment with a question without reading or looking at vids?
Ever since MGT made that silly comment about "Jewish Space Lazers," and since folks around the 911 truth movement hypothesized that DEW were used on Sept 11, (the hundreds of cars that were burned out that day, look identical to the cars you posted,) see comments on the news cast video below. . . folks don't want to even think about the unthinkable, they really don't.

This technology IS real, the establishment, of course, closely guards how developed it is, and who controls it, for what use.

Development on it probably started even before Ronald Reagan announced they were going to start publicly funding it, and Hollywood started making movies about it in the mid-eighties. . .


Directed Energy Weapons Are Real . . . And Disruptive​

By Henry “Trey” Obering, III PRISM Vol. 8, No. 3

Here's a few videos made by an indie media creator you might be interested in, I believe from Hawaii? Using some Hawaii media sources & investigation. I have not bothered to verify any of this information myself. . . it is just too nightmarish for me to handle, TBH. (These are sort of out there. .. . so be warned. Well, TBH, this whole thing is. . . :sigh2:)

Shocking Video: The Burned Cars of the Paradise, California and Lahaina, Hawaii DEW Fires​

How Did Blue Cars Survive the Maui Lahaina Laser Torching?​

The 2,025 Missing Students of the Maui Massacre: Enter Jeffrey Epstein and His Connection​


The 2,025 Missing Students of the Maui Massacre: Enter Jeffrey Epstein and His Connection

Yes. The perfect timing, isn't it? Let the kids out of school on a day where their parents are working, fire breaks out, kids missing now. Perfect change to steal 2000 kids. How would they do it? Just round them up, take them to the newly discovered underground tunnels, whisk them away to transportation to get them off the island to sell them. Epstein is dead, but his buddies that are in to pedo stuff are still very active.

2000 kids just don't disappear.

The 2,025 Missing Students of the Maui Massacre: Enter Jeffrey Epstein and His Connection

Yes. The perfect timing, isn't it? Let the kids out of school on a day where their parents are working, fire breaks out, kids missing now. Perfect change to steal 2000 kids. How would they do it? Just round them up, take them to the newly discovered underground tunnels, whisk them away to transportation to get them off the island to sell them. Epstein is dead, but his buddies that are in to pedo stuff are still very active.

2000 kids just don't disappear.
You forgot to mention, that guy that was in that network who knew Epstein and his buddies, his hotel didn't burn. . . I have no idea if that was behind those road blocks that folks were not allowed to access. . .
Do people really, truly think that laser-armed satellites is a more logical explanation for a fire than hurricane force winds knocking down power lines?


It’s like some of you here find reality too
boring, so you’re just opting out….
Anyone who thinks the fire in Maui involved space lasers, blue-marked “safe” areas, or child trafficking rings is a fool.

How do you explain this event?

No island of Hawaii has ever burned like this. The fire appears to have spread everywhere in a matter of minutes, which is not a realistic scenario of an island with over 700 square miles including hills and mountains. The only way this fire is explained is with two reasons...

One, the 15 fold increase in population of Hawaii in the past 130 years has sucked the fresh water groundwater tables dry, drier than they've ever been, and that is why the plant life was "ready to burn" instead of wet, as it always has been.

Two, the speed and destruction of this fire suggests artificial "enhancements" to spread and burn what it did. Those houses are just totally burned to the ground. That is not explained by just fire, grass, and leaves and wind. The burning cars in enclosed pavement areas should not have burned, but they did.

Once again, a mass murder of Americans is not explained by the "official explanation" and Hawaiian temperature records document that Hawaii is not warming and was not having a warm summer at the time of the fire. The explanation of "global warming" and one electric wire plus wind is not even close. This is another sick high level hate hoax, with Chris Wray in charge of covering it up...

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